

A Juneteenth Tale....

How a Grad Student Uncovered the Largest Known Slave Auction in the U.S.
by Jennifer Berry Hawes, photography by Gavin McIntyre for ProPublica
June 16, 5 a.m. EDT

Lauren Davila made a stunning discovery as a graduate student at the College of Charleston: an ad for a slave auction larger than any historian had yet identified. The find yields a new understanding of the enormous harm of such a transaction.

Relevant. #Juneteenth #Racism #Slavery #Charleston #SlaveTrade


There is so much I'm only beginning to learn...

The Civil War is rarely taught properly. The well documented struggle for liberation is left out of the story. The enslaved people who fled to Union lines whenever they were able forced Lincoln to state that ending slavery was the object of the conflict. He only reluctantly agreed to establish the United States Colored Troops, who were more invested in victory than any other group in the country. Of course, he never gave up on his dream of an all white country. Shortly before his assassination he still expressed a desire to send Black people away and to compensate the Confederacy for its lost free labor.

#Juneteenth #holiday #emancipation #slavery



Hey, one thing you can do for Juneteenth is contact your reps using http://pb-resources.com/juneteenth information on your states' current legislation! Email is an option for contact for a lot of reps, and it is VERY WORTH DOING. #Juneteenth #BlackLivesMatter

Do your part!

I contacted Senators Toomey & Casey in Pennsylvania (I also sent in separate messages related to disability & queer rights, since I was there, but focus on specific issues in your messages! Do the Juneteenth/voting message (script available on site) first & foremost!), woo!

Also: support Black creators and don't support white owned businesses that are earning money from merch related to this event. Ban players & creators who are racist & use slurs or deny racism. There are A LOT of ways to help & support, but listen to Black people most of all.