

The fediverse, explained

The Verge

The buzziest new thing in social networking is a big deal. It’s also very confusing. And it’s not actually new. (...)

Illustration: fediverse as interconnected sociale media

So what is the fediverse?
It’s an interconnected social platform ecosystem based on an open protocol called ActivityPub, which allows you to port your content, data, and follower graph between networks.


Ugh, I know. Let me try again.

The fediverse is as if you took X, TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook and made them all interoperable so you could post anything from anywhere, and all your followers would be guaranteed to see it. And if you wanted to leave one platform for another, you could bring all your content, all your followers, all your everything with you. (...)

But all of this stuff only works if there is a standard, and I’d bet $10 that ActivityPub is going to be that standard. It’s the one that’s overseen by the World Wide Web Consortium, it’s the one with the most momentum, it’s the one Threads is supposedly going to support — it’s just kind of clearly winning. (...)

So why would I leave Instagram and Facebook?
That’s the big question. Do you like Instagram and Facebook?

I mean, sure. It’s where all my friends are.
That is the single biggest problem for the fediverse. A lot of folks I’ve talked to say that, basically, if we’d built social media like this 20 years ago, the world would be better and smarter and we’d all be richer and better-looking. (Or something.) But we didn’t. We built it on a bunch of closed platforms that turned out to be really sticky, really lucrative for the companies that made them, and frankly kind of user-hostile. But it’s really, really hard to convince people to stop hanging out where their friends are and go join something new just because it’s better. That transition will take a long time, if it ever happens. (...)

Complete article

Tags: #fediverse #social_media #activitypub #x #Twitter #tiktok #snapchat #instagram #facebook #youtube #algoritm #interoperability #mastodon #hubzilla #diaspora* #Bluesky #threads #AT_Protocol #Farcaster #Nostr #Reddit #Pixelfed #Lemmy #PeerTube #Friendica #BookWyrm #Goodreads #Misskey #Flipboard #Medium #hubzilla


De heroïne van sociale media wordt gratis verstrekt aan kinderen, terwijl volwassenen de andere kant op kijken

Jamal Ouariachi (Trouw)

(...) Dan heb je nog de sector Breinverpulvering. Die deed het in 2023 nóg beter. Alphabet, moederbedrijf van Google, noteerde alleen al in het vierde kwartaal van 2023 een winst van 20,7 miljard dollar, terwijl Tech-gigant Meta (onder meer Facebook, Instagram en WhatsApp) over heel 2023 een nettowinst van 39 miljard dollar binnenharkte. (...)

(Tekst loopt door onder de foto.)

Foto van Jamal Ouariachi
Jamal Ouariachi

Delen we in de winst, wij als content­leveraars? Haha, tuurlijk niet.

“Nou, daar ben je toch zelf bij, sukkel?”

Klopt. Ik ben niet te beroerd om mijn eigen stupiditeit onder ogen te zien, maar laten we eerlijk zijn: ik heb zo ontiegelijk veel mede-idioten – alleen al Facebook telt 3 miljard gebruikers, herstel: gebruikten. (...)

Het ergste is misschien dat die heroïne gratis wordt verstrekt aan kinderen, terwijl volwassenen de andere kant op kijken of preciezer: op hun eigen telefoon zitten te turen. TikTok, Snapchat, X, Instagram, ­Facebook, Whatsapp en Discord konden onbelemmerd uitgroeien tot platforms waar massaal kinderporno wordt verspreid, waar cyberpesten aan de orde van de dag is, waar drugshandel floreert en waar handige tips rondgaan over hoe je het best zelfmoord kunt plegen. (...)

Wonderlijke soort zijn we toch. We schenken onze ziel en onze centen aan precies de bedrijven die alles wat ons dierbaar is kapotmaken: onze omgeving, onze kinderen, ons brein.

Hele artikel

Tags: #nederlands #sociale_media #social_media #facebook #alphabet #google #isntagram #whatsapp #tiktok #snapchat #x #discord #kinderporno #cyberpesten #drugs #zelfmoord #kinderen


Les données des publicités en ligne sont détournées pour espionner des internautes, selon un rapport

L’Irish Council for Civil Liberties, une ONG irlandaise, détaille la finesse extrême des données collectées grâce au système des publicités dites « programmatiques ». Elles permettent des pratiques de ciblage intrusives, voire dangereuses.



