

Trying to save my Pluspora Account manually and found this lovely image!

It is astonishing that BDS movement is criminalized, Russian media, banks, internet access, civilian aviation and almost everything is blocked and boycotted, but Israel is still receiving $110M a day from the US, it can sell products to EU without import duty and received the red carpet treatment whenever they ask for a visit. Not to mention how they managed to destroy Jeremy Corbin's career in UK!

But hey, I am just a old has been who lives in the past and believes there should be no tolerance for war, discrimination, xenophobia, racism or sexism.

#Politics #PlusporaRefugee #Israel #Racism #War #Xeonophobia #NewWorldOrder


For the #GPlusRefugees out there:

Filip H.F. "FiXato" Slagter - 2022-02-27 22:05:55 GMT

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