

After six months of Israeli blockade and deprivation, Father Youssef Asaad, the priest of the Holy Family Church in Gaza City, receives an apple and shares it with three people.

He says, "After six months of deprivation of vegetables and fruits, today I received the gift of a red apple. I ate some of it and shared the rest with three individuals."

#Gaza #FoodAsWeapon #Israel #Politics #Iarael


Benjamin #Netanyahu announced yesterday that Israel will move forward with a long-proposed plan to develop a gas field on the coast of the besieged àGaza Strip.

The Marine field is believed to hold over a trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

Hey, if US can occupy and steal Syrian oil, why can't the apartheid regime steal thecgaa of Palestinians? "god" gave the land to them when they immigrated from Egypt, didn't he?

#Occupation #Apartheid #Palestine #Iarael


For those who keep saying Israel is a democracy, here is a clear example of IDF helping, supporting and cheering settlers terrorism who attack, destroy and steal from Palestinians.

This has gone so far that they no longer care to record their crimes because they know they are untouchable and no one will ever dare to criticize them or god forbid, call for their arrest.
#Iarael #Palestine #Occupation #IDF #Terrorism #WestBank #Impunity


Stop funding Apartheid regime of Israel!

Where are the calls for sanctions, buycott and isolation of the Israeli regime?

Why are world leaders so disgustingly hypocritical when it comes to Israel and it's criminal actions in occupied territories?

Where are the global support and reaction from members of parliaments, artists and politicians to support the fight of Palestinans against this monstrous military might?

#Iarael #Politics #Palestine #Occupation #Hypocrisy #Apartheid #Inhumanity #PalestinianLivesMatter