


So, the leader of the #Wagner group, Yegenny Prigozhin, is allegedly dead, having died in an alleged missile strike on an alleged aircraft, and already the presstitutes are blaming Putin... but you'll never guess who is blaming Putin...

Russia latest: Wagner 'had full mobilisation plan if Prigozhin was killed' it is claimed as they vow revenge for 'assassination' - as MI6 chief says there are signs Putin 'took him out' in plane crash and if he's not dead 'he soon will be'

#Joseph P. #Farrell | #News and Views from the #Nefarium | Aug. 24, 2023


Having it large on Caturday...
Reasonably sure that Joseph the cat is no longer with us...
But in 1969 his owner Agatha Higgins of Peterborough
bequeathed him £369.00 in her will, enough to provide for his
preffered diet of Rabbit steaks, fish and cream until 1976...


June 7, 1660, remains a memorable date for the small town of Cotignac, located in the south of #France. It was on this precise day that #Saint #Joseph, the foster father of Jesus, is said to have made a miraculous appearance to a shepherd named Gaspard Ricard. This extraordinary encounter between heaven and earth is one of the very few apparitions of Saint Joseph officially recognized by the Catholic Church ... #miracle https://wakonda666.blogspot.com/2023/06/7th-june-1660-apparition-of-saint.html


Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Y-jPLAr-YPo

Author and researcher #JosephFarrell and I discuss in depth the proposition that royal families are reasserting themselves into power using the vehicle of corporate persons to exert control over national governments. This far-reaching conversation begins with the #Roman #empire and Augustine of Hippo, and ends with the 2024 US elections. You won't want to miss Joseph's high-octane speculation!
#Joseph P. #Farrell - #Princes, #Persons & #Power | #Radio #FarSide


#Joseph P. #Farrell | #News and Views from the #Nefarium | Feb. 2, 2023
Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/RrnDrhaymBAB
Source: gizadeathstar.com

Happy Ground Hogs day! While you're pondering six more weeks of winter and the awful weather we seem to be having, there is much more serious news regarding the safety of the quackcines and the air travel industry that you need to be aware of:

Renowned MIT Professor and Drug Safety Analytics Specialist Calls for Immediate Suspension of all #mRNA #COVID Vaccines

Why Are the EKGs of Pilots No Longer Normal?