

AJ+ on X: "Bisan Owda has just won one of broadcast journalism’s highest honors – the Peabody Award – for her work with AJ+. Bisan is currently facing intense Israeli bombardment in Rafah in the occupied Gaza Strip. This is her message to the world":


#Palestine #Gaza #Israel #Journalism #Press
#Bisan #wizard_bisan1 #AlJazeera


It is always a bad sign when a #democracy bans the #press...

source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68961753.amp

The Foreign Press Association (FPA) urged the Israeli government to reconsider its decision, saying the shut down of #AlJazeera in the country should be "a cause for concern for all supporters of a free press".

#censorship #war #gaza #problem #journalism #freedom #politics #military #humanrights #security #news


Well, you got what you paid for.

Algernon D'Ammassa - 2024-05-06 04:09:43 GMT

Assigned a story with a cool angle to a freelance reporter. It involved attending a certain single-day festival. Two hours *after the festival began* the stringer texts me: “Hey, I’m sorry but I’m not going to be able to make it” and then came the chaser: She had decided the story I proposed, on an assignment she accepted, wasn’t “impactful” anyway.I’m flabbergasted.

That ashy smell is of a bridge being burned.

#journalism #partylikeaneditor #freelancing


Democracy Dies Behind Paywalls

The case for making journalism free—at least during the 2024 election


I learned of this article on Techdirt. I keep JavaScript off by default, so I have no trouble reading this. See if you do.

It almost feels like a publicity stunt. They put an article called "Democracy Dies Behind Paywalls" behind a paywall. It's like performance art. I think it's very funny.

Here's a bit of the Atlantic article.

Paywalls create a two-tiered system: credible, fact-based information for people who are willing to pay for it, and murkier, less-reliable information for everyone else. Simply put, paywalls get in the way of informing the public, which is the mission of journalism. And they get in the way of the public being informed, which is the foundation of democracy. It is a terrible time for the press to be failing at reaching people, during an election in which democracy is on the line. There’s a simple, temporary solution: Publications should suspend their paywalls for all 2024 election coverage and all information that is beneficial to voters. Democracy does not die in darkness—it dies behind paywalls.

See also "The Truth Is Paywalled But The Lies Are Free" at https://www.currentaffairs.org/2020/08/the-truth-is-paywalled-but-the-lies-are-free/

#the-atlantic #paywalls #democracy #free-journalism #election #funny #media #news #journalism


« L’affaire #Assange au regard du droit : 14 ans de persécution judiciaire »
Jeudi 16 mai 2024 à 19h30 – Salle Olympe de Gouges, #Paris 11e (métro Père Lachaise)

L’événement aura lieu quelques jours avant l’audience décisive du 20 mai à Londres qui tranchera quant à la possibilité d’un ultime appel du fondateur de #WikiLeaks au #Royaume-Uni pour empêcher l’extradition vers les #États-Unis. Ce sera donc aussi un rassemblement de #soutien, l’extradition étant une menace réelle et imminente en cas de réponse négative de la Haute Cour britannique.

Les intervenants seront :
-- Christophe Marchand, avocat de Julian Assange depuis 2015, il le représente devant la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme ( #CEDH) ;
-- Deepa Driver, observatrice juridique (elle a suivi toutes les audiences d’extradition) et universitaire dans le domaine de la réglementation financière et de la responsabilité des entreprises et des États ;
-- William Bourdon, avocat pénaliste spécialisé dans le droit des #médias et la défense des lanceurs d’alerte ;
-- Éric Alt, magistrat et administrateur de l’association de #lutte contre la #corruption #Anticor.

La #conférence commencera à 19h30 mais les portes ouvriront dès 18h30, avec les stands des différents partenaires et une buvette.

#FreeAssange #UK #USA #Journalism


WikiLeaks - Guardian journalist negligently disclosed Cablegate passwords (2011)

#politics #journalism #freedom


A Guardian journalist has negligently disclosed top secret WikiLeaks’ decryption passwords to hundreds of thousands of unredacted unpublished US diplomatic cables.

Knowledge of the Guardian disclosure has spread privately over several months but reached critical mass last week. The unpublished WikiLeaks’ material includes over 100,000 classified unredacted cables that were being analyzed, in parts, by over 50 media and human rights organizations from around the world.

