

"This generation, man, we're really good at putting up walls, despite all our openness. But where does this all lead to? What exactly are we chasing? This is where I especially love the name 'Chasing Stateless,' because if all this continues, we indeed will end up stateless, society-less, community-less, neighbor-less. Just a bunch of same-sies, living in an imaginary bubble, where we all look / think / say / CHASE the same things."

#music #electronic #experimental #fieldrecording #folk #planet-mu #techno #Brooklyn

Chasing Stateless by Saint Abdullah & Eomac


Roads in New York City turned into rivers as heavy rainfall battered the metropolitan area. Authorities declared a state of emergency after some parts of the city were flooded.

As much as six inches (15cm) of rain fell in some locations, including #Brooklyn, lower #Manhattan and John F. Kennedy International Airport in the borough of #Queens, meteorologists say.
#WeDontHaveTime #Politics #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateEmergency #TomorrowIsTooLate #GlobalWarming #Environment #GlobalBoiling #PointOfNoReturn



The other day I was walking on a #Brooklyn sidewalk when I saw a man throw some crumbs on the floor for the pigeons to eat. I was starting to get annoyed when he produced a handmade net catcher and with a swift movement betraying a long experience, caught a couple of bids attracted by the food.

I have no idea what he did with them (eat? sell?) but I’m glad he’s doing this service to the city 🫡
