Well, they can't go back to old business as usual. Not even back to Bernie Bros either.
♲ br00t4c - 2024-11-14 02:03:55 GMT
David Axelrod Is Pushing Rahm Emanuel for DNC Chairman for Some Reason#DavidAxelrod #Endorsement #DNCChair #Why #WashingtonDC
Alltag in Washington D.C.: Im Land der Vielen
Brüllende Trumpwähler, luxuriöse Bio-Supermärkte, und die Geschichte der USA fast ohne Sklaverei. Unser Autor wirft sich in die Ambivalenzen der USA.#USA #Demonstration #WashingtonDC #KolumnePostprolet #Kolumnen #Gesellschaft #Serie
Alltag in Washington D.C.: Im Land der Vielen
© Leonard Freed.
Participants in the Pro-Civil Rights March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Washington D.C. 1963.
#photo #foto #art #freedom #procivilrights #washingtondc #usa
Claytoonz (Clay Jones) #cartoon of the day (of our times?)
RFKjr Speaks at the 2024 Libertarian Convention…and he has delegates!!! #RFKjr #RobertFKennedyJr #LibertarianConvention #WashingtonDC #Worms #IGotWorms
Viewed on X/itter so you don't have to give a click... :))
#Truth - As foretold beautifully in "Brain Dead"
The quiet places...
♲ Margaret - 2023-03-24 19:07:00 GMT
Sunday Brunch #WashingtonDC #Photography #WindowFriday #Fensterfreitag ©mfjphotography
Donald Trump vor Gericht: Trump trifft auf skeptische Richter
Donald Trump fordert Immunität für seine Versuche der Wahlverfälschung. Er behauptet, sein Handeln habe zu seinen Pflichten als Präsident gehört.#DonaldTrump #US-Präsidentschaftswahl2024 #US-Justiz #JoeBiden #WashingtonDC #Republikaner #US-Präsidentschaftswahl2020 #Amerika #Politik #Schwerpunkt
Donald Trump vor Gericht: Trump trifft auf skeptische Richter
Die USA im Wahlkampfmodus: Das Jahr der harten Proben
Die Kandidatenkür der Republikaner verspricht wenig Spannung – wären da nicht die vielen Gerichtstermine von Trump.#US-Präsidentschaftswahl2024 #JoeBiden #DonaldTrump #USA #WashingtonDC #Amerika #Politik
Die USA im Wahlkampfmodus: Das Jahr der harten Proben
Wolodimir Selenski in den USA: Es geht um die Zukunft der Ukraine
Der ukrainische Präsident hat vor dem Ausbleiben weiterer US-Militärhilfen gewarnt. Die Republikaner im US-Kongress blockieren sie.#JoeBiden #Washington #WashingtonDC #USA #KrieginderUkraine #Amerika #Politik #Schwerpunkt
Wolodimir Selenski in den USA: Es geht um die Zukunft der Ukraine
The Belmarsh Tribunal
Whether you want to attend in person or follow along online, please #register.
#BelmarshTribunal #WashingtonDC #9thDecember2023 #2pm #TheNationalPressClub
#amygoodman #ryangrimm #abbymartin #julianassange #sevimdagdelen #johnkiriakou #wikileaks #FREETHETRUTH #freeassange #weareallassange
Israel supporters gather in Washington DC amid Gaza war | Al Jazeera Newsfeed
Chants of ‘no ceasefire’ were heard as tens of thousands of people joined a rally in Washington DC in support of Israel as it continues its war in Gaza. Subs...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #gaza #israel-palestine #latestnews #newsheadlines #pro-israelprotests #washington #washingtondc
Israel supporters gather in Washington DC amid Gaza war | Al Jazeera Newsfeed
Team Freedom ~ Searching For Allies
#JonStewart #comedian #teamfreedom #searchingforallies #democracy #us #europe #BalazsHidveghi #RobertaMetsola #NicolaeStefanuta #DanielFreund #RaphaelGlucksmann #ClareDaly #MickWallace #AbirAl-Sahlani #LeaSalame
democracy vs authorianism debate
#joebiden #politics #summit-for-democracy #china #beijing #washingtondc #china-us-relations
...from the globalist perspective, J6 was worse than 9/11 as 9/11 was instrumental in ushering in the Constitution-violating surveillance state required to undermine American sovereignty in pursuit of political globalism.
J6 was an ostensibly non-violent expression of profound dissatisfaction with the Federal political establishment & J6 helped highlight how much Americans have been disenfranchised by globalists who have usurped American organs of state.
