

Xis Corona-Politik macht immer mehr Chinesen wütend | DW | 27.11.2022

Ob Shanghai, Peking, Ürümqi oder sonstwo: Immer mehr Menschen lassen ihrem Frust über Pekings Null-COVID-Strategie freien Lauf. "Nieder mit Xi Jinping!" lässt Böses ahnen - für den Staatschef wie für die Demonstranten.#China #Proteste #Null-Covid-Politik #Shanghai #Peking #XiJinping #Lockdown #BijanDjir-Sarai #JürgenTrittin
Xis Corona-Politik macht immer mehr Chinesen wütend | DW | 27.11.2022


Data are Liability: Billion-record stolen Chinese database for sale on breach forum

A threat actor has taken to a forum for news and discussion of data breaches with an offer to sell what they assert is a database containing records of over a billion Chinese civilians – allegedly stolen from the Shanghai Police.

Over the weekend, reports started to surface of a post to a forum at Breached.to. The post makes the following claim:

In 2022, the Shanghai National Police (SHGA) database was leaked. This database contains many TB of data and information on Billions of Chinese citizens.

HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31986441

Nothing tracks like a police state.

And nothing leaks like a police state.


#DataAreLiability #Shanghai #China #Surveillance #SurveillanceState #DataBreach