

Image/photoYogthos wrote the following post Sun, 27 Oct 2024 13:58:08 +0100

A great dive into the harrowing tale of how the US army employed meatwave tactics from World War II through Vietnam. The army implemented Individual Replacement System with a callous disregard for the lives of their own soldiers, resulting in the average life expectancy of a US rifleman in WW2 being just 7-10 days. The system also created a lack of unit cohesion, as soldiers were constantly being rotated in and out of units.



#USA #US #american #cannon-fodder #Pentagon #military #war #WWII #WW2 #Vietnam

So that's where the tales of the Red Army's meat assaults come from. As always, what the Anglo-Saxons do is blamed on Russia. This also includes the myth of millions of raped Germans by the Red Army. A long time ago I read in some Spanish publication (unfortunately I lost the link) about mass rapes of European women by American soldiers during WWII.



No responsibility for the multinationals that produced “Agent Orange” used in Vietnam


Today it is estimated that at least 3 million Vietnamese have been exposed to dioxin, some experts even speak of 4.5 million inhabitants, of whom 150,000 children have been affected.

After sufficient studies conducted on dioxin, researchers have discovered that after 40 years the harmful effects are still present, since the land is still contaminated by the substance and today there are many children born in Vietnam who present malformations and genetic diseases.

(Image by Wikimedia Commons)

#AgentOrange #Vietnam #UnitedStatesRulingClass #TranToNga


Cold War Canada: Ongoing state support for East European émigré groups with deep fascist roots

“Manufacturing Consent”

... for fascism

“If the triumph of communism

is the worst imaginable result,

the support of fascism abroad

is justified as a lesser evil.”

In 1988, just before the destruction of the USSR, #Herman and #Chomsky published a theory on the use of mass media "to inculcate individuals with the values, beliefs, and codes of behavior" that "integrate them into the institutional structures of the larger society." (p.1.) The media’s "societal purpose," they explained, is to "defend the economic, social, and political agenda of privileged groups that dominate the domestic society and the state." (p.298.)

This propaganda model focused on five thematic "filters" of the mass media:

1) size, concentrated ownership, owner wealth and profit orientation...;

2) advertising as primary income source ...;

3) reliance... on info. provided by government, business and "experts" funded and approved by these primary sources and agents of power;

4) "flak" as a means of disciplining the media;

5) "anticommunism" as a national religion and control mechanism. (p.2.)

With the "specter" of communism as "the ultimate evil," the media created a "cultural milieu in which anticommunism is the dominant religion." By "elevating opposition to communism to a first principle of Western ideology and politics," the media used it as a "potent" "political-control mechanism." This "fragment[ed] the left and labor movements" and sidelined "social democrats" accused of being "too soft on communists." While many Cold War "liberal" progressives supported US-led wars justified with anticommunist pretexts, "others lapsed into silence, paralyzed by the fear of being tarred with charges of infidelity to the national religion." (p.29.)

By stirring "anti-Communist fervor ... the demand for serious evidence in support of claims of ‘communist’ abuses is suspended, and charlatans can survive as evidential sources." These "charlatans" take "center stage" as media "experts" and "remain there even after exposure as highly unreliable, if not downright liars." (p.30.)

Source: Edward S.Herman and Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent, 1988.


Source: Ukraine: A Captive but Unconquerable Nation, Bulletin of the World AntiCommunist League, Jun 1969


#europe #Western #coldwar #USA #US #canada #ukraine #Vietnam #Iran #Guatemala #Brazil #Dominican #NATO #propaganda #fascism #anticommunism #mccarthyism #russophobia #anti-Russia in #soviet #USSR #russian #ukrainian #Russia #history


Vietnams neuer starker Mann: Außen- und innenpolitisch fatal

Tô Lâm ist jetzt nicht nur Präsident, sondern auch Parteichef in Vietnam. Für Opposition und Zivilgesellschaft sind das keine guten Nachrichten.#KPVietnam #Vietnam #Asien #Politik
Vietnams neuer starker Mann: Außen- und innenpolitisch fatal


The only pig who got convicted for My Lai massacre have died.

All the other monsters were let go unpunished and it's surprising that this monster didn't receive the presidential pardon like the 3 war criminals Trump pardoned and US media confidently called "accused" instead of convicted:

Trump issues pardons for 3 service members accused of war crimes

But let's not forget the only atrocity of American troops in Vietnam that received enough attention to force pentagon to sacrifice one of their own to save face and cover all the other 100s if not 1000s of other war crimes committed by the American invaders in Vietnam.

horrifying image of My Lai massacre

My Lai: 50 years after, American soldiers’ shocking crimes must be remembered

“The first time the Americans came, the children followed them. They gave the children sweets to eat. Then they smiled and left. We don’t know their language – they smiled and said OK and so we learned the word OK.”

“The second time they came, we poured them water to drink. They didn’t say anything.”

“The third time they killed everyone.”


#MyLai #WarCrime #History #Vietnam #NeverForget #Politics #Pentagon #VietnamWar #WilliamCalley


Indochinakrieg: Das Ende der Kolonialmacht Frankreich

Indochinakrieg - Frankreich unterliegt in Điện Biên Phủ

Vor 70 Jahren schlug die vietnamesische Widerstandsarmee die französischen Truppen in Điện Biên Phủ. Der Indochinakrieg lässt den Vietnamkrieg verstehen.#Indochinakrieg #Vietnam
Indochinakrieg: Das Ende der Kolonialmacht Frankreich