

‘Everyone looked real’: multinational firm’s #HongKong office loses HK$200 million after scammers stage #deepfake #video #meeting

source: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/3250851/everyone-looked-real-multinational-firms-hong-kong-office-loses-hk200-million-after-scammers-stage

Everyone present on the video calls except the victim was a fake representation of real people. The scammers applied deepfake technology to turn publicly available video and other footage into convincing versions of the meeting’s participants.

enter image description here

#news #scam #AI #technology #trust #problem #cybercrime #crime #money #police


...but China won't do that for Taiwan????

Raymond Scott Pert - 2024-02-28 03:25:22 GMT

China says Hong Kong’s ‘one country, two systems’ is permanent> Beijing’s point person to Hong Kong said the city’s special governing formula will remain a "permanent structure,” the South China Morning Post reported, as the Chinese official sought to boost confidence in the Asian finance hub.
https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/02/28/asia-pacific/politics/china-hong-kong-one-country-two-systems/ #China #HongKong #OneChina #ExpatAsia #economy


Hongkong beim Asien-Cup der Fußballer: Momente des Stolzes

Das Nationalteam aus Hongkong nimmt nach über 50 Jahren wieder an der Endrunde des Asien-Cups teil. Das allein ist schon ein Politikum.#FußballundPolitik #Katar #Hongkong #Sport
Hongkong beim Asien-Cup der Fußballer: Momente des Stolzes