

https://vmst.io/@WestportObservatory/113448755991454209 WestportObservatory@vmst.io - The Taurids continue this week, Mercury makes an appearance under bright Venus after sunset, and the First-quarter Moon sits in Capricornus tonight. Also this evening, Jupiter's moon Io crosses the planet's face from 8:51 to 11:03 p.m. EST, followed by Io itself at 9:34 p.m. with the Great Red Spot transiting at 10:19 p.m. Sunday the moon cozies up to Saturn and actually occults the planet if you're south of Florida. The Full Beaver Moon is next Friday. See your Universe! https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-news/observing-news/this-weeks-sky-at-a-glance-november-8-17/

#SkyandTelescope #Mercury #Saturn #Moon #Jupiter #Venus #GRS #Io #Occultation


Der Jupitermond Io erzeugt einen Ring aus Plasma entlang seiner Umlaufbahn. Warum er das tut und was das mit der Kernfusion zu tun hat, erfahrt ihr in der neuen Folge der Sternengeschichten: astrodicticum-simplex.at/?p=36… 🎙️#Astronomie #Universum #Sternengeschichten #Astrodicticum #Sterne #Io #Jupiter #Jupitermond #Plasma #Torus #Gas-Torus #Plasma-Torus #Planetologie #Vulkanismus #Magnetfeld #Enceladus #Europa #Kernfusion #Kultur
Sternengeschichten : Der Gas-Torus von Io


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#Juno over #Io:

The probe’s original mission first wrapped in July of 2021, but it has since then been given an extended mission with a deadline set for 2025.

...on Juno’s current orbit, it will steadily get closer to the moon, until in February of 2024 it will be within 1,500 kilometers of Io’s surface. The probe is expected to take more exciting images, as it inches closer to the fire and ice moon.

#Jupiter’s #moon, which is made up of fire and ice, has a surface temperature of negative 250 degrees Fahrenheit, but is covered in more than 400 active volcanoes which produce hot lava that can reach temperatures of 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit (1,000 degrees hotter than on Earth).

And if that doesn’t already sound like a terrifying place to visit, the moon also features large lakes of lava that are more than 100 miles across in length, changing volcanic deposits, as well as fountains of fire that unpredictably erupt.

Io is one of Jupiter’s 95 known moons, and is one of the four largest.


Planetenstunden - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #fbg #fbd #jamendo #CC #fedibikes #MdRddG #MdRzA #Frühstück #Kakao #Tee


#Welt! Bist du noch da?


… für den #Bildungsauftrag und so!

Einen Teil des #Mondes erkennt ihr und nebenan sieht man den ollen Jup mit seinen Monden seine Bahn ziehen. Wenn ich richtig geguckt habe, dann sind es die großen Monde von links nach Rechts:

#Callisto, #Ganymade, #Io und #Europa

#Astronomen und #Astronominnen dürfen mich gerne berichtigen (-:

Jetzt einen interstellaren #Kaffee und ein wenig musikalische Unterhaltung:


Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!


Ja, um die Monde zu sehen muss man schon sehr genau hingucken !


Peter Gabriel - Road to Joy released

It seems rare these days to find artists who have been around for decades not trading in on nostalgia or becoming a parody of (or tribute to) themselves. Peter is one such artist who has embraced change and technology to move forward and evolve. Having said that, I am in no way against any artist preserving their musical heritage and presenting it to the fans who want to re-experience it or the new generations who are discovering the music for the first time.

I am looking forward to seeing Peter live in 2023!

#PeterGabriel #IO #music


It's a clear #night and #Jupiter and #Venus are bright in the #western #sky and getting closer together in their apparent positions. This is a #photograph of the pair with a 1.6 s exposure. It is also difficult to get a sharp #focus manually as autofocus doesn't really work with objects at infinity and yet effectively points of light. This taken with a 400 mm #telephoto #lens.
Venus and Jupiter in conjunction

Also with long exposures and a heavy lens, even a the tiniest #vibration on the tripod can blur the image, even with the sharpest focus. Here's the same image but cropping around Jupiter. You can see its four biggest satellites, (left to right: #Europa, #Io, #Ganymede and #Callisto, information courtesy of #Stellarium)
Jupiter and its moons

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Winter #BackyardAstronomy #JovianSystem #Moons