


The #tyranny is #spreading. Klaus #Schwab has admitted the global #elite are planning to #depopulate the #world and replace ordinary #human beings with #AI and #transhumanist #hybrids.

According to the #WEF, #humanity will be better equipped to deal with the challenges of the future if unborn children undergo gene editing to ensure they are free of diseases and disabilities, including psychological traits which the elite disapprove of.

Speaking at the #World #Government Summit in #Dubai where he was lecturing 600 unelected bureaucrats about “How To Rule The World”, the WEF founder said that the WEF have the technology to become gods and engage in intelligent design to, in his words…“alter the #humanbeing.”

If that wasn’t dystopian enough, wait until you hear how Schwab is planning to to alter us.

Source: The People's Voice


[Critique contre] 👁 LOI CONTRE L’ANONYMAT : BIG BROTHER C’EST MAINTENANT ! Alexis Poulin, Le Monde Moderne - 19 septembre 2023 (durée 5 minutes)

Certes, le sujet de cette loi contre l'anonymat est sérieux, mais ma critique ne porte pas sur ça...
Je vois passer, depuis plusieurs jours, beaucoup de posts avec cette vidéo d'Alexis Poulin... Et dire que certains pensent que ce gars est à gauche.... À gauche de l'extrême-droite, oui, à n'en pas douter...

Alors, quand je vois la tronche de l'autre crétin Schwab, je me dis direct que ça sent mauvais, question #comploplo et logique d'extrême-droite.
Ce n'est pas du tout parce que je crois ce gars innocent, loin de là. Mais je suis également certain que rien ne sera résolu avec cette attitude de #facho : pointer ce gars !
De même que les problèmes ne se régleront pas, en pointant une ethnie, ou qlq migrants, recette classique donc, des #puants.
On n'en a rien à foutre des Schwab et autre coupables idylliques aux yeux des puants ! Ce qui compte , c'est de poser sur la table, le pouvoir des #riches, que ce soit les riches libéraux ou les riches conservateurs/racistes, puis de voir que l' #exploitation du monde a atteint des limites, qui font que le système capitaliste, pour continuer d'exister encore longtemps, est en train de se défaire de quelques sacs de sable, les classes populaires, européennes par exemple.

Et donc, de pointer un crétin comme Schwab devient très vite contre-productif, car c'est entrer dans le credo des fachos puants d'extrême-droite, et perdre de vue l'essentiel : le #Capitalisme peut continuer de fonctionner... pour de moins en moins de monde !!! Donc... Si on veut sauver le plus de gens possible, il faut arrêter la #surconso, et pas penser que certains, comme Schwab ou #Meadows même (c'est dire les bourrins crétins !), veulent exterminer des milliards de gens, comme je l'ai déjà vu publié par quelques #Comploplos notoires !!! ...
Non. Les #ressources vont manquer. Donc en effet, la capacité de charge va être dépassée d'autant si on continue de #consommer comme on le fait.
Ah mais ça... Pour les puants, nan, c'est pas audible. Pourtant, le problème vient bien de nous #Européens (et #Américains etc), et pas des migrants qui se noient en mer !!

Mode ironique
-- Eh ouais... mais c'est plus facile de pointer le #coupable #Schwab, t'as encore rien compris toi --
Me fatigue...


time to #stop these evil ones is #now

You’ll Have No Privacy And Like It! Says W #EVIL F Head Klaus #NAZI SCUM #Schwab:

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=98SzcHejNLM

World Economic Felons head Klaus Schwab gets accused of sounding like a movie #real life #villain, and he does nothing to dispel the notion with his public statements. Most recently Schwab told an interviewer that privacy would soon be a thing of the past and that we should all embrace this bold future since, as long as we don’t have anything to hide we should have anything to worry about. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the brave new world people like Klaus Schwab say we should accept even if they won’t be subject to its dictates themselves.


