

Due to the severe drought affecting the #Amazon, more than 130 pink #dolphins and #tucuxis (another type of freshwater dolphin) have been found dead in Lake Tefé, near the municipality of Tefé, just over 500 kilometers from #Manaus, the capital of the state of #Amazonas.

💥 In a statement posted on social media, the institute stated that the deaths of the pink dolphins and tucuxis began on Saturday, the 23rd, but the cause has not been confirmed yet. Technicians from the institute and government agencies are analyzing water quality and the deceased animals.

🚨 With the drought affecting the Amazon, several municipalities in the Amazonas state have declared a state of emergency in recent days. The state government has also expressed concerns about the possibility that the drought may impact the distribution of water and food to around 500,000 people.

#WeDontHaveTime #Politics #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateEmergency #TomorrowIsTooLate #GlobalWarming #Environment #GlobalBoiling #PointOfNoReturn


‘Their vision needs to be shared’: the tiny shop championing the literature of the Amazon

The Guardian

Banca do Largo contains the world’s largest collection of titles by Amazonian writers – and its owner believes their Indigenous knowledge and voices should be more widely heard. (...)

By 2010, the shop stopped selling magazines and specialised exclusively in Amazonian literature.

(Text continues below the photo.)

Photo of bookshop owner
‘I spent my life searching for these treasures’ … Joaquim Melo, owner of the Banca do Largo bookshop, Manaus. Photograph: Mélissa Godin.

Over the past 12 years, Melo’s bookshop has become a key feature of Manaus society. (...)

The books on the shelves range from poetry collections celebrating the jungle’s forest and fauna to novels chronicling the experiences of Lebanese-Brazilian migrants. (...)

The first written text about the Amazon is believed to be a 1542 book which chronicles the day-to-day life of Spanish explorer Capitán Francisco de Orellana as he travelled through the Napo region in search of gold. A 1942 edition of the book is on display in Melo’s shop, but he is quick to mention that many explorers dismissed the way of life of Indigenous people. “As a result, the origins of Amazonian literature history as we know it are quite complicated from a cultural and political perspective.”

By the 19th century, Amazonian writers started emerging. In 1852, Lourenço da Silva Amazonas published Simá, a book that seeks to give value to the Amazon region and its inhabitants, placing it as a founding element of Brazil’s identity.

But the region’s literature really flourished in the 20th century, when writers such as novelist Milton Hatoum and poet Thiago de Mello began publishing. “Mello denounced the exploration of Indigenous land and the military dictatorship,” Melo says. (...)

Since then, a new generation of Indigenous authors have emerged. Writers including Ely Macuxi, Daniel Munruku and Ailton Krerak have changed the face of Amazonian literature. (...)

“Of course, there is a part of the Brazilian population that is interested in knowing ancestral and Indigenous knowledge,” he says. But the rise of the far right and fake news in Brazil means that people increasingly have prejudices about the Amazon and its inhabitants, Melo believes, ranging from racism towards Indigenous people to underestimating the seriousness of deforestation. (...)

Complete article

Photo of books in window
The real Amazon bookseller … shelves in the Banca do Largo bookshop, Manaus. Photograph: Mélissa Godin.

Tags: #brazil #brazilie #brasil #books #amazon #literature #manaus #bookshop #indigenous_people #rain_forest #racism #discrimination #deforestation #Francisco_de_Orellana #orellana #Lourenço_da_Silva_Amazonas #da_Silva_Amazonas #Simá #Milton_Hatoum #Thiago_de_Mello #de_mello #poetry #Ely_Macuxi #Macuxi #Daniel_Munruku #munruku #Ailton_Krerak #krerak


"É por causa de situações como esta que digo que a destruição da #Amazônia é realizada por organização criminosa. Confio que PFAM dará a devida resposta, com a identificação e prisão dos criminosos" -
#Helicóptero do #Ibama é incendiado durante ataque em #Manaus -
RT Alexandre Selva Saraiva -


Em meio à dor, famílias de vítimas de #Co vid19 enterradas em #Valas comuns em #Manaus planejam homenagem para o Dia de #Finados - ✨ -
https://g1.globo.com/am/amazonas/noticia/2021/11/01/em-meio-a-dor-familias-de-vitimas-de-covid-enterradas-em-valas-comuns-em-manaus-planejam-homenagem-para-o-dia-de-finados.ghtml -
RT g1 -
"Parentes contam como foi vivenciar a tragédia de ver um ente querido ser enterrado em uma cova coletiva, situação que chocou inclusive os trabalhadores dos cemitérios de Manaus. Caixões chegaram a ser empilhados para dar conta da alta demanda de enterros." -


“O desastre é inegável”, diz Gilmar #Mendes ( #STF ) sobre gestão de B0Is0nar0 na pandemia -
https://brasil247.com/poder/o-desastre-e-inegavel-diz-gilmar-mendes-sobre-gestao-de-bolsonaro-na-pandemia -
RT Brasil 247 -
“…o desastre é inegável, já que tivemos um quadro de #Mortalidade que poderia ter sido reduzido se nós tivéssemos tido gestão adequada do setor e não tivéssemos vendido ilusões com #Placebos e #Cloroquina. Acabamos até esquecendo, mas veja o quadro da tragédia de #Manaus, onde faltou #Oxigênio e as pessoas morreram #Asfixiadas. Lá, havia uma equipe do Ministério da Saúde levando esse tratamento precoce…” -


Em #Manaus, 84% dos internados em #UTI por #Co vid19 não se vacinaram -
https://www.cnnbrasil.com.br/saude/em-manaus-84-dos-internados-em-uti-por-covid-19-nao-se-vacinaram/ -
RT CNN Brasil -
"...Até terça-feira (19), dos 45 pacientes internados pela doença em hospitais da capital amazonense, 62,2% não tinham tomado nenhuma dose de vacina. Somente em leitos de UTI, dos 26 internados, 84,6% não tomaram nenhuma dose ou não procuraram a segunda aplicação da vacina..." -