

Nachhaltig - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#CC #fedibikes

#Tousled #Crane on #Tour


Mein altes #Thinkpad x200s. Ein altes #Arbeitstier. Jahrelang in die #Schule geschleift worden, dort klaglos alles mitgemacht, ob bei verregneten #Sportaktionen oder 40°C in #Hochsommerinformatikräumen, es hat mich nie im Stich gelassen.
Ein wenig träge ist es schon geworden, aber vom Wlan bis zum #BT läuft alles problemlos. Einzige #Investition war zwischendurch ein neuer #Akku.

Jetzt dient es als #Familienrechner, wo man mal eben was schreiben, suchen, drucken oder gucken kann!

Das empfinde ich durchaus als #nachhaltig.

Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!


I might move to #openwrt soon because #bt keeps breaking my home network (for months, their remote updates contain severe bugs) and they remotely reboot the router, dropping all connections, without prior warning or consent. Just like that, unannounced completely. They could at least say WHEN in advance.


For the second time in just a number of months #bt broke my home network with its remote update, which it doesn't even inform people about (the changes and the downtime). Last time I escalated it to them they did not fix the bugs they had introduced until months later.


Once again, without any warning or notification, #bt decided to remotely change 'my' router and reboot it at 4AM, changing my IP address and leaving services down until I woke up. #proprietarySoftware is hostile junk. They also did this 6 months ago and will do it in the future. You can't opt out or be notified. http://techrights.org/2021/04/18/firmware-ruins-whole-day/