When we have massive corporations owning big corporations, owning medium corporations, owning small corporations, it doesn't take as many conspiritors as a person might imagine to control vast numbers of people and affect significant influence in the world. This is true for many human oganisational structures that rely on a pyramidal hierarchy for order.

#blackrock #vanguard #statestreet #environmentalsocialgovernance #uk #esg #usa #woke #wokeideology #eu #corporatism #conspiracy #schwab #builderberg #worldeconomicforum #wef #bigcorp #biggov #bigtech #usa #elitism #nietzscheanism #control #conspiracies #bigpharma #CCP #un #statecapitalism #collusion #crime #cronycapitalism #globalism #elites #corruption #cfr #harvard #oxford #lse #cityoflondon #manhattan #nyc


sick fucks on the war path

Another week, another leaked video from the #World #Economic #Forum featuring Klaus #Schwab’s advisors casually discussing their #plans to #depopulate the #planet.

According to these two #WEF stooges, all religious groups are opposed to the World Economic Forum because religions want “more souls” and the WEF “wants less on the planet.”

At what point do we stop and say “enough”? How many times does the World Economic Forum have to declare their sinister intentions before the world stops and listens?

Klaus Schwab’s right hand man Yuval Noah Harari, who has a history of saying the quiet part out loud, and last week he admitted what many people have long suspected.
According to Harari, who was promoting his new book, the big political question of the 21st century is “What do we need so many humans for?”

And it’s not even the first time Yuval Noah Harari has let slip regarding their plans for humanity. He recently declared that the WEF considers the vast majority of the human population to be obsolete, useless and redundant.

According to Harari, so-called “common people” are right to be fearful of a future in which they will be made “redundant.

The WEF advisor assessed the widespread anxiety among “common people” as being rooted in a fear of being “left behind” in a future run by “smart people.”

Such fears are justified, according to Harari, who spoke on behalf of the elites and confirmed “We just don’t need the vast majority of you.”

Harari’s comments are deeply disturbing because when they are placed in context with comments by other WEF advisors and affiliates like Bill Gates, it becomes clear that they have disablement and depopulation on their mind.

And the UN is working hand in glove with the WEF. Here is Christiana Figueres letting the cat out of the bag about the plans of the elite.

Alan Gregg, an official for the Rockefeller Foundation, said the world has cancer and the cancer is man. Prince Phillip, Queen Elizabeth’s husband, said if he could be reincarnated he would wish to return to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels. A nice guy, that Phillip.

Jacques Cousteau said we need to eliminate 350,000 people a day. Media mogul Ted Turner said we need a 95% decline in population. Okay, Ted, you first. These guys for the New World Order want to reduce the population of the world from it’s present 7 billion to a half billion.

Charles Wurster of the Environmental Defense Fund said people are the cause of all problems, we need to get rid of some of them. Bill Clinton signed the Bio Diversity treaty that said we need to reduce the earth’s population to 1 billion.

Peter Singer, an influential Princeton professor who is teaching your children, wants to have abortions AFTER the baby’s born. You’ve got 28 days to decide if you want to keep it. He said Christianity is our enemy;

if the animal rights movement is to succeed, we must destroy the Judeo-Christian religious tradition. Apparently, animals have more rights than humans.
Maybe that’s why the powers that be are promoting abortion parties:
And maybe that’s why the shots are causing mass deaths. But you will never hear about it on mainstream media, because they are bought and paid for by Pfizer.

And maybe that’s why they are promoting obesity, which last time anyone checked, leads to diabetes, and an early grave. The body positivity movement promotes obese bodies as healthy and is being pushed hard by the mainstream media, with new celebrities created to brainwash the children.
Maybe that’s why an insulin factory was blown up just in the nick of time to cause an insulin shortage when it is needed the most:
Of course, the mainstream has been corralled into a mass formation psychosis, and they will refuse to listen to you if you try and speak sense to them about any of these issues. According to the mainstream in 2020, obesity is healthy. The vaccines are not causing people to keel over and die. And abortion is love.

George Orwell warned us about about these times. He said they would convince us that war is peace. How right he was.
