

#Wohlstandsprobleme - #Klimaprobleme!

Also, diese #Taylor #Swift, ich persönlich habe sicher schon mal was gehört von ihr, kann aber kein Stück benennen, oder mich dran erinnern, also jener Mensch gibt ein #Konzert in #Japan, jettet dann rüber zum #Superbowl nur um dort ihren Freund beim spielen zu zu sehen, ein Lied zu trällern und hat ein Problem:

Es steht wohl kein #Parkraum für ihren #Privatjet zur Verfügung, da schon so viele andere mit privaten Jets anreisen und alles blockieren.

#Argh! So wird das nix mit der #Rettung des #Klimas!


Rant: One day either JavaScript or AutoComplete will start ww3

which pretty much reads like:

it probably has to do with: https://wiki.mozilla.org/ServerJS/Introduction

(used in firefox and/or thunderbird?)

(checkout this search for more javascript rants X-D)

one day either JavaScript or Autocomplete will cause the 3rd world war:

now imagine Biden and Putin are texting:

Biden: Dear Putin, very sorry what happened in the past.

But no worries, we will invade you for dinner.

Putin: Invade?

Biden: Sorry autocomplete. Invite you for dinner.

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #javascript #js #argh #wtf #ahoh

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/06/25/rant-one-day-either-javascript-or-autocomplete-will-start-ww3/


One day either JavaScript or AutoComplete will start ww3

which pretty much reads like:

it probably has to do with: https://wiki.mozilla.org/ServerJS/Introduction

(used in firefox and/or thunderbird?)

(checkout this search for more javascript rants X-D)

one day either JavaScript or Autocomplete will cause the 3rd world war:

now imagine Biden and Putin are texting:

Biden: Dear Putin, very sorry what happened in the past.

But no worries, we will invade you for dinner.

Putin: Invade?

Biden: Sorry autocomplete. Invite you for dinner.

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #javascript #js #argh #wtf #ahoh

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/06/25/one-day-either-javascript-or-autocomplete-will-start-ww3/


One day either JavaScript or AutoComplete will start ww3

it probably has to do with: https://wiki.mozilla.org/ServerJS/Introduction

(used in firefox and/or thunderbird?)

one day either JavaScript or Autocomplete will cause the 3rd world war:

now imagine Biden and Putin are texting:

Biden: Dear Putin, very sorry what happened in the past.

But no worries, we will invade you for dinner.

Putin: Invade?

Biden: Sorry autocomplete. Invite you for dinner.

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #javascript #js #argh #wtf #ahoh

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/06/25/one-day-either-javascript-or-autocomplete-will-start-ww3/


BE CAREFUL WITH find + delete - find . -delete -name vs find . -name -delete

one neat function of find, it that what it found can be passed to another function for further processing.

or: it can delete the file


this can go horribly wrong (and it does not ask for confirmation)

… deleting EVERYTHING in the current directory within the blink of an eye (depending on systems speed… terrabytes of data within seconds).

# warning! this can ruin one's day

<span style="color: #00ffff;">mkdir temp
cd temp
touch 1 2 3 f25020672.avi</span>

# only finds that file
<span style="color: #00ffff;">find . -name "*f25020672.avi*"

<span style="color: #00ffff;">find . -delete -name "*f25020672.avi*"</span>

# this would have been the correct way to do it
<span style="color: #00ffff;">find . -name "*f25020672.avi*" -delete

guess will have to powerdown, and continue when the backup-system of the backup-system is ready X-D

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #accidental #delete #ext4 #trump #gnu-linux #the-internet #internet #lol #argh #fail #backups

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2021/12/20/be-careful-with-find-delete-find-delete-name-vs-find-name-delete/



Drosten kommentierte dazu:

Ich stimme mit diesem Thread und Artikel vollkommen überein. D hat gegenüber UK das Sonderproblem vieler ungeimpfter/nicht genesener Personen >60. Die Impflücke. Omikron ist ein optimales Postpandemievirus. D ist wegen der Impflücke noch nicht bereit für die endemische Situation.

#pandemie #omikron #fünfteWelle #argh


About JoinDiaspora

for @podmin@joindiaspora.com @lukas@sechat.org

10 days ago, after the pod joindiaspora.com was completely broken for three weeks, its podmin wrote this post. I usually keep tabs with still unanswered questions open for a while, so I can ping again. Interestingly, when I wanted to check that post for updates, that post didn't exist anymore. It was deleted by the podmin.

Under the post I asked jd's podmin how he plans to prevent similar issues in the future. I commented that obviously asking for help within feneas didn't help as nobody responded to that question for 3 months.

Lukas then responded by calling me a liar, because somebody did indeed respond! And anyway, this was the first time ever that it took him so long to respond or solve such issues!

And .. wtf?
He was right, he got one response, but that response only added more questions, it was no response to the actual question looking for someone to help maintain the pod.
And I have no idea how on earth he could just state that similar issues never took him so long to respond to or resolve. I mean, just scroll #joindiaspora for a while! Joindiaspora completely looses federation almost every three weeks ("JD's a lonely island again", "Finally seeing other pods' content again after x weeks", etc). It constantly gives 502 or 504 errors to its users when trying to publish posts or uploading photos. Stream isn't loading for weeks. At times where it does actually work, it's mostly so slow that one can barely use it.
Users do talk about it. Users send posts with complaints. Users mention the podmin account and the podmin's personal account. And he usually simply ignores them, for weeks. His reaction this time was no exception, but his usual reaction. See screenshots.

Many people already left joindiaspora, because it's so broken. Other users desperately wait for the account migration tool, so that they can finally leave this broken pod.
meme slow loading meme 2019-01-17 looking for just any pod except jd
If you don't ever see these posts: What kind of parallel universe are you living in?

So let me ask this again:

How do you plan to prevent such issues in the future? How do you plan to solve the issue of you being the only person with access to the pod/server - the only person who can fix problems?

Deleting your posts whenever someone in the comments asks about the future of your pod won't make JD's problems disappear.

#joindiaspora #jd #diaspora #pod #pods #podmin #podmins #issue #issues #problem #question #dasgehtsonicht #argh