For the past month WikiLeaks has been in the unenviable position of not being able to comment on what has happened, since to do so would be to draw attention to the decryption passwords in the Guardian book. Now that the connection has been made public by others we can explain what happened and what we intend to do.

WikiLeaks has commenced pre-litigation action against the Guardian and an individual in Germany who was distributing the Guardian passwords for personal gain.

Over the past nine months, WikiLeaks has been releasing US diplomatic cables according to a carefully laid out plan to stimulate profound changes. A number of human rights groups, including Amnesty International, believe that the co-ordinated release of the cables contributed to triggering the Arab Spring. By forming partnerships with over 90 other media and human rights organizations WikiLeaks has been laying the ground for positive political change all over the world.

The WikiLeaks method involves a sophisticated procedure of packaging leaked US diplomatic cables up into country groups or themes, such as ‘resources corruption’, and providing it to those organizations that agreed to do the most research in exchange for time-limited exclusivity. As part of the WikiLeaks agreement, these groups, using their local knowledge, remove the names of persons reporting unjust acts to US embassies, and feed the results back to WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks then publishes, simultaneously with its partners, the underlying cables together with the politically explosive revelations. This way publications that are too frightened to publish the cables have the proof they need, and the public can check to make sure the claims are accurate.

Over time WikiLeaks has been building up, and publishing, the complete Cablegate “library”–the most significant political document ever published. The mammoth task of reading and lightly redacting what amounts to 3,000 volumes or 284 million words of global political history is shared by WikiLeaks and its partners. That careful work has been compromised as a result of the recklessness of the Guardian.

Revolutions and reforms are in danger of being lost as the unpublished cables spread to intelligence contractors and governments before the public. The Arab Spring would not have started in the manner it did if the Tunisian government of Ben Ali had copies of those WikiLeaks releases which helped to take down his government. Similarly, it is possible that the torturing Egyptian internal security chief, Suleiman–Washington’s proposed replacement for Mubarak–would now be the acting ruler of Egypt, had he acquired copies of the cables that exposed his methods prior to their publication.

Indeed, it is one of the indelible stains on Hillary Clinton that she personally set course to forewarn dozens of corrupt leaders, including Hosni Mubarak, about some of the most powerful details of WikiLeaks’ revelations to come.

Every day that the corrupt leadership of a country or organization knows of a pending WikiLeaks disclosure is a day spent planning how to crush revolution and reform.

Guardian investigations editor, David Leigh, recklessly, and without gaining our approval, knowingly disclosed the decryption passwords in a book published by the Guardian. Leigh states the book was rushed forward to be written in three weeks–the rights were then sold to Hollywood.

The following extract is from the Guardian book:

{Leigh tried his best not to fall out with this Australian impresario, who was prone to criticise what he called the “snaky Brits”. Instead, Leigh used his ever-shifting demands as a negotiating lever. “You want us to postpone the Iraq logs’ publication so you can get some TV,” he said. [WikiLeaks: We required more time for redactions and to complete three Iraq war documentaries commissioned through the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. The documentaries were syndicated through Channel 4 (UK) and al Jazeera English and Arabic] “We could refuse, and simply go ahead with publication as planned. If you want us to do something for you, then you’ve got to do something for us as well.” He asked Assange to stop procrastinating, and hand over the biggest trove of all: the cables. Assange said, “I could give you half of them, covering the first 50% of the period.”

Leigh refused. All or nothing, he said. “What happens if you end up in an orange jump-suit en route to Guantánamo before you can release the full files?” In return he would give Assange a promise to keep the cables secure, and not to publish them until the time came. Assange had always been vague about timing: he generally indicated, however, that October would be a suitable date. He believed the US army’s charges against the imprisoned soldier Bradley Manning would have crystallised by then, and publication could not make his fate any worse. He also said, echoing Leigh’s gallows humour: “I’m going to need to be safe in Cuba first!” Eventually, Assange capitulated. Late at night, after a two-hour debate, he started the process on one of his little netbooks that would enable Leigh to download the entire tranche of cables. The Guardian journalist had to set up the PGP encryption system on his laptop at home across the other side of London. Then he could feed in a password. Assange wrote down on a scrap of paper:

[WikiLeaks: we have replaced the password with Xs] XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

“That’s the password,” he said. “But you have to add one extra word when you type it in. You have to put in the word ‘XXXXXXX’ before the word ‘XXXXXX’ [WikiLeaks: so if the paper were seized, the password would not work without Leigh’s co-operation] Can you remember that?” “I can remember that.” Leigh set off home, and successfully installed the PGP software.}

The Guardian disclosure is a violation of the confidentiality agreement between WikiLeaks and Alan Rusbridger, editor-in-chief of the Guardian, signed July 30, 2010. David Leigh is also Alan Rusbridger’s brother in law, which has caused other Guardian journalists to claim that David Leigh has been unfairly protected from the fallout. It is not the first time the WikiLeaks security agreement has been violated by the Guardian.

WikiLeaks severed future projects with the Guardian in December last year after it was discovered that the Guardian was engaged in a conspiracy to publish the cables without the knowledge of WikiLeaks, seriously compromising the security of our people in the United States and an alleged source who was in pre-trial detention. Leigh, without any basis, and in a flagrant violation of journalistic ethics, named Bradley Manning as the Cablegate source in his book. David Leigh secretly passed the entire archive to Bill Keller of the New York Times, in September 2011, or before, knowingly destroying WikiLeaks plans to publish instead with the Washington Post & McClatchy.

David Leigh and the Guardian have subsequently and repeatedly violated WikiLeaks security conditions, including our requirements that the unpublished cables be kept safe from state intelligence services by keeping them only on computers not connected to the internet. Ian Katz, Deputy Editor of the Guardian admitted in December 2010 meeting that this condition was not being followed by the Guardian.

PJ Crowley, State Department spokesman on the cables issue earlier this year, told AP on the 30th of August, 2011 that “any autocratic security service worth its salt” would probably already have the complete unredacted archive.

Two weeks ago, when it was discovered that information about the Leigh book had spread so much that it was about to be published in the German weekly Freitag, WikiLeaks took emergency action, asking the editor not allude to the Leigh book, and tasked its lawyers to demand those maliciously spreading its details about the Leigh book stop.

WikiLeaks advanced its regular publication schedule, to get as much of the material as possible into the hands of journalists and human rights lawyers who need it. WikiLeaks and its partners were scheduled to have published most of the Cablegate material by November 29, 2011 – one year since the first publication. Over the past week, we have published over 130,000 cables, mostly unclassified. The cables have lead to hundreds of important news stories around the world. All were unclassified with the exception of the Australian, Swedish collections, and a few others, which were scheduled by our partners.

WikiLeaks has also been in contact with Human Rights Watch and Amnesty at a senior level. We contacted the US embassy in London and then the State Department in Washington on 25 August to see if their informant notification program, instituted last year, was complete, and if not, to take such steps as would be helpful. Only after repeated attempts through high level channels and 36 hours after our first contact, did the State Department, although it had been made aware of the issue, respond. Cliff Johnson (a legal advisor at the Department of State) spoke to Julian Assange for 75 minutes, but the State Department decided not to meet in person to receive further information, which could not, at that stage, be safely transmitted over the telephone.



The Media Lens Chamber Of Propaganda Horrors – An Appeal For Support

Media Lens

Tourists visiting Spanish cities like Córdoba, Toledo and Sevilla have the option of whiling away an hour or so at a ‘Museum of the Inquisition’, sometimes known as a ‘Gallery of Torture’. For around three euros, visitors can view an exotic range of devices used to impale, immolate, strangle and dismember human beings in the name of God.

It’s tempting to reassure ourselves that these are relics of a far-distant past, horrors that could never happen now.

(Text continues underneath the illustration.)

Illustration depicting burning at the stake

But did the Dark Ages ever really end? Noam Chomsky commented:

‘Part of the tragedy of the Palestinians is that they have essentially no international support. For a good reason – they don’t have wealth, they don’t have power. So they don’t have rights. It’s the way the world works – your rights correspond to your power and your wealth.’

It is indeed the way the world works. It is also the way the medieval world worked. (...)

