

Pesticides interdits en Europe : cessons de les vendre à l’étranger et de les importer dans nos assiettes


Les #pesticides interdits en #Europe sont parmi les plus toxiques. Or, ils sont encore produits sur notre continent et vendus à l’étranger. Les résidus de ces pesticides reviennent ensuite en #boomerang dans nos assiettes via les importations de #fruits et #légumes par exemple. Face à cette situation peu tolérable, nous avons lancé la campagne « boomerang pesticides » et avons obtenu des promesses… qui ne sont toujours pas adoptées. Elles se révèlent même menacées par #Bayer, #Syngenta ou encore #BASF et les accords de #commerce.

Vidéo : https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Gpp9dgZGxaU ou https://youtu.be/Gpp9dgZGxaU

#Politique #Pesticide #ToxicTrade #Toxique #Phytosanitaire #Chimie #Pollution #France #Allemagne #UE #EU #Lobby #Lobbyistes #Trade #FreeTrade #Libre-Échange #EffetBoomerang #UnionEuropéennne #Macron #Néolibéralisme #Capitalisme #GreenWashing #GreenNewDeal #FoodWatch #CorporateEuropeObservatory #PublicEye #PanGermany #Health #Santé #Environnement #Écologie #écologie


Climate change and our current socioeconomic system.

· People need to examine their consumption habits.

· Birthrates and population need to be bellow the carrying capacity threshold.

· Debt-based currencies need to be replaced by debt-free currencies.

· Urban planning needs to be changed. And no, I’m not one of those who propose that people have to live in coffin apartments in overcrowded cities; I actually propose the opposite! go rural!.

· Planned obsolescence and inefficient designs need to be replaced by new systems, a new renewable energy and smartgrid infrastructure needs to be built, etc.

· Progressive tax systems need to be implemented to fund the new infrastructure and social services.

· We need to change the approach to “jobs” and “work-time” . Do people really need to work 5-6 days a week? Wouldn’t it be better if people had more time to grow a garden, do some DIY stuff, study, research by themselves, take care of their relatives, get involved in their communities? Wouldn't it be better if people could use new technologies to work and study more from home?

After reading some articles those were my conclusions. Some sources:



I’m not saying I agree necessarily with all their recommendations though.

#climatechange #consumerism #pollution #CO2 #overpopulation #birthrates #energy #design #PlannedObsolesce #work #renewable #GreenNewDeal #urban #urbanplanning #taxation


#politics #greennewdeal #AOC #climate
I think AOC is going easy on conservatives. I believe the current generation of US conservatives will be seen as history's greatest criminals by the children being born in the next decade. Every year from now on global climate disasters are going to get worse. Not just a little bit worse but major mass destruction on the level of the Puerto Rico hurricane destruction, Paradise California burning, and New Orleans flooding. Whole ecosystems are going to be erased: all species extinct, gone.

The generation currently being born is going to look at that and see a clear class of criminals: climate change deniers. We were getting warnings and those warnings were ignored so that conservatives could get short term profits. The greatest criminal act in history.

Ocasio-Cortez To Critics Of Green New Deal: "I Pity You For Your Role In History Right Now"