

If they cannot get you to agree to being the all-caps #name, they have a problem
Court jurisdiction is everything in the legal system, especially for a living man. If they cannot get you to agree to being the all-caps name, the legal fiction, they is a problem. I am joined by Mick Butler who has been pushing back against the system for three years on council #tax.


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#ceylon #news #name
…will this #water powered #car end the oil industry?
11.35 bush pregnant
12.32 best way to control
13.21 jail vs school
13.40 stop drinking ice water
14.30 retrograde inversion
15.15 60 tonnes of perfect potatoes rejected
16.00 Klaus Anal On China
16.58 why did they kill gadaffie
17.20 canada trudo gets confronted
18.20 canada trudo
19.46 canada pigs tourchering individules
22.08 legal name fraud
25.42 pfizer exposed
27.16 #pcr tests #cloning
32.21 pcr deadly
34.27 mawe EBS 10.2.2023
35.20 mawe media deception
37.09 kids disappear
39.51 jason freedom
45.48 illegals. un troops
48.34 Kate Bush - Experiment IV (Lyrics on Screen)See less

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"The #divine #name, or ‘I’ refers to the most intimate, obvious aspect of our experience.

In this #guided #meditation #RupertSpira takes us directly to that #essential, #unchanging #aspect #of #ourselves.

Rupert says notice that whatever experience we are having, it is I who am having it. All our experience revolves around ‘I’. ‘I’ is as such the ever-present aspect in our always-changing experience and being the common factor in all experience, ‘I’ cannot be limited to or defined by any particular experience. In its purest form, ‘I’ is as such unqualified and unconditioned and having no qualities or conditions, it cannot be said to be limited.

For us to experience our Self as we essentially are we do not have to go anywhere or do anything — we simply need to sink deeply into our Self, allowing ourselves to be divested of all the temporary finite qualities that we derive from the content of experience. What remains is just the fact of being or being aware. We are essentially infinite being temporarily clothed in human experience and seeming to become a finite being, without ever, in fact, ceasing to be #infinite being."