Ce système très courant permet aux annonceurs d’enchérir, en temps réel, sur les espaces publicitaires disponibles sur les sites Internet ou les applications, pour afficher leurs réclames à des catégories plus ou moins précises d’internautes – « hommes de plus de 50 ans », « femmes vivant dans une grande ville », « internautes intéressés par les voitures »…

Mais une série de documents commerciaux consultés par l’ICCL, disponibles publiquement jusqu’à récemment, montrent que les régies publicitaires qui proposent ces services offrent des catégories de ciblage bien plus précises et intrusives. L’organisation a par exemple repéré plusieurs catégories permettant de viser des personnes présumées homosexuelles ou ménopausées. Dans d’autres cas, la finesse des catégories confine à l’absurde : un identifiant technique permet ainsi de diffuser des publicités à destination de « retraités de plus de 75 ans, qui vivent en habitat collectif dans une ville française de taille moyenne et qui touchent des minima sociaux, possèdent une voiture française et aiment la pêche et la télévision ».

Ainsi des entreprises privées savent plus sur les individus que l'Etat lui même.

Inquiétant !

Que font les politiciens si promptent à sortir des lois pour éviter l'usurpation d'identité ? travaillent ils pour justement qu'on soit mieux identifiable sur internet ?
Que peuvent faire les organisations chargées du respect de la vie privée ? des amendes aux entreprises qui valorisent la collecte et la valorisation de ses données privées ? Suffisant ?

L'article parle de piratage.
Piratage ?
Vol de données ?

Mais avec notre consentement. C'est justement ce que force à faire les GAFAM and co si on veut utiliser leurs services.

#vieprivée #privacy #bigdata #gafam #meta #facebook #google #gmail #apple #microsoft #tiktok #snapchat #ICCL #CNIL


Entendue hier à l'Assemblée nationale, une représentante de Snapchat a expliqué que, grâce à leur travail de modération, dans les derniers jours des émeutes, “l'ensemble des stories publiées sur la map, c'étaient des utilisateurs qui se plaignaient des émeutes”.

Alexis Poulin sur Twitter : "Censure et manipulation. Nous changeons de régime ni plus ni moins." / Twitter

#politique #censure #réseauxsociaux #snapchat #émeute


#Snapchat’s new #AI #chatbot is already raising alarms among teens and parents

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/04/27/tech/snapchat-my-ai-concerns-wellness/index.html

Other users shared concerns about how the tool understands, interacts with and collects information from photos. “I snapped a picture … and it said ‘nice shoes’ and asked who the people [were] in the photo,” a Snapchat user wrote on Facebook.

#technology #teenagers #children #education #problem #ethics #moral #society #economy #software #news #openAI


Vos enfants n'utiliseront plus #Google... | #IdrissAberkane

Une #génération a connu #Facebook, l’autre est allée sur #Snapchat, puis encore sur #Instagram, et enfin sur #Tiktok… mais #Google, le bon vieux #moteur de #recherche qui a survécu à toutes les #crises y compris la bulle #Internet en 2001 et la #révolution du #smartphone en 2008, peut-il demeurer pertinent maintenant que #ChatGPT réalise et surtout ORGANISE l’équivalent d’une centaine de ses requêtes en moins d’une minute? Oui, Google est en #panique, et ce n’est pas moi qui le dit, c’est Google lui-même. On fait le point dans cette #vidéo.

#Net #GAFAM #Pub #Publicité #Banque #Industriel


Everybody promised to disrupt the #smartphone — and the smartphone outlasted them all

source: https://www.theverge.com/2022/11/23/23474090/smartphone-next-big-thing-ar-vr-metaverse-alexa

Even the things that voice assistants and #AR glasses already do well, phones do better. #Voice dictation works impressively well on both #Android and #iOS, and #Google’s Live View in Maps is already a pretty good augmented-reality #navigation tool. You’ll get better and more fun #photos out of #Snapchat on your phone than you will with Spectacles. Most of the promise of the #metaverse is already taking place in #Fortnite and #Roblox.

