

Rassemblement à Londres pour exiger la libération des prisonnier.es politiques honkongais.es

45 militant.es pro-démocratie, dont les syndicalistes Carol Ng et Winnie Yu, ainsi que le défenseur des travailleurs/euses Leung Kwok-hung (« Long Hair »), ont été reconnu.es coupables de « conspiration visant à subvertir le pouvoir de l’État » pour leur participation aux élections primaires de 2020. Ils/elles ont été condamné.es à des peines d’emprisonnement allant de quatre ans et deux mois à dix ans.


#international #hongkong


Hong Kong Labour Rights Monitor (HKLRM) condamne les peines prononcées lors de procès en première instance, et appelle à une mobilisation mondiale pour la libération des prisonnier.es politiques

Aujourd’hui (19 novembre 2024), 1 361 jours après l’inculpation officielle des accusé.es, les juges de Hong Kong désigné.es par la Sécurité nationale, ont prononcé leur jugement. En vertu de la loi sur la sécurité nationale (LSN), ils/elles ont retenu des peines de prison à l’encontre des 45 accusé.es reconnu.es coupables de conspiration en vue de commettre un acte de subversion pour leur participation à des élections locales démocratiques.
Parmi les condamné.es, Tai Yiu-ting, présenté comme l’organisateur de cette « primaire », a écopé de la plus longue peine, à savoir un emprisonnement de 10 ans. Les autres accusé.es ont été condamné.es à des peines de prison allant de 4 ans et 2 mois, à 7 ans et 9 mois.


#international #hongkong


Hintergrund | Arte: Kowloon Wall City: Dichtester Ort der Welt

Ein Viertel wie eine riesige Sardinenbüchse, im Herzen Honkongs: Bis 1993 ist die Kowloon Walled City zeitweise der am dichtesten besiedelten Orte der Welt. Und ein Gebiet, dass zugleich von China und Großbritannien beansprucht wird. Hier entsteht ein rechtsfreier Raum mit Opiumhöhlen, Bordellen, Spielhallen - und jeder Menge Zahnärzten.

Video: Web | MP4 | Weitere

#Hintergrund #China #Hongkong #Wall-City #Kowloon #Kowloon-Wall-City #Arte #2024-06-25


I Have Added Censored Videos to My Minus Library

[minus://envbba6qz5rq36kkt7ipo6oqtj7glvz6hhkescpxb3m6zx2jnmo6zmad.onion/Glory-to-Hong-Kong---Anthem-of-The-Hong-Kong-Protests-Pe1gTPcWyds.mp4](minus://envbba6qz5rq36kkt7ipo6oqtj7glvz6hhkescpxb3m6zx2jnmo6zmad.onion/Glory-to-Hong-Kong---Anthem-of-The-Hong-Kong-Protests-Pe1gTPcWyds.mp4) 3.73 MiB

If you don't have MinusBrowser, you can download this by starting Tor Browser and then typing this in a terminal window.

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://envbba6qz5rq36kkt7ipo6oqtj7glvz6hhkescpxb3m6zx2jnmo6zmad.onion:1990/9/Glory-to-Hong-Kong---Anthem-of-The-Hong-Kong-Protests-Pe1gTPcWyds.mp4

Freedom for Hong Kong!

my library


Originally posted by the Voice of America.
Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America,
a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in
the public domain.

YouTube agrees to remove videos of banned Hong Kong protest song

by VOA News

YouTube says it will block access in Hong Kong to videos of
performances of a banned protest song.

Hong Kong's Court of Appeal ruled last week that "Glory to Hong Kong,"
which emerged as an anthem for protesters during the massive
anti-government protests in 2019, is illegal to sing or play in the
city. The ruling said the song's composer intended for the song to be
used as a "weapon."

There was no immediate comment from the government in Hong Kong.

The ban covers anyone who either broadcasts or distributes the song
with the intention of promoting Hong Kong's independence or
misrepresents it as the city's official anthem. Hong Kong is a
semi-autonomous city.

YouTube said in a statement Wednesday that it will block access in the
Chinese city to 32 videos of the song, which the court deemed was
"prohibited content."

"We are disappointed by the Court's decision but are complying with its
removal order," the online video sharing service said. The company said
it shared concerns with human rights organizations about the chilling
effect the ban would have on free speech online, and that it is
considering options to file an appeal.

A search for the 32 videos in Hong Kong resulted in a message saying
they were "not available on this country domain due to a court order."

The song has mistakenly been played at sporting events as the official
anthem of Hong Kong. The city does not have its own anthem, instead
using mainland China's official anthem "March of the Volunteers."

The appeal court's ruling overturned a previous decision issued last
year by the High Court, which cited free speech concerns. The
government went to court last year to have the song banned after Google
and other internet service providers refused to remove it from their
search results.

YouTube and Google are owned by California-based Alphabet.

The ban is the latest action taken by the government to silence
dissenting voices since Beijing passed a sweeping security law for Hong
Kong in 2020 in response to the protests. The law punishes anyone
believed to be carrying out terrorism, separatism, subversion of state
power or collusion with foreign forces.

Since the law took effect, hundreds of pro-democracy advocates have
been arrested, tried and jailed, and the city's once-vibrant civil
society has been stifled.

George Chen, the co-chair of digital practice at the Washington-based
business and policy consultancy Asia Group, said the ban could hurt
Hong Kong's reputation as a global financial hub if officials pressure
online platforms on a daily basis to remove content, as it could raise
questions about its willingness to allow the free flow of information.

Some information for this report came from The Associated Press,
Reuters, Agence France-Presse.

The Voice of America provides news and information in more than 40
languages to an estimated weekly audience of over 326 million people.
Stories with the VOA News byline are the work of multiple VOA
journalists and may contain information from wire service reports.

#hong-kong #hongkong #china #youtube #censorship #google #alphabet #anthem #hong-kong-anthem #anthem-of-hong-kong #香港 #中国


‘Everyone looked real’: multinational firm’s #HongKong office loses HK$200 million after scammers stage #deepfake #video #meeting

source: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/3250851/everyone-looked-real-multinational-firms-hong-kong-office-loses-hk200-million-after-scammers-stage

Everyone present on the video calls except the victim was a fake representation of real people. The scammers applied deepfake technology to turn publicly available video and other footage into convincing versions of the meeting’s participants.

enter image description here

#news #scam #AI #technology #trust #problem #cybercrime #crime #money #police


...but China won't do that for Taiwan????

Raymond Scott Pert - 2024-02-28 03:25:22 GMT

China says Hong Kong’s ‘one country, two systems’ is permanent> Beijing’s point person to Hong Kong said the city’s special governing formula will remain a "permanent structure,” the South China Morning Post reported, as the Chinese official sought to boost confidence in the Asian finance hub.
https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/02/28/asia-pacific/politics/china-hong-kong-one-country-two-systems/ #China #HongKong #OneChina #ExpatAsia #economy


Hongkong beim Asien-Cup der Fußballer: Momente des Stolzes

Das Nationalteam aus Hongkong nimmt nach über 50 Jahren wieder an der Endrunde des Asien-Cups teil. Das allein ist schon ein Politikum.#FußballundPolitik #Katar #Hongkong #Sport
Hongkong beim Asien-Cup der Fußballer: Momente des Stolzes