

8 ways Android handles notifications better than iOS

Smartphone being held by a hand. Screen shows open notificatiosn screen saying Notification test now. This is another notification. Below it is a button marked Manage another button Clear all. Above it are a buttons for Internet, Bluetooth, Flashlight, and Wallet.
Android may have the wrong colour bubbles for messaging, but its users can at least pat themselves on the back for having better managed notifications (those things that can really irritate a person if not managed properly).

Notification and spam management can drive one to leave a platform if it is not easily manageable. People don’t believe me when I say I left iOS (a second time) for Android because the lack of spam caller management drove me mad on my iPhone. I’ve posted at length about it before, but it related to the Truecaller app not being allowed but iOS to take over managing the dialler function.

But to get the best value out of managing notifications, you really want to get familiar with what all you can tweak. Reading the linked article will help give some insight into this. I’ve really cut down dramatically on those beeping alerts, but only allowing the most important/urgent ones top give audible alerts. For most, I’ll just see a counter over the icon to indicate there are messages. It has made my day a lot more peaceful and prioritised.

Also muting, permanently or even timed duration, for many group chats, makes your life a lot easier. You don’t need to read every back and forth message as it happens between 300+ people in the community. This also means I catch up on some social sites when I want to see what is happening, not as it happens throughout the day.

See androidpolice.com/android-hand…
#Blog, #android, #notifications, #technology


Téléphone, mail, notifications… : comment le cerveau réagit-il aux distractions numériques ?

#téléphone #email #notifications #cerveau #distraction #numérique #productivité #santé #psychologiecognitive #risquespsychosociaux #interruptionsnumériques #coûtcognitif #attention #concentration #économiedelattention #fluence #imprévu #étude #hyperconnexion #technologie #écran #cognition #cognitif

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Send desktop notifications and reminders from Linux terminal using the notify-send command

Sometimes it’s useful to get visual feedback from a script. For example, when a script or cron job completes, a long-running build fails, or there is an urgent problem during script execution. Desktop applications can do this with pop-up notifications, but it can be done from a script too! You can use script commands to send yourself desktop notifications and reminders.

It can also be used from any CLI based applications that need to pop up a desktop GUI notification. I actually found the command already installed on my Manjaro Linux, but it could be from an application that was already installed and using it.

The below code has been written and tested on Linux. It can also be done on macOS with a bit of effort.

See https://opensource.com/article/22/1/linux-desktop-notifications
#Blog, #linux, #notifications, #opensource, #technology


Here's a #Microsoft #Windows "Focus assist" helping me to focus by sending me a notification telling me that they're not going to send me #notifications. I suppose this is an alarm situation, because they say: "Only alarms will break through." Yes, I have turned it off several times, but I keep getting this assistance... Apparently Microsoft product management has not learned anything from Clippit.