Complete article

Tags: #news #propaganda #censorship #corporate_media #gaza #israel #iran #palestine #palestinians #russia #ukraine #news #media #news_media #journalism #journalist


Thomas Portes sur X : "Israël assassine volontairement des journalistes pour empêcher de documenter le génocide du peuple palestinien. Regardez, diffusez, partagez cette vidéo de @RSF_inter. https://t.co/pAE9792Tys" / X

#Israël #Israel #journalisme #journalism #war #crime



Committee to Protect Journalists calls for #investigation into alleged targeting of #Ukraine journalist

Source: https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/04/committee-to-protect-journalists-calls-for-investigation-into-alleged-targeting-of-ukraine-journalist/

According to accounts from Slidstvo.Info and other local media outlets, on April 1, 2024, two officers from a local military recruitment office approached #Shulhat while he was grocery shopping, attempting to hand him a notice to report to their office. When Shulhat began recording and questioning the officers about potential links to his probe into Vityuk’s property holdings, they promptly left. Although individuals in Shulhat’s age group are legally subject to conscription under Ukraine’s martial law regulations, the circumstances surrounding this event suggest a deviation from established procedures outlined in Ukrainian law. Notably, #CCTV footage examined by Slidstvo.Info revealed the two officers entering the supermarket accompanied by a civilian, identified by Slidstvo.Info as an SBU representative. This individual pointed out Shulhat before departing. Shortly after, the officers approached Shulhat, addressing him by name, and informed him of the need to update his personal information with the #recruitment board, citing his recent 27th birthday.

#sbu #press #journalism #news #military #justice #spy


X’s #Community Notes is Spreading False Information About #TaylorSwift’s #Bodyguard

Source: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2023/10/20/xs-community-notes-is-spreading-false-information-about-taylor-swifts-bodyguard/

The original tweet from the State of #Israel’s official account has received more than 53 million views. At the time of this writing, the first Community Note containing the false information about Swift’s bodyguard had over 650,000 views and the second one, which is still public, has over 1.4 million views. Taken together, this appears to show how lots of people can be shown Community Notes which do not add clarification but, in fact, add falsehoods to a post.

#news #fake #propaganda #problem #journalism #press


Israel Vala claims that: Earlier this week, Iran sent a message to the Biden administration through several Arab countries:

If the United States intervenes in the war between Israel and Iran, American forces in the region will be attacked.

They have not said where they got this information from and why has US, UK, Germany and France have suddenly turned into guardians of Israeli security.

But it's the time of sensationalism, anyone can come up with something and then it is turns into "fact" after a few rounds of quotes.

Soon, it will Turner not something completely different and they are going through claim that Iran have said that US targets will be attacked at the same time Iran retaliates again Israeli bombing of it's consulate in Damascus.

Just wait and see (now I'm making up the story, let's see how it goes).

#iran #Israel #Damaacus #US #journalism #Sensationalism


Going Nuclear: Could a Catastrophic Conflict Take Place?

with Annie Jacobsen (04/10/2024 04:40 PM)

Annie Jacobsen is an investigative journalist and author whose books probe the periphery of what we know about state warcraft and read like unputdownable thrillers. As a result, a [sic] her Pulitzer-nominated work can be found in both journalistic pieces and fiction including Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan tv [sic] show. Previous books have covered topics ranging from the CIA to Area 51 and the Second World War. Her latest book is Nuclear War, A Scenario, detailing how a nuclear conflict might unfold sourced from her deep-dive reporting. For this episode, she joins Josh Glancy, editor of the News Review at The Sunday Times, to talk about it.


Here's the Intelligence Squared podcast feed.


#nuclear-weapons #nuclear-war #annie-jacobsen #iq2 #intelligence-squared #podcast #podcasts #mp3 #interview #josh-glancy #war #weapons #journalism #journalist


When #security matters: working with #Qubes OS at the #Guardian

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/info/2024/apr/04/when-security-matters-working-with-qubes-os-at-the-guardian

Configuring a Qubes workstation was a new challenge for the team as we abandoned years of experience writing Infrastructure as Code for the cloud and started learning how to write #Salt #configuration. Salt (also know as SaltStack) is a management engine available by default in Qubes.

#cybersecurity #news #journalism #linux #technology #software #securedrop