Msaki x Tubatsi ~ Zibonakalise
Full album : https://msakixtubatsi.bandcamp.com/album/synthetic-hearts
#synthetichearts #MsakixTubatsi #Zibonakalise #music #musique #musik #musica #folk #Johannesburg #SouthAfrica
Msaki x Tubatsi ~ Come In
https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=DGIAyuzGQ5o (trackers free)
Full album : https://msakixtubatsi.bandcamp.com/album/synthetic-hearts
#synthetichearts #MsakixTubatsi #ComeIn #music #musique #musik #musica #folk #Johannesburg #SouthAfrica
Comic Con Africa: Geek chic at continent's flagship event
Comic Con Africa, the continent's ultimate pop culture and gaming festival, is back in Johannesburg.It is where superhero and sci-fi fans can get some excite...#AfroGeek #ArtsandCulture #ComicConAfrica #ComicConAfrica2023 #Geekchic #Japaneseculture #Johannesburg #OtakuTown #TheAfroGeekcommunity #aljazeera #aljazeeraenglish #aljazeera #aljazeeraenglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeranews #andcollectibles #anime #comics #film #gaming #manga #popculture #popcultureandgamingfestival #scifi #superhero
Comic Con Africa: Geek chic at continent's flagship event
BRICS Dropping US Dollar, Working on New Reserve Currency: #Brazil's Lula | August 24, 2023:
"The #BRICS economic alliance plans to abandon the U.S. dollar in trade settlements and develop a new reserve currency while promoting the use of local currencies, Brazil's president said at the bloc's 15th annual summit in #Johannesburg, #SouthAfrica.
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio #Lula da Silva championed a medium- to long-term objective of creating a new reserve currency to fight against the U.S. dollar hegemony. Until then, the coalition will encourage the further utilization of members' national currencies in bilateral trade.
"The creation of a currency for commercial transactions and investments between BRICS members increases our payment conditions and reduces our vulnerabilities," Mr. Lula stated before the summit audience, adding that developing nations should be hit with higher interest rates than what affluent countries experience.
The best mechanism, he noted, is to bolster liquidity, increase favorable financing terms, and abolish conditionalities, suggesting that the “structural readjustment” is an indictment of the policies presented by the International Monetary Fund ( #IMF) and the #WorldBank.
"The multilateral trading system must be revitalized so that it returns to acting as a tool for fair, predictable, equitable, and non-discriminatory trade," he said."
BRICS Gets Bigger
The anti-Western economic alliance just expanded by 383 million people:
Six nations will become full-fledged members of the #BRICS group of nations starting January 2024, after their candidacies were approved by leaders of the current member states, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced. The expansion topped the agenda of the summit in #Johannesburg this week.
#Argentina, #Egypt, #Ethiopia, #Iran, #SaudiArabia, and the #UnitedArabEmirates were welcomed as new members on Thursday. The bloc currently consists of #Brazil, #Russia, #India, #China, and #SouthAfrica.
Ethiopia really stands out as a rather bizarre choice, until one takes into account that it is the 14th most populous state on Earth, ahead of both #Vietnam and #Turkey, two states that I was expecting to join BRICS. Argentina is also a little odd, as I would have expected #Venezuela, with its #oil riches, to join first, but it’s possible that its problems with #foreign #interference into its elections and its government might have prevented it from applying to the new organization.
Anyhow, what this indicates is that BRICS is as interested in raw numbers as it is in oil or technological advancement. So #Pakistan, #Indonesia, #Nigeria, and perhaps even #Bangladesh would appear to be on the short list, although conflict with India might keep Pakistan out and Nigeria appears to be among the #African nations most firmly attached to the #G7 states.
Today we're talking about a strange story out of Johannesburg, #SouthAfrica, and as usual, offer our high octane speculation about it:
Chaos in Joburg CBD after gas explosion in Bree Street
In videos: #Earthquake in #Johannesburg, gas explosion or other?
Johannesburg earthquake is strongest in six years
Viele Tote bei Angriffen auf Bars in Südafrika | DW | 10.07.2022
Bei Schusswaffenangriffen auf zwei Kneipen in Südafrika sind mindestens 19 Menschen getötet worden. Weitere Personen wurden verletzt. Ob ein Zusammenhang zwischen den Taten besteht, ist noch unklar.#Südafrika #Kriminalität #Bar #Schüsse #Angriff #Soweto #Johannesburg
Viele Tote bei Angriffen auf Bars in Südafrika | DW | 10.07.2022
Schmissig-elegantes Zeug
Das #JazzfestBerlin war auch in diesem Jahr international-vielfältig. Im Fokus standen Künstler:innen aus Johannesburg, São Paulo und Kairo. http://www.taz.de/Jazzfest-Berlin-2021/!5813570/ #taz #tazgezwitscher #tageszeitung #Kairo #Jazzfest #Berlin #Johannesburg #Sao #Paulo
Msanzi deep, now surpasses 200 episodes
Congratulations to the 'Mzansi deep', team to reach and exceed 200 episodes of their hous music podcasts
RSS feed to subscribe: http://mzansideeppodcast.com/rss
#mzansi #house #music #southafrica #aoteorea #johannesburg #gauteng #mzansideep #podcast #radio