It's for free 😱
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♲ anonymiss - 2024-12-10 14:20:26 GMT
#children #Facebook #Meta #Instagram #media #internet #online #socialmedia #drugs #health #education #meme #memes #Problem
Iemand verbaasd?
Geen van de grote online platformbedrijven voldoet aan EU-regels voor veiligheid en transparantie
Digitale veiligheid - Techplatforms als Google, Amazon en Meta zijn sinds dit jaar verplicht een accountant aan te stellen die controleert of ze voldoen aan de Europese digitaledienstenwet. Op dit moment krijgt alleen Wikipedia een voldoende.
(Tekst loopt door onder de foto.)
Geen enkel groot onlineplatformbedrijf voldoet aan EU-regels voor veiligheid en transparantie. Dat blijkt uit de eerste onafhankelijke beoordeling die negentien platforms, waaronder Meta, TikTok, Google en Amazon, de afgelopen weken moesten publiceren. Het is bijvoorbeeld niet duidelijk hoe de aanbevelingsalgoritmes van deze bedrijven werken. Ook doen de platforms niet genoeg om kinderen te beschermen en halen ze illegale inhoud niet snel genoeg offline. (...)
Zo merkt de accountant van TikTok op dat nieuwe medewerkers van een team dat ingrijpt bij noodgevallen, al aan de slag gingen voor hun training was afgerond. Dat team moet actie ondernemen bij acute gebeurtenissen zoals een livestream waarop iemand aan zelfverwonding doet. X controleert niet nauwkeurig genoeg of gebruikers oud genoeg zijn. Amazon maakt te weinig duidelijk hoe aanbevelingen van producten tot stand komen. Bij Apples downloadwinkel, de App Store, was niet altijd duidelijk wie de aanbieder van een app was. Booking bracht zelf in kaart welke ontwerpelementen van zijn site misleidend kunnen zijn, maar haalde die vervolgens niet allemaal weg. (...)
De bedrijven geven tot nu toe weinig uit aan het voldoen aan de regels, vertellen beide accountants. „Ze hebben veel juristen in dienst, maar tot nu toe heel weinig mensen die zich bezighouden met het verkleinen van risico’s en het voldoen aan de wet”. (...)
Tags: #nederlands #sociale_media #social_media #SocialMedia #meta #facebook #tiktok #google #amazon #x #apple #booking #eu #europese_unie #EuropeseUnie #algoritme #dsa #instagram #aliexpres #digitaledienstenwet
Mark Zuckerberg a souper avec #Trump (banni de #Meta) et le supplie de rejoindre son groupe,
Donald had a turkey for dinner. Grovel grovel grovel 🦃 🍴 🤢 #SocialMedia #Meta #Facebook #Instagram #Zuckerberg #USPol https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/27/us/politics/mark-zuckerberg-trump-meeting.html?unlocked_article_code=1.dU4.sdSm.UTKyaKRzYCEq&smid=url-share
#Microsoft is being investigated by the #FTC over #antitrust concerns
But in recent years Microsoft has mostly escaped the kind of antitrust scrutiny applied to #Amazon, #Apple, #Meta, and #Google, each of which is fighting its own #monopoly charges from the #government.
If you call it Meta instead of #Facebook then Google is #Alphabet. Good journalism is so hard to find... 😩
#economy #politics #justice #siliconvalley #technology #Software #Problem #future #capitalism #internet #news #usa
Klagen in Paderborn gegen Meta wegen Weitergabe von persönlichen Daten
Neun Personen klagen in Paderborn gegen den US-Konzern Meta wegen weitergegebener Daten für personalisierte Werbung.#Regio-Beitrag #251124 #LandgerichtPaderborn #Meta #Klagen #Datenschutz #Datenweitergabe
Klagen in Paderborn gegen Meta wegen Weitergabe von persönlichen Daten
15.11.2024 Meta soll 800 Millionen zahlen
Bußgeld zum Abschied der alten EU-Kommission
Meta soll 798 Millionen Euro zahlen, weil es seinen Online-Kleinanzeigendienst Facebook Marketplace an das weitverbreitete soziale Netzwerk Facebook gekoppelt und Wettbewerber benachteiligt haben soll, schreibt Telepolis. Durch diese Koppelung wurden " anderen Anbietern von Online-Kleinanzeigendiensten unfaire Handelsbedingungen auferlegt", erklärte EU-Wettbewerbskommissarin Margrethe Vestager.
Nun wird Meta gegen dieses Bußgeld klagen und es werden wieder ca. 10 Jahre vergehen wie in dem genau vor einem Monat beschriebenen Verfahren in Deutschland: "Meta verlor vor dem EuGH". Auch damals wurde endlos geklagt und inzwischen behauptet Meta, dass sie "alles ganz anders" machen als zum Klagezeitpunkt.
Nebenbei wird Meta - und auch die anderen GAFAM-Internetkonzerne - weiter mit seine Lobbyisten in Brüssel dafür sorgen, dass ihre Profitaussichten weiter gut bleiben: "Meta, Lobbyist Nr. 1 bei der EU".
Telepolis erinnert an die Tätigkeit von Frau Vestager: "Für die EU-Wettbewerbskommissarin Vestager dürfte die Rekordstrafe eine ihrer letzten Amtshandlungen sein. In ihrer zehnjährigen Amtszeit war sie eine der schärfsten Kritikerinnen des Silicon Valley. Gegen Google verhängte sie Kartellstrafen von mehr als acht Milliarden Euro."