#Technology #future #news


In the world of social media today, there are stories of struggles among Facebook (Purity) users and Google/Chrome, and another rather interesting story about #ElonMusk walking into #Twitter HQ today with a sink in hand (to let it "sink in" he'll be taking over - and he's promised to lay off 3/4 of the company workers!

Circling back to the landscape of #SocialMedia as a phenomenon, both #social and #business, the NY Times this morning came out with an interesting, almost "hip" look at some of the most dominant social media businesses/platforms today.

"A Social Media Status Update"

Top social media apps are struggling after a decade of dominance.



Top social media apps are struggling after a decade of dominance.

For years, most of the conversation about social media companies was about how powerful and dominant they were.
These days? Not so much.

The tech industry has had a rough year, and social media companies have been hit especially hard. The stock price of Meta (formerly known as Facebook) has plummeted more than 60 percent. Snap, the maker of Snapchat, has fallen more than 80 percent. Layoffs and hiring freezes are common, and some companies have begun cutting their famously cushy employee perks. (No more free laundry, Metamates!).

Social media is still an important part of billions of people’s lives. But …

Meta’s cash-cow social media apps — Facebook and Instagram — are in decline, with younger users abandoning them for apps like TikTok. Meta has also lost billions of dollars in advertising revenue because of changes Apple made in 2021 to its mobile operating system, which made it harder for apps to track users across the internet.
Prognosis: Vitals are falling fast. The patient needs a transfusion, stat.

Twitter has spent most of 2022 locked in battle with Elon Musk — who wanted to buy the company for $44 billion, then decided he didn’t, then decided he did again.
Prognosis: Acute short-term pain, with promises of a vague miracle cure ahead.

TikTok has what every social media company wants — a big, engaged user base, a format that keeps people scrolling for hours and an iron grip on youth culture and the entertainment industry… But in some ways, TikTok is the most vulnerable app of all.
Prognosis: Unlikely to die of natural causes but could easily be killed by a blunt instrument.

Snapchat is still popular among young people, but Snap’s advertising business (like many) took a dive during this year’s economic downturn, and the company recently laid off roughly 20 percent of its workers. Like Meta, Snapchat is also a casualty of Apple’s privacy changes, which made it harder to target ads to iPhone users, and a victim of TikTok, which is eating into Snapchat’s following.
Prognosis: Snapchat should recover if it survives the winter.

And after a quick fluffy look at trends, including the impact of the right-wing "Free Speech Brigade", along with the "new class" of apps rolling (or crawling) out.... The NY Times piece ends with this:

For more: Musk has injected himself as a chaotic actor into global politics.

And here we are.

For more on #cyberpsychology - the interface people and (computer/AI/VR) technology: Cyberpsychology.com

For the addiction and gaming aspects of social media: http://www.devicedevotion.com

#media #communication #Internet #GAFA #facebook #meta #twitter #snapchat #TikTok #apple #devices #2022


🤖 Habt Ihr Interesse an #Digitalisierung ?
...dann empfiehlt Euch der Kölner Stadtanzeiger die #DMEXCO
"Die Messe soll als Plattform dienen, die Anbieter und Menschen zusammenbringt, die ein Interesse an Digitalisierung haben"
Ausschnitt aus dem Artikel "Bedeutung von Videos nimmt zu. Europas größte Messe für digitales Marketing DMEXCO in Köln", KStA, 22.9.2022, S. 10
Dabei stehen "soziale Netzwerke wie #Tiktok , #Youtube oder #Snapchat häufig im Mittelpunkt".
Auch #Datenschutz ist natürlich ein wichtiges Anliegen... also Datenschutz 'von Marken' (?):
"Der Internetgigant #Google positioniert sich dabei als Bewahrer der #Privatsphäre : 'Wir müssen ein zukunftsfähiges, werbegestütztes Web aufbauen. Ein Web, das Menschen qualitativ hochwertige Informationen liefert, bei dem der #Datenschutz von Marken berücksichtigt wird und so Vertrauen auf Seiten der Nutzerinnen und Nutzer schafft.' sagte Google-Europa-Chef Matt Brittin bei sein Keynote.
Jannika Bock, bei Google Leiterin im Ressort Handel (...) erklärte (...): 'Wir haben deshalb die Initiative Zukunftswerkstatt gestartet. Damit wollen wir dem Personalmangel entgegenwirken, indem wir Menschen kostenlose Trainings anbieten, um ihre digitalen Kompetenzen aufzubauen.'
Ein ähnliches Programm namens 'Zukunftschancen' bietet Google unter der Schirmherrschaft von OB Henriette Reker auch in #Köln an."



