

#Sweden buys new #weapons system from #Israel

In the middle of the raging war in #Gaza, the Swedish Armed Forces orders a new weapon system for the Jas 39 Gripen for SEK 390 million.

The target seeker system is manufactured in Israel by a state-owned company and is currently being used in airstrikes against Palestine to guide bombs against civilian targets.

#Ashamed #Military #Genocide #Politics #Disgraceful


The International Court of Justice has refused to order #Germany to stop sending #weapons and aid to Israel, rejecting a request from #Nicaragua.

Nicaragua brought the case arguing that by providing arms and other support to Israel, Germany is failing to prevent possible genocide against Palestinians in Israel's war with #Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

So much for genocide preventation.

Once again we witness the impunity of the apartheid genocidal regime of Israel and it's global network of supporters.

#Genocide #ICJ #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


The International Court of Justice has refused to order #Germany to stop sending #weapons and aid to Israel, rejecting a request from #Nicaragua.

Nicaragua brought the case arguing that by providing arms and other support to Israel, Germany is failing to prevent possible genocide against Palestinians in Israel's war with #Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

So much for genocide presentation. Once again we witness the impunity of the apartheid genocidal regime of Israel and it's global network of supporters.

#Genocide #ICJ #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Not surprising...


“The unprecedented rise in military spending is a direct response to the global deterioration in peace and security,” Nan Tian, senior researcher in SIPRI’s military expenditure and arms production programme, said in a statement.

Military expenditure has been rising for nine years straight, and military spending bolstered in all regions of the world for the first time since 2009, the report found. This was linked to the war in Ukraine, as well as to growing tensions in the Middle East and other developments, such as a pushback against organized crime and gang violence in Central America and the Caribbean.

#Global #military #spending #weapons #war #conflict #security


Going Nuclear: Could a Catastrophic Conflict Take Place?

with Annie Jacobsen (04/10/2024 04:40 PM)

Annie Jacobsen is an investigative journalist and author whose books probe the periphery of what we know about state warcraft and read like unputdownable thrillers. As a result, a [sic] her Pulitzer-nominated work can be found in both journalistic pieces and fiction including Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan tv [sic] show. Previous books have covered topics ranging from the CIA to Area 51 and the Second World War. Her latest book is Nuclear War, A Scenario, detailing how a nuclear conflict might unfold sourced from her deep-dive reporting. For this episode, she joins Josh Glancy, editor of the News Review at The Sunday Times, to talk about it.


Here's the Intelligence Squared podcast feed.


#nuclear-weapons #nuclear-war #annie-jacobsen #iq2 #intelligence-squared #podcast #podcasts #mp3 #interview #josh-glancy #war #weapons #journalism #journalist


From Via Pal Action and Pal Action US:

🚨 Elbit war criminal CEO: We were forced to shut down operations of an Elbit subsidiary in the U.S. Our profits decreased by 22% after the war on #Gaza.

We are facing difficulties after some countries banned supplying weapons to “israel.” Exports to & sales in the U.S. & Canada declined during the last quarter of last year.

Our profits decreased after closing factories in “Kiryat Shmona” and “Sderot.” Our production declined due to the drafting of 2,000 of our employees into the army and the killing of 5 workers.

Elbit‘s CEO said their supply chain disruptions are due to:

1) Maritime freight shipping issues (taking longer & more expensive)

2) Components for weapons systems are experiencing disruption globally & some vendors are choosing not to sell & work with Elbit

In other words: Yemen’s sea blockade and Palestine Action’s international direct action campaign are tanking Elbit’s profits!

Elbit is not only “israel”s largest weapons company, it is one of its largest companies overall. we must bring about the downfall of “israel” by targeting its supply chains and the economic machinery of imperialism - through direct action. #ShutElbitDown #Military #Weapons #Genocide
#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow



Kris Newby's book, Bitten: The #Secret #History of #Lyme #Disease and #Biological #Weapons has sparked a lot of chatter, approving and critical, including being the impetus of legislation in Congress.