Das gestrige Scheitern des EU-Entwaldungsgesetzes durch die gemeinsame Abstimmung von EVP und Rechtsaußen macht schon mal deutlich, dass wir uns noch an die letzten EU-Parlamente und einzelne EU-KommissarInnen zurücksehnen werden ...
Mehr dazu bei https://www.telepolis.de/features/EU-Rekordstrafe-fuer-Meta-Facebook-Marketplace-missbrauchte-Marktmacht-10035801.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3DS
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8967-20241115-meta-soll-800-millionen-zahlen.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8967-20241115-meta-soll-800-millionen-zahlen.html
Tags: #Vestager #EuGH #Meta #Facebook #Instagram #WhatsApp #Datenklau #Kleinanzeigendienste #Einwilligung #freiwillig #informiert #Datenkraken #Transparenz #Informationsfreiheit #Anonymisierung #OpenSource #Verbraucherdatenschutz #Bußgeld #Datenzusammenführung #Diskriminierung #GAFAM
Endangered #bees stop #Meta’s plan for nuclear-powered #AI data center
#news #technology #environment #future #power #electricity #bee #usa #politics #economy
Exploiting Meta’s Weaknesses, Deceptive Political Ads Thrived on Facebook and Instagram in Run-Up to Election
In December, the verified Facebook page of Adam Klotz, a Fox News meteorologist, started running strange video ads.
Some featured the distinctive voice of former President Donald Trump promising “$6,400 with your name on it, no payback required” just for clicking the ad and filling out a form.
In other ads with the same offer, President Joe Biden’s well-known cadence assured viewers that “this isn’t a loan with strings attached.”
There was no free cash. The audio was generated by AI. People who clicked were taken to a form asking for their personal information, which was sold to telemarketers who could target them for legitimate offers — or scams.
Klotz’s page ran more than 300 of these ads before ProPublica contacted the weather forecaster in late August. Through a spokesperson, Klotz said that his page had been hacked and he was locked out. “I had no idea that ads were being run until you reached out.”
Klotz’s page had been co-opted by a sprawling ad account network that has operated on Facebook for years, churning out roughly 100,000 misleading election and social issues ads despite Meta’s stated commitment to crack down on harmful content, according to an investigation and analysis by ProPublica and Columbia Journalism School’s Tow Center for Digital Journalism, as well as research by the Tech Transparency Project, a nonpartisan nonprofit that researches large tech platforms. The organizations combined data and shared their analyses. TTP’s report was produced independently of ProPublica and Tow’s investigation and was shared with ProPublica prior to publication.
The network, which uses the name Patriot Democracy on many of its ad accounts, is one of eight deceptive Meta advertising operations identified by ProPublica and Tow. These networks have collectively controlled more than 340 Facebook pages, as well as associated Instagram and Messenger accounts. Most were created by the advertising networks, with some pages masquerading as government entities. Others were verified pages of people with public roles, like Klotz, who had been hacked. The networks have placed more than 160,000 election and social issues ads on these pages in English and Spanish. Meta showed the ads to users nearly 900 million times across Facebook and Instagram.
The ads are only a fraction of the more than $115 billion Meta earns annually in advertising revenue. But at just over $25 million in total lifetime spend, the networks collectively rank as the 11th-largest all-time advertiser on Meta for U.S. elections or social issues ads since the company began sharing data in 2018. The company’s failure to block these scams consistently highlights how one of the world’s largest platforms struggles to protect its users from fraud and deliver on its nearly decadelong promise to prevent deceptive political ads.
Most of these networks are run by lead-generation companies, which gather and sell people’s personal information. People who clicked on some of these ads were unwittingly signed up for monthly credit card charges, among many other schemes. Some, for example, were conned by an unscrupulous insurance agent into changing their Affordable Care Act health plans. While the agent earns a commission, the people who are scammed can lose their health insurance or face unexpected tax bills because of the switch.
The ads run by the networks employ tactics that Meta has banned, including the undisclosed use of deepfake audio and video of national political figures and promoting misleading claims about government programs to bait people into sharing personal information. Thousands of ads illegally displayed copies of state and county seals and the images of governors to trick users. “The State has recently approved that Illinois residents under the age of 89 may now qualify for up to $35,000 of Funeral Expense Insurance to cover any and all end-of-life expenses!” read one deceptive ad featuring a photo of Gov. JB Pritzker and the Illinois state seal.
More than 13,000 ads deployed divisive political rhetoric or false claims to promote unofficial Trump merchandise. ...
Rest if article: https://www.propublica.org/article/facebook-instagram-meta-deceptive-political-ads-election
#ProPublica #meta #facebook #political #ads
#ceylon #News
#meta engineer reveals, rees mogg soverighnity, are food shortages coming & have they sold their soul?
09.49 violation of rights
10.48 tech giant yacht sinking
13.31 third conspirator epsteine
15.39 truth in movies
18.00 they told you in films maui
18.54 the greatest story never told
20.30 social security is a scam
21.34 the reason of Halloween
25.58 where are the 200 fallen angels
27.43 why were the pyramids made
28.57 OMG!! The Bible Warned Us
29.54 sold soul
30.36 are they not getting there adrenochrome
31.38 khan not safe
32.49 khan prisoners jump cue
34.08 khan scam election
34.48 ulez khan
36.10 hurricane pattens
38.17 changing the weather
40.53 alcapulco hit twice
42.49 facts global warming scam
44.49 global warming scam
46.03 5g blue beam & weapons system
48.08 6g even worse
51.22 android test
51.42 1989 car
52.16 z uni
53.14 z weird conservatives
53.47 z what you want and get