

In case you missed it...

#DeathSantis has given #Leprosy the "freedom" to return, to his anti-vax #Florida .

Another highly communicable - and spreading disease he can ignore or help, as he did with #TrumpVirus 1 (COVID-19)

On top of #TrumpVirus, #COVID, & #malaria!
This is real...

Leprosy Outbreak in Florida: What You Need to Know

So come on down! Guns, gators, #malaria mosquitos & leprosy, but no #woke in #FL ! Yee-haw! Freedom! Go #GQP

No wokeness here! No science, #Shakespeare, #AP #psychology, #history, teachers, doctors, insurance, farm workers, or corporate/hospitality growth plans either... But lots of sunshine! And the warm glow of the governor's plans for the future...



Forugh Farrokhzad

Short film from 1963, by the Iranian poet Forugh Farrokhzad. Her poems was published in a Danish translation and I have read it with much fondness. So this Iranian guy on Hive tells me that she also made a short film about a leper colony in the north of Iran. It is really beautiful - and ugly - as is its theme.


#Film #documentary #poetry #ForughFarrokhzad #Iran #leprosy #ugliness #loneliness #religion #fatalism #isolation #beauty #life #1963