


#ceylon #News
12.28 dew caught on camers
12.40 emf danger 1
13.28 emf dangers 2
17.23 It's not just a smartwatch; it's a device emitting EMF radiation
17.41 5g 6g
20.55 unsubbed
21.33 natural emf defence
22.36 airpods warning
23.24 chemical weapon in supplements
24.44 chemtrails weather modification
26.17 electric organs
27.53 iphone tells you
28.49 mucury fillings
30.08 redlight theropy
31.12 truth about water
32.21 teeth repair
32.36 electroculture course
37.11 electroculture sucsess
38.36 farmers expell pigs
40.06 farmers petersweden_massive_absolutely_huge_farmers_protest_in_poland
40.24 farmers The French farmers are now planting fields outside the entrance to government building in protest against the green agenda
40.50 farmers uk
41.07 farmers. trees spain
41.22 farmers beef
44.51 me
45.37 fast food bad
47.05 fast food chains poison
50.03 fast food poison
51.03 tensor ring tech


In #StructuralEngineering #Analysis, #InfluenceLines are used to depict the variation of quantity at a particular location as the location of a #Load or #Action is changed. In the #Animation shown, we can see the change in #BendingMoment in a #StaticallyDeterminate #Beam as a unit force moves from one end to the other. Both the #BendingMomentDiagram and the influence line for bending moment at the centre of the left-hand span, B, are shown. The influence line is often used as a tool to determine where the load should be placed to cause the most extreme cases of interest, say for #design purposes.

#MyWork #CCBYSA #WxMaxima #FreeSoftware #AnimatedGif #Engineering


Spiffy Summer Project Sources Solar Sounds From Scraps


[Gijs Gieskes] has a long history of producing electronic art and sound contraptions, and his Zonneliedjes (sunsongs) project is certainly an entertaining perpetuation of his sonic creations. With the stated goal of making music from sunlight, the sunsongs most prominent feature is solar panels.

Although It's not clear how the photons transform into the rhythmic crashes and random beep-boop sounds, the results are quite satisfying. We have a strong suspicion that the same principals that turn random junk into BEAM robots are at work, maybe with some circuit bending sprinkled on for good measure. One detail we were able to glean from a picture of the device he calls "mobile" was a 40106 oscillator, which [Gijs] has used in previous projects.

The construction style that [Gijs] uses reminds us of the "Manhattan" construction style the amateur radio homebrewing community favors. Squares of copper PCB are glued directly to the back of the solar cells and the circuits are built atop them. Looking carefully at the pictures we can also see what look like cutoff leads, suggesting a healthy amount of experimentation to get the desired results, which we can all relate to.

Be sure to check out the video after the break, and also [Gijs] website. He's been hacking away at projects such as these for a very long time, and we've even featured his projects going back more than 15 years. Thanks for the continued hacks, [Gijs]. We look forward to seeing what you come up with next!

If the terms "BEAM robotics" and "circuit bending" are unfamiliar to your ears (or if a refresh is due), be sure to check out our recent re-introduction to BEAM robotics and our classic "Intro to Circuit Bending" to get acquainted.

#art #beam #beamrobotics #beepboop #circuitbending #pvsolar #solar