Why Lush Cosmetics is exiting the ‘dark and dangerous alleyway’ of social media - Brand will deactivate Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Snapchat accounts by Friday

Lush Cosmetics will deactivate its social media accounts later this week in a bid to get tech companies to make online platforms safer.

The U.K. retailer, which sells bath and body products and has a large footprint in Canada, announced its plan Monday to cease posting on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Snapchat accounts by Friday.

The company, which likened social media to “a dark and dangerous alleyway,” said the deactivation decision is meant to address consumers’ mental health challenges and will not be reversed unless the platforms are made safer.

Vancouver athleticwear companies Lululemon Athletica Inc., Mountain Equipment Co-op and Arc’teryx pulled their paid ads from Facebook in July 2020 as part of a global StopHateForProfit boycott supported by Coca-Cola, Unilever, Honda America, Patagonia and more.

The companies wanted to boycott Facebook because they believed it had not done enough to keep racist, false and dangerous content or white supremacists off its platform.

StopHateForProfit’s website said studies completed since the boycott found “no platform has made significant structural changes” and Facebook made the least progress toward meeting the coalition’s demands.

Hmm, perhaps they should be on #Diaspora instead?

#Lush #Facebook #tiktok #snapchat


#Snapchat does not let you delete things. You can mark things as "deleted", but the company and governments get to keep your data (it's there for everyone in power, except you). Never enter those things in the first place. Waste of time, loss of #privacy https://www.maketecheasier.com/delete-snapchat-account/


WhatsApp Adds Snapchat-Like, View Once, Disappearing Photos


Facebook's WhatsApp chat application is adding a feature that was initially popularized by Snapchat: view once, disappearing photos and videos. The app is rolling out support for the feature this week.

Facebook says that even though photos and videos have only grown in importance for most people, it doesn't believe that everything shared needs to have a permanent digital record. In addition to the need for some level of privacy inherent in some photos, Facebook also says that not every photo taken of every event needs to take up space on a smartphone's camera roll.

To that end, Facebook is adding new "View Once" photos and videos to WhatsApp which will disappear from the chat once they have been opened, which the company says will give users more control over their privacy. View Once photos will be clearly marked with a new "one-time" icon.

After the photo or video has been viewed, the message will appear as "opened" to, as Facebook explains it, avoid any confusion about what was happening in the chat at the time.

Any photo or video sent in as "view once" will not be saved in the recipient's Photos or Gallery, and once the photo has been viewed it won't be viewable again. That media also cannot be forwarded, saved, starred, or shared, and a sender can only see if a recipient has opened a view one photo or video if they have read receipts turned on. If a recipient doesn't open the photo or video within two weeks of it being sent, WhatApp automatically expires it from the chat and it will not be viewable.

As was the case with Snapchat, WhatsApp's view once photos aren't protected against screenshotting or screen recording the media before it disappears, and senders won't be notified if someone takes a screenshot or screen recording.

Facebook says that as is the case with all messages sent on WhatsApp, View Once media is protected by end-to-end encryption so even WhatsApp can't see them. That said, Facebook has a sordid history when it comes to privacy that dates back as far as 2006. Most recently, Facebook chose not to notify users if they were affected by the massive data breach that affected over half a billion people.

#mobile #news #software #disappearingphotos #facebook #messaging #photomessaging #photosharing #snapchat #viewonce #whatsapp