

118 Nederlandse gemeenten gaan 23 september Vlaggendag organiseren voor doelen Great Reset. 🤦‍♂️

#Klaus #Schwab #Sustainable #Development #Goals #SDG #agenda2030 #globalisme #klimaatgekte #vrijheid #democratie

op 23 september om precies te zijn, hijsen zoveel mogelijk gemeenten de Global Goals-vlag aan het gemeentehuis. Dit gaat gepaard met een openbare toespraak of uiting van een gemeentebestuurder over de Global Goals.
Aangezien de verjaardag van de Global Goals dit jaar in het weekend valt, wordt de vlag op vrijdag gehesen. Onder meer de gemeenten Nijmegen, Hoorn, Schiedam en Opsterland doen mee aan de Vlaggendag.
Mooi niet!
FVD-Kamerlid Pepijn van #Houwelingen heeft geen goed woord over voor de actie. “Een feestdag dus voor het globalisme, die verderfelijke technocratische, vrijheidsberovende, antidemocratische ideologie,” schrijft hij op Twitter.
Van Houwelingen roept op: “Mooi niet! We verwerpen het verachtelijke globalisme en deze walgelijke vlag die daar het symbool voor is. Hijs 23 september dus onze Nederlandse vlag en hang hem op zijn kop want ons land is in nood!”



Who are the people behind the jab AND the Georgia Guidestones?

Eugenicists Bill Gates and Klaus (Rothschild) Schwab

"The same people who think the earth is overpopulated, are saying that they want to save lives by vaccinating everyone on the planet."


Put them in 1st and 2nd place on the NUREMBERG-2 docket!

Eugenicists Bill Gates and Klaus (Rothschild) Schwab use "their" wealth to de-populate (cull, murder) the human species.)"

#Eugenics #Gates #Klaus #Rothschild #Schwab #jab #NWO #RESET #COVID #thegreatreset #covid19 #scam #totalitarianism #barons
#depopulation #domination #megalomania #genocide #powercorrupts #kleptarchs #Nuremberg2
#humancull #nocullnecessry

[Edited reshare, version 2, with tags.]

my comment(/rant) from original post:
was about to reshare, and then "While Jeff Bezos ", no. not gonna reshare that post painting that monster in a favourable contrasting light to other monsters.

i’ve been boycotting amazon since 2004, and it blows my mind why other people dont see it. destroys the competition through ruthless means, not disimilar to the other ruthless megalomaniac monopolist, bill gates’ rise to power (not just destroying competing companies, but entire industries and markets, to disempowe us all into dependence as cashcow slaves). denies recourse and remedy to its [effectively] captive customers. treats workers horrendously. maintains the illlusion of space being difficult and reserved for the most #worthyvampire, getting to just 1% the width of the earth, away from earth.

… and elon musk garners too much undue admiration too, obfuscating nikola tesla who wanted to power the world for free, healthily, whereas elon takes his name, and builds a toxic panopticon with rents, maintaining slavery and linear resource extraction leading us to doom… the same fodder used in the circular reasoning of the genocidal eugenicists who insist there are too many people [to keep on using technologies that polute] in the world, needing a human cull [rather than switch to clean technology ~ oh but that’s harder to extract rents from to maintain the economic power imbalance]. and also maintains the illlusion of space being difficult and reserved for the most #worthyvampire, when instead we could have had interstellar #spaceshipsforeverybody, generations ago!

also, the word “hoax” downplays it. as if it’s merely for the merriment of tricking. no. it’s a scam. a racket. these words at least depict there’s motivation and gains and effects beyond merely tricking for the joy of tricking. a hoax is “ho ho, fooled you” and done. a scam or a racket is extracting from you. which is better, but, there’s still a lot more to the scam than just a sell-op racket. #weareinalotoftrouble as depicted in the image and its intro line (and outro ~ minus the bezos & musk mention) pointing out:

Who are the people behind the jab AND the Georgia Guidestones?
Eugenicists Bill Gates and Klaus (Rothschild) Schwab
The same people who think the world is overpopulated
Are saying they want to save lives by vaccinating everyone on the planet
Put them in 1st and 2nd place on the NUREMBERG-2 docket!
Eugenicists Bill Gates and Klaus (Rothschild) Schwab use their wealth to de-populate (“cull”, murder) the human species.

I will definitely be resharing that image though, with the text from it.

(as typing this… i hear james acaster saying “someone is the worst person in the world”)

ps, also, the mcarthian redscare bs of including a communism tag is a toxic mislead. all that robber baron propaganda depicting all communism only as the authoritarian stalinist form [(edit: which some argue should not even be called communism, with its contorted contradictions, not disimilar to how there was nothing socialist about the nazi's anti-socialist jingoist hegemony)], obfuscating the likes of kropotkin’s anarcho communism. like some people need a #politicalcompass and to re-read orwell. … otherwise, good post. XD better with the flies extracted from the ointment. ;) ;p XD :D

had to reshare that image though. "pretty simple when it's spelled out in black and white." -- Bill Hicks


Wasseramsel - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #goodmorning #fbg #fbd #jamendo #CC

#Tousled #Crane on #Tour

Guten Morgen #Welt!

Nach #Klaus die #Amsel

Und zwar die #Wasseramsel. Sie scheint häufig vor zukommen, aber ich sehe sie nur an leicht verregneten #Spätwintertagen. Scheinbar wenn nicht soviel #Leute durch die Gegend stapfen. Kann ich verstehen.

Jetzt einen #Kaffee zum Start in die neue #Woche!

Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!


#Frühstück #Kaffee #Kakao #Welt #Tee


Klaus - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #goodevening

#Tousled #Crane on #Tour


Ich so, bei schönstem #Wanderwetter unterwegs in den #Wald. Klaus treibt ein paar hübsche #Wölkchen über den wunderbar blauen #Himmel. Im Wald zwitschern #Amsel, #Drossel, #Fink und #Meise und ich genieße den Wald. Ein paar #Rehe traben eher gemächlich von mir weg, die #Bäume wiegen sich im #Wind und ca 200m vor dem rettenden #Waldrand bricht die #Hölle los:

Mindestens 20 #D-Züge rauschen durch Wald, #Zweige und #Äste fliegen mir um die #Ohren, es schüttet wie aus #Eimern und links vom Weg stürzen 2-3 alte #Buchen um. Seit langem das erste Mal, dass ich die #Beine in die #Hand genommen habe und meine persönliche #Bestzeit auf 200m unterboten habe.

War echt heftig! Kommt gut durch die #Nacht!

Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!