

We don’t know how #Israel’s #military is using #AI in #Gaza, but we should

source: https://www.latimes.com/business/technology/story/2023-11-02/column-how-is-israels-military-using-ai-in-gaza

In a year when AI has dominated the headlines around the globe, this element of the conflict has gone curiously under-examined. Given the myriad practical and ethical #questions that continue to surround the #technology, Israel should be pressed on how it’s deploying AI.

#ethics #war #politics #weapon #conflict #humanrights #discussion #society #news #terror #warfare


hey, if/when you take the #politicalcompass test,
could you please read the instructions carefully.
recently i've seen several people (pundits and posters), talk about its questions.
the political compass does not ask even 1 question.

see for yourself... search for question marks through each page of the test.

how many question marks do you count? i count zero question marks.

the introduction to https://politicalcompass.org/test states it plainly on the first line.
there are no questions. it's not questions. stop calling it questions!

Before taking the test: Please note that this isn’t a survey, and these aren’t questions. They’re propositions. To question the logic of individual ones that irritate you is to miss the point. Some propositions are extreme, and some are moderate. That’s how we can show you whether you lean towards extremism or moderation on the Compass. Your responses should not be overthought. Some of them are intentionally vague. Their purpose is to trigger reactions in the mind, measuring feelings and prejudices rather than detailed opinions on policy.

#propositions are not #questions

#politics #politicalphilosophy #psychometrics #pedantry



00:00:00 - Introduction
00:01:46 - Dans cet épisode
00:03:04 - Présentation de l'invité / l'art de la #guerre
00:05:15 - #Trotskisme(s)
00:11:06 - Quand #Marx disait du mal de la #gauche
00:14:39 - #Lambertistes et #questions #sociétales
00:20:39 - L' #usurpation du terme de #fascisme
00:23:31 - Un #fascisme qui ne serait pas d' #extrême-droite
00:30:39 - Comment #Marx est devenu associé à la gauche
00:43:43 - Les #services #secrets #anglais, l' #URSS et le #nazisme
00:51:32 - 1947, un moment de tournant dans le #communisme #français
00:55:10 - #Marx reconnaissait l'apport du #capitalisme
01:07:27 - La #Révolution #américaine
01:10:57 - Visions de l' #histoire (et de l' #historien)
01:17:18 - #Collaboration et dénonciation des #juifs
01:33:03 - #Anecdote sur #Rebatet
01:38:38 - La défaite de 1940 : #uchronie
01:54:53 - La #blitzkrieg : #mythe ou #réalité ?
01:58:53 - La ligne #Maginot : une si mauvaise idée ?
02:03:02 - Conclusion

#politique #histoire


The #CorbettReport | #mRNA #Vaccines for #Livestock? - #Questions For #Corbett | March 02, 2023

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/vhusoITGos9e

Are mRNA vaccines being developed for livestock? You bet they are! So what does this mean? As usual, it depends who you ask. Find out the bad, the worse and the putrid of third generation vaccines and the future of food in this week's edition of Questions For Corbett.

Show Notes:

Bill Gates Vows To Pump mRNA Into Food Supply To ‘Force-Jab’ the Unvaccinated
Original video: Bill Gates and Penny Mordaunt launch the Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Security
Instagram post: someone's friend's neighbour's cows died from mRNA vaccines
Report: mRNA vaccines may be injected into livestock
Healthfeedback funded by Meta/TikTok/Google
Healthfeedback.org: Misrepresented 2018 clip of Bill Gates trigger inaccurate claims that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for livestock could transfer to people through diet
Gates/Omidyar/US State Department-funding of International Fact-Checking Network
USA Today Fact check is an IFCN partner
USA Today Fact check: False claim about mandatory mRNA vaccines, deaths in Australian cattle
About AFP Fact Check
AFP Fact Check: Australian farmers not 'forced to inject livestock with deadly mRNA vaccines'
AFP Fact Check: mRNA vaccine cannot transfer through meat consumption
NSW fast-tracks mRNA FMD and Lumpy Skin Disease vaccines
Novel Vaccine Technologies in Veterinary Medicine: A Herald to Human Medicine Vaccines
The Future of Livestock Vaccines
Big Pharma pushes to get farm animals off antibiotics and on vaccines
Bayer Partners with BioNTech to Develop mRNA Vaccines, Drugs for Animal Health
mRNA Vaccines in Livestock and Companion Animals are here now.
DNA vaccines in veterinary use
Veterinary biologics licensed in Canada
Paul Offitt: Can mRNA vaccines alter a person's DNA?
The #Future of #Vaccines
mRNA Vaccines: Disruptive Innovation in Vaccination Source: corbettreport.com


Le Grand #Entretien de Décembre avec #PierreYvesRougeyron - #CercleAristote

Vos chapitres :

00:00 Introduction et #bilan de l’année

La visite de #Macron aux #États-Unis
08:09 Petite #histoire du #protectionnisme #américain et de la notion
29:55 La #protestation #européenne
41:54 De la nécessité du protectionnisme #national

#Guerre en #Ukraine et prise du pouvoir de l’ #UE
43:40 Entrée en matière sur le #sujet #ukrainien
46:34 L’état de l’Ukraine
58:03 #Avilissement de la vie internationale sur le sujet Ukrainien
01:05:43 Déboires dans le camp national sur le dossier Ukrainien

Coupe du monde au #Qatar et #stratégie de #communication
01:11:34 #Diplomatie #Qatarienne
01:14:53 Regard sur l’ #ArabieSaoudite

01:17:39 Interlude

La situation à #Mayotte
01:18:46 Le problème des #bandes #armés
01:23:16 Le retour indispensable du #régalien

La notion du mois : l’ #idiocratie
01:36:44 Réaction à l’article
01:40:00 Considérations sur #internet
01:52:19 L’état d’internet et la #liberté d’ #expression
01:56:18 Le #Metaverse
01:57:58 Les effet à long terme du #numérique et les solutions

#Questions du #public
02:12:29 Un #soulèvement suite à un 49.3 sur les #retraites ?
02:13:12 Que pensent les #généraux de la #France ?
02:15:09 #Reconquête et la #bourgeoisie #patriote
02:21:32 Les résultats du #Cercle #Aristote ?
02:22:53 Des #ouvrages sur la vraie #extrême-droite ?
02:26:20 #Opinion sur #ThomasSankara ?
02:28:42 Quel sera l’ampleur de la crise à venir ?
02:29:31 Le #souverainisme et l’ #Antarctique, l’ #espace et la #Lune
02:33:22 Une #crise pilotée contre les #artisans au #profit des grands #groupes ?

02:35:44 Conclusion

#politique #économie