

Auswärtiges Amt warnt: Homosexualität steht in Ghana unter Strafe – Der SLADO e.V. hat Vorbehalte gegen die Städtepartnerschaft Dortmund – Kumasi

Der Dachverband der Schwulen-, Lesben-, Bisexuellen- und Transidentenvereine und -initiativen in Dortmund – SLADO – äußert sich zu der geplanten Städtepartnerschaft, die voraussichtlich am 22.#Dortmund #Ghana #Kumasi #lesbischschwulbisexuelltransgenderinterqueerLSBTIQ* #LSBTIQ #SLADOeV #Städtepartnerschaft
Der SLADO e.V. hat Vorbehalte gegen die Städtepartnerschaft Dortmund - Kumasi - Nordstadtblogger


Super easy and cheap option to start a single plant #Kratky #Hydroponic unit.

I bought a large number of mesh cups after my last trip to #Ghana to take with me for fhd planned workshops and ito use them at the #Aquaponics system we were planning to build at #Kumasi agriculture college.

My sickness, followed by #Covid restrictions prevented me from travelling and I put everything in storage before moving back to south of #France.

As I am trying to restart my experiments with various solutions to grow #vegetables at home, I came across these small mesh cups that are perfect match for the 2L #milk bottles in France. The same with 1L #bottles and many other #juice sold in #France and in #Europe.

The 2L is perfect because it will have enough water and nutrients for a leafy vegetable like #lettuce or #kale to grow without the need to refill it

All I need to do is to wrap the bottle with aluminum foil, fill it with proper mix of nutrients and water and put them under a #GrowLight or by the window to get #sunshine.

#Gardening #GrowOwnFood #RecycleReuseReduce #ContainerGarden