#uspolitics #globalism #january6th #j6 #j6footage #foxnews #tucker #tuckercarlson #nineeleven #911 #dc #washingtondc #federalgovernment #government #disenfranchisement #usurpation #globalists #globalagenda #elites #elitism #youtube #markdice
TTC: Es hakt zwischen den USA und der EU | DW | 06.12.2022
Im Rahmen des Handels- und Technologierats haben sich Vertreter der EU und der USA in Washington getroffen. Trotz einiger Fortschritte bleiben Fragen offen. Besonders ein Konflikt trieb EU-Minister um.#TTC #Handels-undTechnologieratUSAEU #USA #EU #WashingtonDC #Wirtschaft #Handel
TTC: Es hakt zwischen den USA und der EU | DW | 06.12.2022
TTC: Handelskrieg abgewendet, EU und USA einigen sich | DW | 06.12.2022
Im Rahmen des Handels- und Technologierats haben sich Vertreter der EU und der USA in Washington getroffen. Trotz einiger Fortschritte bleiben Fragen offen. Besonders ein Konflikt trieb EU-Minister um.#TTC #Handels-undTechnologieratUSAEU #USA #EU #WashingtonDC #Wirtschaft #Handel
TTC: Handelskrieg abgewendet, EU und USA einigen sich | DW | 06.12.2022
Hands Off Assange ~ Washington DC Event
About 300 #freepress advocates carried a 240-foot #yellow-banner emblazoned with “ #FreeAssange” around the #Department-of-Justice building in #WashingtonDC and then heard a slate of #speakers, including #JillStein, #BenCohen, #ChrisHedges, #JohnKiriakou, #ScottRitter, #MadeaBenjamin, #JoeLauria, #KevinGosztola #RevAnnieChambers #MatthewHoh #SpikeCohen #DaveDeCamp #EstherIverim #DanCohen #ElizaBleu #MarshaColeman #ChipGibbons #GarlandNixon #JamesBovard #SabrinaSalvati #RandyCredico ...
#handsoffassange #us #doj #protest #demonstration #activism #julianassange #wikileaks #journalism #truth #freepress #freespeech #dropthecharges #noextradition #weareallassange #journalismisnotacrime #dontextraditeassange
Human Chain in London, Protest in DC, to Free Assange
Join the #8thOCTOBER #FreeAssangeNOW actions:
#Humanchain around #parliament in #London.
#Protest at the #Dept-of-Justice in #WashingtonDC
#humanchain #freeassange #truthteller #julianassange #wikileaks #yanisvaroufakis #kenloach #jeremycorbyn #sreckohorvat #brianeno #demonstration #activism #weareallassange #dropthecharges #freespeech #freepress
Join with thousands tomorrow Saturday, 8th October at the UK Parliament in support of Julian Assange
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 7, 2022
Human chain to free Assange | @yanisvaroufakis @KenLoachSixteen @jeremycorbyn #HumanChain #HumanChain4Assange #FreeAssangeNOW https://t.co/YLnTmgcMN4 pic.twitter.com/pcY0MNg0iw
Hands Off Assange!!!
#DC ~ #8october at the #us #doj: Join #whistleblowers, #journalists, #activists and other #good #folks fighting to #save #free-speech, the #FirstAmendment and #JulianAssange. #Publishing-state-crimes-is-not-a-crime!
#handsoffassange #washingtondc #department-of-justice #wikileaks #freespeech #freepress #weareallassange #freeassange #dropthecharges
Anyone up for trying to make music at the
Takoma Park Folk Festival, Sunday, September 11?
Just an informal jam at some point in the day maybe...
#WashingtonDC #TakomaPark #music #TPFF
Paul Pelosi is yet another example of the two-tier American justice system.
Whilst his wife ensures the January 6th trespassers remain in jail and are denied their USC Article 1, Section 9, Clause 2 and USBoR Article 8 rights, Paul Pelosi, a man worth in excess of $130 million as a result of his wife's insider trading, walks away from jail for a serious crime with $5,000 bail.
#paulpelosi #nancypelosi #pelosi #insidertrading #dui #drunkdriver #drunkdriving #drunkdrivingkills #twotieredjustice #twotierjustice #departmentofjustice #doj #USA #crime #crimeandpunishment #impartiality #impartialjustice #justicesystem #january6th #j6 #washingtondc #dcswamp #memes #corruption #cronyism #power #abuseofpower #privilege #meme