

Parlamentswahlen in Indien: Premier Modi ist Favorit

Parlamentswahlen in Indien - Premier Modi auf dem Weg zum Hindu-Staat

Bei den Parlamentswahlen in Indien gilt Narendra Modi als Favorit. Kritiker werfen dem Premier vor, das Land zu einem hindunationalen Staat umzubauen.#Indien #Modi #Wahlen #Pakistan #Hindu #Religion
Parlamentswahlen in Indien: Premier Modi ist Favorit


Does the world has a 100 years cycle for fascism and stupidity taking over the nations?

Most countries turning into full fascist states and our democratic values being destroyed, one by one in every corner of the planet.

The nuclear powered nation of India turning fascist should be an alarm for everyone in the world. But sadly we are driven by for profit corporations rather than political leaders and India is one of the key nations in their plans to dominate the world economics. No matter how extreme right it turns.

#India #Democracy #Politics #Fascism #Modi #Asia


India: Authorities Revoke Visa Privileges of Diaspora Critics

Government Targets Overseas Indians Opposing Ruling Party Policies


(New York) – Indian authorities are revoking visa privileges to overseas critics of Indian origin who have spoken out against the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government’s policies, Human Rights Watch said today. Prime Minister Narendra Modi often attends mass gatherings of diaspora party supporters in the United States, Europe, Australia, and elsewhere to celebrate Indian democracy, while his government has targeted people it claims are “tarnishing the image” of the country.

#india #human-rights #human-rights-watch #hrw #bjp #modi #hindu-nationalism #indian-diaspora


G20-Gipfel in Indien: Globaler Dialog wirkt

Kommentar zum G20-Gipfel - Globaler Dialog wirkt

Die Abschlusserklärung der G20 ist ein Erfolg indischer Diplomatie. Die Länder des globalen Südens haben sich bei dem Gipfel als machtbewusste Akteure gezeigt.#G20 #Indien #Modi
G20-Gipfel in Indien: Globaler Dialog wirkt