In this video, I look at what some critics have said about this thesis and how Newby responds. I also take a look at New Jersey Rep. Chris Smith's work on the House floor.
00:00 Chris Newby's book "Bitten: The Secret History of #LymeDisease and Biological Weapons" has garnered praise and criticism, even gaining attention in Congress.
02:33 Newby's book suggests the US military conducted experiments with ticks and tick-borne diseases as biological weapons, urging declassification for transparency.
04:42 Representative Chris Smith supports Newby's book, advocating for an investigation into the claims of bio-weapons research.
07:10 Phillip Baker of the American Lyme Disease Foundation criticizes Smith's claims as unfounded and calls for consultation with NIH and CDC experts.
09:32 Professor Sam Telford criticizes the resurgence of the Plum Island conspiracy theory, stating there's no evidence of an accidental release of #Lyme-disease from military #research.
13:24 Newby disputes Telford's views, suggesting a different organism, possibly a Rickettsia-viral hybrid, was made more virulent by military scientists.


Israel’s ‘Flour Massacre’ – When A Crime Becomes A ‘Tragedy’

Media Lens

(...) Far from jumping through hoops ‘to be balanced and impartial,’ the BBC seems embarrassed even to associate Israel with its own crimes. A typical BBC headline read:

‘World Food Programme says northern Gaza aid convoy blocked’

Was there a landslide? Was Hamas playing politics with food aid? The headline should have read:

‘Israel blocks northern Gaza aid convoy’

(Text continues underneath the photo.)

Photo of destroyed part of Gaza

Or consider the damning words of the Director-General of The World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who reported this month:

‘Grim findings during @WHO visits to Al-Awda and Kamal Adwan hospitals in northern #Gaza: severe levels of malnutrition, children dying of starvation, serious shortages of fuel, food and medical supplies, hospital buildings destroyed…

‘The situation at Al-Awda Hospital is particularly appalling, as one of the buildings is destroyed.

‘Kamal Adwan Hospital is the only paediatrics hospital in the north of Gaza, and is overwhelmed with patients. The lack of food resulted in the deaths of 10 children.’

The BBC headline reporting this story read:

‘Children starving to death in northern Gaza – WHO’

Did the crops fail? If Russia had caused child starvation in Ukraine, we can be confident the words ‘Putin’ and ‘Russia’ would have appeared front and centre in BBC reporting. (...)

On 29 February, a New York Times comment piece was titled:

‘Starvation Is Stalking Gaza’s Children’

Former Guardian journalist Jonathan Cook commented:

‘Israel is choosing to starve Gaza’s children by blocking aid.’

On 5 March, a Reuters headline read:

‘As Gaza’s hunger crisis worsens, emaciated children seen at hospitals’

Author Assal Rad responded:

‘Gaza’s “hunger crisis” is not a natural phenomenon. Israel is deliberately starving Palestinians in Gaza as a weapon of war, which is an act of collective punishment and a war crime.’ (...)

At least 118 Palestinian civilians were killed and at least 760 were injured after Israeli tanks opened fire on civilians seeking food from aid trucks on al-Rashid street to the west of Gaza City. The BBC’s immediate headline reactions were full of mystery:

‘Israel-Gaza war latest: More than 100 reported killed as crowd waits for Gaza aid’ (...)

Clearly, then, it was a massacre; so why the lack of clarity? Why was the word ‘massacre’ not used to describe a textbook example of a massacre in a report supposed to verify and clarify the truth?

As we noted recently, the Glasgow Media Group examined four weeks (7 October – 4 November, 2023) of BBC One daytime coverage of Gaza to identify which terms were used by journalists themselves – i.e. not in direct or reported statements – to describe Israeli and Palestinian deaths. They found that ‘murder’, ‘murderous’, ‘mass murder’, ‘brutal murder’ and ‘merciless murder’ were used a total of 52 times by journalists to refer to Israelis’ deaths but never in relation to Palestinian deaths. The group noted that:

‘The same pattern could be seen in relation to “massacre”, “brutal massacre” and “horrific massacre” (35 times for Israeli deaths, not once for Palestinian deaths); “atrocity”, “horrific atrocity” and “appalling atrocity” (22 times for Israeli deaths, once for Palestinian deaths); and “slaughter” (five times for Israeli deaths, not once for Palestinian deaths).’ (...)

