

Committee to Protect Journalists calls for #investigation into alleged targeting of #Ukraine journalist

Source: https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/04/committee-to-protect-journalists-calls-for-investigation-into-alleged-targeting-of-ukraine-journalist/

According to accounts from Slidstvo.Info and other local media outlets, on April 1, 2024, two officers from a local military recruitment office approached #Shulhat while he was grocery shopping, attempting to hand him a notice to report to their office. When Shulhat began recording and questioning the officers about potential links to his probe into Vityuk’s property holdings, they promptly left. Although individuals in Shulhat’s age group are legally subject to conscription under Ukraine’s martial law regulations, the circumstances surrounding this event suggest a deviation from established procedures outlined in Ukrainian law. Notably, #CCTV footage examined by Slidstvo.Info revealed the two officers entering the supermarket accompanied by a civilian, identified by Slidstvo.Info as an SBU representative. This individual pointed out Shulhat before departing. Shortly after, the officers approached Shulhat, addressing him by name, and informed him of the need to update his personal information with the #recruitment board, citing his recent 27th birthday.

#sbu #press #journalism #news #military #justice #spy


Exclusive: #YossiSariel unmasked as head of #Unit8200 and architect of #AI #strategy after book written under pen name reveals his #Google account

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/05/top-israeli-spy-chief-exposes-his-true-identity-in-online-security-lapse

The embarrassing #security lapse is linked to a book he published on #Amazon, which left a digital trail to a private Google account created in his name, along with his unique ID and links to the #account’s maps and calendar profiles.

#Israel #internet #Anonymity #privacy #spy #military #CyberSecurity #news #online #leak #identity


What #encryption do you use for your everyday #communication?

I'm not talking about your nerd friends, who can be counted on one hand and who know a thing or two about the subject. I'm talking about your normal friends, business partners and colleagues with whom you communicate both professionally and privately.

I was recently called by my support via Microsoft Teams because I had to enter some passwords. The support team proudly said that they were contacting me via Teams because it was more secure than the normal phone. He was then very surprised when I told him that Teams is unencrypted and can be intercepted much more easily.


#messenger #email #question #security #cybersecurity #internet #spy #surveillance #privacy #nsa #snowden #5eyes


#AI and Mass #Spying

source: https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/12/ai-and-mass-spying.html

All the #data will be saved. It will all be searchable, and understandable, in bulk. Tell me who has talked about a particular topic in the past month, and how #discussions about that topic have evolved. Person A did something; check if someone told them to do it. Find everyone who is plotting a #crime, or spreading a rumor, or planning to attend a political #protest.

#surveillance #spy #politics #police #cyberwar #NSA #palantir #china #bigbrother #1984 #orwell #danger #warning #news #problem #economy #internet #technology #humanrights #freedom #military #justice


Scrotum Concealment | International Spy Museum

#nsfw #spy # history #humour #humor

This prototype (never used in the field) was specifically designed to be used by downed male pilots to conceal a small escape radio: male security guards, it was thought, would not thoroughly search the genital area.



Scandinavian #spy drama: the #intelligence chief who came under state #surveillance

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/02/scandinavian-spy-drama-the-intelligence-chief-who-came-under-state-surveillance

The secret deal – the “crown jewels” of Danish intelligence – was hidden from the public until details began to emerge in 2014, when documents leaked by Edward #Snowden revealed how European countries such as #Denmark help facilitate the US’s globe-spanning electronic surveillance.

#justice #politics #government #humanRights #usa #nsa #problem #news #privacy #security #democracy #Europe


New Israeli #Spyware Infects Targets via #Ads

Source: https://winbuzzer.com/2023/09/18/new-israeli-spyware-infects-targets-via-ads-xcxwbn/

The investigation by #Haaretz underscored the uniqueness of this case. “This is the first case in the world where a system of this sort is being sold as #technology, as opposed to a service,” journalist Omer Benjakob highlighted. Insanet has secured the green light from Israel's Defense Ministry to market #Sherlock internationally as a #military -grade product, albeit with stringent conditions. The company's roots trace back to 2019, with its founders having significant ties to Israel's defense and #cybersecurity sectors.

I don't link to the original source from Haaretz because it's behind a paywall.

👉 Don't surf without ad-blocker!

#security #software #internet #Israel #news #spy #surveillance #advertisement #economy


Sur #Framalibre : https://framalibre.org/content/spy

SPY est un #jeu sérieux conçu à destination d' #élèves de cycle 3 (CM1, CM2, 6ème) pour s'initier aux bases de la #programmation #informatique. Tu devras programmer un #robot pour l'aider à explorer une base secrète et s'en échapper sans être détecté. Tu apprendras à utiliser des actions, des #structures de contrôle, des opérateurs et des capteurs. Sauras-tu les utiliser au moment opportun ? A toi de #joueur...

#SPY ! trop fort ! Je viens de le découvrir aujourd'hui, sur #Frama !

C'est le genre de jeu qui accroche, ... et si c'est ludique, ça fait surtout travailler la réflexion et la #logique !
Il existe déjà Le chevalier de la programmation, mais SPY a le mérite d'être #LogicielLibre, + aucun besoin de s'inscrire, le site donne un code pour poursuivre les niveaux, et le jeu est même mieux que le jeu propriétaire du chevalier, je trouve ! :)

C'est TOP ! :)
Disponible pour tous : PC MAC Android Apple
#École #Collège #Éducation #B2I

++ pdf : https://hal.science/hal-04144205 #TICE #CNRS #LIP6 #SORBONNE-UNIVERSITE


Ban Spying on the Internet

Information about you - what you buy, where you go, and even where you look - fuels the #digital #economy. On one hand, advertisements are directed at us and on the other, #information about us is collected and sold to the highest bidder, which can then be used to aim more targeted #ads and influence our choices and opinions.

read more here: https://banspying.org

#internet #cookies #spy #surveillance #tracking #freedom #society #business #advertisement #protest #criticism
Ban spying on the Internet


#Who Paid for a Mysterious #Spy Tool? The F.B.I., an F.B.I. Inquiry Found.

source: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/31/us/politics/nso-spy-tool-landmark-fbi.html

The deal for the surveillance tool between the contractor, Riva Networks, and #NSO was completed in November 2021. Only days before, the #Biden administration had put NSO on a Commerce Department blacklist, which effectively banned U.S. firms from doing business with the company. For years, NSO’s #spyware had been abused by governments around the world.

#police #usa #surveillance #software #crime #justice #problem #politics #news


CPS has Destroyed all Records of Keir Starmer’s Four Trips to Washington


The CPS’s lack of disclosure of #documents related to #Assange may raise suspicions of a #cover-up. While Starmer was still in charge, in April 2013, the #CPS rejected Assange’s request for the #personal #data it had on him “because of the live matters still pending”.
Even #GCHQ, the UK’s largest #spy #agency, had granted Assange’s request for the personal information it held on him, which revealed one of its intelligence officers calling the Swedish case a “fit-up”. #KeirStarmer did not respond to a request for comment.

#MattKennard #uk #labour-party #julianassange #wikileaks #doj #extradition #prosecution #espionage-act #washington