

What Happens When a #Romance #Writer Gets Locked Out of #Google Docs

source: https://www.wired.com/story/what-happens-when-a-romance-author-gets-locked-out-of-google-docs/?esrc=AUTO_PRINT

In March, an aspiring author got a troubling message: All of her works in progress were no longer accessible. What happened next is every writer’s worst fear.

Google never specified which of her 222,000 words was inappropriate.


Generally speaking, files containing #violence, #abuse, child sexual abuse material, and gore violate the terms of service for Google Drive and its associated products, like Docs and Sheets.

Now many of you will be thinking, who is stupid enough to store everything in the Google #cloud? The problem is we know that, but many people out there don't. We urgently need to do more educational work and warn people about companies like Google and their practices. Tell all your friends and acquaintances and don't use the clouds of the big corporations.

#news #problem #fail #warning #danger #service #customer #internet #economy #security #wtf #omg #disaster


Hey, let's use #AI to generate #bug reports and #spam the bug trackers of open source projects ...

The I in #LLM stands for #intelligence

source: https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2024/01/02/the-i-in-llm-stands-for-intelligence/

When reports are made to look better and to appear to have a point, it takes a longer time for us to research and eventually discard it. Every #security report has to have a human spend time to look at it and assess what it means.

#curl #openSource #fail #software #troll #problem #time #news #technology #disaster



This video is short but succinct. It presents some new information about #UFO sightings in the area of #Fukushima preceding and following the #nuclear #disaster in #2011.

There aren’t many unchecked news of UFO/ET reports in Japan save for legendary and some historical records dating back many centuries

but the very Fukushima Prefecture seems to have gathered above average number of sightings and possibly ET Contact over decades ,
it hosts UFO museum and activist club.


Further on , similar observations seemed to have numbered in Chernobyl 1986 during the nuclear disaster and possibly even many years later .
According to local observers ETs have possibly tried to warn humans and intervene at some point as well as took active interest in cleaning the area of radiation and monitoring the process later.

Under the line ..

I was 12 in the same year when Chernobyl happened. Prague is very far from #Chernobyl of course but radiation level were said to be elevated later in that year far to Germany
as atmospheric pressures from the blast and winds eventually carry clouds of radioactive particles over thousands of miles air distance.

I’ve never linked these two together but I had experienced lucid ET visitation in the same year, one or two. I knew I should not tell my mum . It was “too smart” for a kid and I’d have been made fun of and knocked out off it instantly.

It so never happened to me before and many years after till Bodhgaya 2002, that’s 16 years later.

Comes down to observation that most of these “big events” of ET encounters are synchronous to many individuals on different timelines and happen around the same time and different spaces or at the same space but different time though that presumes time-space that can be bent
#quote from #pa


#Quote The Vigilant Fox 🦊

#Pilots Warns of #Airline Industry #Disaster Due to #COVID-19 #Vaccines

Captain Shane Murdock, a pilot for more than 40 years, has found official data that back up his claim of impending #global #catastrophe:

• There was a 272% rise in mayday calls in 2022, with a 386% surge in early 2023 (see chart).

• There was also an unprecedented 126% increase in flight restrictions due to medical limitations.

Murdock thinks some pilots are ticking time bombs and claims many are not declaring ill-health. He said:

"They are not reporting brain fog, heart flutters, and dizzy spells because they don’t want to lose their jobs."

Cpt Murdock thinks lack of action can have only one result. Many planes make #emergency landings because of pilot incapacitations. He warned:

"Disasters will occur, and both aircrew and the traveling public will die unnecessarily."

This information was compiled from an article written by
(give her a follow). Read the full story in the comment below.
Source twitter: https://twitter.com/VigilantFox


Seems like these "once in a century events" are happening daily now...

"Somalia is currently experiencing what the United Nations has termed a “once-in-a-century” #flooding event, following a historic drought. This natural #disaster has uprooted hundreds of thousands of people not only in Somalia but also in neighboring East African countries.

As of November 14, 2023, heavy rains and floods have impacted over 1.24 million people and displaced over 456 800 in Somalia. At least 32 fatalities have been reported, with the majority of those affected residing in the South West State."




#They #Know About The #Disaster

make no mistake they know who is they
governments the world economic Forum
secret societies powerful interests what
do they know that the sun is going to
take away our modern Comforts in a great
blast that the auroral displays getting
more extreme is a sign of Earth's
vulnerability as the magnetic field
weakens in the ongoing Excursion and
pole shift and that the polar regions
will become new habitable lands full of


Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ObauZqcHFcU


Scripted shortcut caused double-click #disaster of #sysadmin's own making

source: https://www.theregister.com/2023/10/09/who_me/

Rather than right-clicking on the script and selecting "Edit" to make his small change, Ricardo had instead executed the script. On his production machine. The machine that stored all of his carefully constructed scripting – not to mention absolutely everything else he needed to do his job.

And of course there was no "Are you sure Y/N?" to save Ricardo's skin, was there? With a fraction of a second, the script merrily started eating away the hard drive … and Ricardo's livelihood.

#software #script #fail #administrator #omg #wtf #configuration


'I was #kidnapped by my runaway electric #car'

source: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-67005620

He was also asked to hold the power button for a couple of seconds which also failed to stop it and the entire dashboard lit up with faults.


Police were forced to stop the runaway car by allowing it to slowly crash into their police van.

If you think why didn't he pull the handbrake, then you've never been in a modern electric car. Everything works via software, including the handbrake. There are no more mechanical controls. Since we all know how badly modern #software is developed and tested, as this example impressively shows, the #question remains why there is no #emergency switch that disconnects the #battery from the #engine?

#Bug #traffic #danger #crash #problem #fail #economy #security #news #police #error #disaster #technology