Complete article

Tags: #media #media_bias #news #journalism #journalist #bbc #the_guardian #reuters #new_york_times #israel #gaza #palestine #palestinians #war #war_crimes #starvation #massacre #aid #humanitarian_aid #weapons



#ceylon #News
12.28 dew caught on camers
12.40 emf danger 1
13.28 emf dangers 2
17.23 It's not just a smartwatch; it's a device emitting EMF radiation
17.41 5g 6g
20.55 unsubbed
21.33 natural emf defence
22.36 airpods warning
23.24 chemical weapon in supplements
24.44 chemtrails weather modification
26.17 electric organs
27.53 iphone tells you
28.49 mucury fillings
30.08 redlight theropy
31.12 truth about water
32.21 teeth repair
32.36 electroculture course
37.11 electroculture sucsess
38.36 farmers expell pigs
40.06 farmers petersweden_massive_absolutely_huge_farmers_protest_in_poland
40.24 farmers The French farmers are now planting fields outside the entrance to government building in protest against the green agenda
40.50 farmers uk
41.07 farmers. trees spain
41.22 farmers beef
44.51 me
45.37 fast food bad
47.05 fast food chains poison
50.03 fast food poison
51.03 tensor ring tech


Not a war crime, not a war crime, not a war crime!

A horrifying video, circulated by Israelis on social media, shows Israeli soldiers in the West Bank testing a new automatic sniper riffle mounted on top of an armored vehicle on a random civilian young man.

Video shared on telegram channel to view (warning for graphic content).

#WarCrime #NotATaeget #WestBank #Weapons #Technology
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Bombing Muslims for Peace

Logo van Tom Dispatch

Complete article

A few quotes:

(...) Right now, of course, the world is witnessing yet another U.S. bombing campaign, the latest in a series that seems all too predictable (and futile), meant to teach the restless rebels of Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and possibly even Iran a lesson when it comes to messing with the United States of America. (...)

Israel is systematically destroying Gaza, rendering it essentially uninhabitable for those Palestinians who survive the ongoing rampage. In fact, early in its war of annihilation, Israeli leaders cited the Allied destruction of the German city of Dresden in 1945 in support of their own atrocious air and ground campaign against the Palestinians.

Looking at this dispassionately as a military historian, the Dresden reference makes a certain twisted sense. In World War II, the Americans and their British allies in their “combined bomber offensive” destroyed German cities indiscriminately, seeing all Germans as essentially Nazis, complicit in the crimes of their government, and so legitimate targets. Something similar is true of the right-wing Israeli government today. It sees all Palestinians as essentially members of Hamas and thus complicit in last year’s brutal October 7th attacks on Israel, making them legitimate targets of war, Israeli- (and American-) style. Just like the United States, Israel claims to be “defending democracy” whatever it does. Little wonder, then, that Washington has been so willing to send bombs and bullets to its protégé as it seeks “peace” through massive firepower and genocidal destruction. (...)

Putting [the issue of genocide] aside, it’s undeniable that Israel has been using indiscriminate bombing attacks and a devastating invasion in a near-total war against Palestinians living on that 25-mile-long strip of land, an approach that calls to mind the harrowing catchphrase “Exterminate all the brutes!” from Joseph Conrad’s novel Heart of Darkness. (...)

Try to imagine such events from the perspective of a historian writing in the year 2200. Might that future scribe not refer to repeated U.S. invasions of, incursions into, and bombing campaigns across the Middle East as a bloody crusade, launched under the (false) banner of democracy with righteous vengeance, if not godly purpose, in mind? Might that historian not suggest that such a “crusade” was ultimately more about power and profit, domination and control than (as advertised) “freedom”? And might that historian not be impressed (if not depressed) by the remarkable way the U.S. brought seemingly unending chaos and death to the region over such a broad span of time?

Consider these facts. More than 22 years after the 9/11 attacks, the U.S. still has at least 30,000 troops scattered across the Middle East. At least one Navy carrier strike group, and often two, dominate the regional waters, while striking numbers of military bases (“Little Americas”) are still sprinkled across countries ranging from Kuwait to Bahrain, from Qatar to the United Arab Emirates and beyond. So many years later, about 900 U.S. troops still illegally occupy part of Syria (not coincidentally, where that country produces most of its oil) and 2,500 more remain in Iraq, even though the government there would like them to depart. (...)

Complete article

Tags: #us #united_states #isael #gaza #palestine #palestinians #bombing #weapons #military-industrial-congressional_complex #pentagon #middle_east #kuwait #bahrein #qatar #uae #iran #united_arab_emirates #iraq #syria #houthi #yemen #saudi_arabia #crusade #war #dresden