did you hear this yet?
#whitneywebb #mattehret #fabians #fascists #labour #conservative #banking #puppets #nations #sovereignty #somethingfishy #fakefree #libertarian #deepstate #5thcollumn #fakeleft #fakeright #fakeconservative #fakelibertarian #fakeprogressive #progressive #destabilisation #othering #fakescience #thecorporation #eugenics #bankers #sterilization #rhodes #canada #rockerfeller #technoctatic #fascistic #fakeliberal #research #wef #brilliantsumary #history #politics #skullduggery #thefabiansociety #wefylp #thinktank #cfr #morethanourflesh #transhumanism #ai #hgwells #alduoushuxley #digitaldictatorships #classism #therats #potkettle #bravenewworld #bravenewworldrevisited #projects #manifesting #presentsituation #depopulation
The Country of the Blind, by H.G. Wells (1913)
The had become purblind so gradually that they scarcely noted their loss. They guided the sightless youngsters hither and thither until they knew the whole valley marvellously and when at last sight died out among them the race lived on. They had even time to adapt themselves to the blind control of fire, which they made carefully in stoves of stone. They were a simple strain of people at the first, unlettered, only slightly touched with the Spanish civilisation, but with something of a tradition of the arts of old Peru and of its lost philosophy. Generation followed generation. They forgot many things; they devised many things. Their tradition of the greater world they came from became mythical in colour and uncertain. In all things save sight they were strong and able, and presently the chance of birth and heredity sent one who had an original mind and who could talk and persuade among them, and then afterwards another.
#HGWells #Fiction #Narrative #Parable #Metaphor #Blindness #Subtoot #Tablets #GenerativeComputing
War is Over (for the 5th time)
“How can you have a #war on #terrorism when war itself is terrorism?” ~ #HowardZinn
“There is no instance of a #nation benefitting from #prolonged #warfare.” ~ #SunTzu, #TheArtOfWar
“Until the #philosophy which holds one #race #superior and another #inferior is #finally and #permanently #discredited and #abandoned, #everywhere is war. And until there are no longer #first-class and #second-class #citizens of any nation, until the #colour of a man's #skin is of no more #significance than the colour of his eyes. And until the #basic #humanrights are #equally #guaranteed to #all without regard to race, there is war. ~ #HaileSelassie
“The choice is not between violence and nonviolence but between #nonviolence and #nonexistence.” ~ #MartinLutherKingJr.
“If we don't #end war, war will end us.” ~ #HGWells
#redactedtonight #leecamp #biden #combat #presidents #propaganda #illegal #occupation #iraq #quotes
Donc c’est reparti pour un tour ? En réalité, avec la mondialisation financière, on sait bien que le manège ne connaît pas la pause : la convulsion y est de droit et la tranquillité d’intervalle. Depuis belle lurette on voit venir la crise d’après — elle est désormais la crise présente.
#lordon #mondediplomatique #blog #diplo #covid19 #coronavirus #actua #finance #financialcrisis #crisis #économie #crise #financière #finances #bourse #wallstreet #lehman #deutschebank #europe #CEE #hôpitalmalade #hôpital #malade #ISF #CICE #rechercheendandger #sociétéparprojet #hgwells #laguerredesmondes
H. G. Wells
*21. September 1866 †13. August 1946
englischer Schriftsteller
Der Krieg der Welten (The War of the Worlds)
Dokumentation über das Hörspiel von Orson Wells, das die Amerikaner 1938 in Panik versetzte
#HGWells #Schriftsteller #Romane #Science-Fiction #writer #books #OrsonWells #Hörspiel