

Behind these eyes...

An adult Orang-Utan (Pongo abelii) resting in a leafy oak tree, one arm holding on to a branch above.
This ape (♀︎ I think) had been watching me photographing the youngsters so I thought it only fair that they get a portrait too.
It doesn't really come across in this small image, but the eye contact is intense. 🦧💕
Photographed at Chester Zoo in England, UK.

#mywork #myphoto #photography #ape #orangutan #wildlife #nature #Pongoabelii #eyecontact #stevesimonsphotography


Petition: Ferrero kauft Palmöl aus Kinderarbeit, befeuert Regenwaldabholzung und rottet Orang-Utans aus!
Stoppt BlutPalmöl auf Plantagen in Indonesien und Malaysia!
Bitte mitzeichnen, teilen und liken. Danke :)
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