

RetroGaming Shorts Part 040 - Dick Swanson II

Dick Swanson II 1985 (Commodore 64)

I highlight this unremarkable graphic adventure game for only one reason - the pixel art style is distinctively Doodle. Doodle was a popular C64 bitmap drawing program with joystick control. Trying to draw with it was a bit like an 8 way Etch-a-Sketch. So, you ended up with very distinctive squiggles and/or you constructed images out of stuff like line and circle primitives.

If you're an old C64 user, maybe you drew stuff using Doodle. In which case, check out the video for that Doodle aesthetic!


#RetroGaming #RetroGamingShorts #C64 #Commodore #Commodore64


RetroGaming Shorts Part 032 - Warrior of Ras Vol 3 - Wylde

Warrior of Ras Vol 3 - Wylde 1983 (Commodore 64)

Does anyone have memories of the Warrior of Ras series of CRPGs? They were sort of like Roguelikes more than "true" CRPGs, and I remember magazine ads showing the Atari 8-bit versions. However, I haven't found any gameplay videos of the Atari 8-bit versions. Generally, I find the wide characters/sprites of the Atari 8-bit versions, from the magazine ad, more interesting looking.

However, I link a video of the C64 version of Wylde. Wylde has pretty nice looking pixel art in the C64 version. Just look at the unusual mountain mounds, and the fantasy map style representation of the forest trees.


#RetroGaming #RetroGamingShorts #C64 #Commodore #Commodore64


RetroGaming Shorts Part 026 - Sir Arthur

Sir Arthur 2022+ (Commodore 64)

PETSCII rendition of Ghosts and Goblins! This shows off a lot of nice PETSCII textures and patterns, and animation of explosions and such. There's really a lot of untapped potential with PETSCII, as it's possible to fit a lot more content in 64K than with normal pixel art graphics.


#RetroGaming #RetroGamingShorts #C64 #Commodore #Commodore64


RetroGaming Shorts Part 023 - Starmada

Starmada 2022 (Commodore 64)

This "Nuclear War" type game has and old school 1970s BASIC style gameplay with stylish PETSCII graphics.

This sort of PETSCII graphics could also be used for a space trading game, or a Star Trek type game, or a Gravity Wars/Warheads type game ... or even combine all three. The original Star Trek game had very simplistic aiming. You simply entered a heading and the torpedo would go in a straight line until it hit something. But artillery style aiming - heading and speed - combined with gravity could make it a lot more interesting, I think. Maybe you're restricted to only firing in one of the 8 cardinal/diagonal directions, so you're forced to use gravity and speed to hit the target.


#RetroGaming #RetroGamingShorts #C64 #Commodore #Commodore64


RetroGaming Shorts Part 016 -

Rootin' Tootin' 1983 (Commodore 64)

This HesWare C64 port of Data East game La-Pa-Pa is a Pac-Man clone with an interesting twist - when you "eat a dot", the "dot" is tooted in your direction of movement, taking out any enemies in its path. Now, this shoots out in the opposite direction as any enemies directly chasing you, so this makes tactics ... interesting. Furthermore, there are some enemies which aren't restricted to the maze, so that also makes things interesting. And then there's the fact that any enemies you do take out with a shooting note almost immediately re-appear in their spawn point. So, if you want to get the notes near the spawn points, that is ... a challenge.

So basically, even though Rootin' Tootin' is a Pac-Man type game, it's really fascinating compared to most. Check out the gameplay to see what I mean:



#RetroGaming #RetroGamingShorts #C64 #Commodore #Commodore64


Hi, I'm #newhere !
I'm a man in the 40's from Norway. Now living and thriving in the northern parts, though I have my roots in #Bergen city.

I've been exploring alternatives to the hegemony of #google and #facebook / #meta and their likes for some time. Not entirely new to the #fediverse, as I've been using #mastodon for a while, but this is my first time in the #diaspora realm.

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You can build a brand new Commodore 64 from (nearly) 100% new parts

A very interesting video showing how the build took place. What was fascinating to learn is that Retro8BITshop sells a complete kit of parts excepting the PCB and the MOS8701 chip (but that is sold separately by them). Retro8BITshop (and others) also sell second cases. Keyboards can similarly be sourced.

Watch https://youtu.be/2TSffXvmx3M

#technology #retro #commodore64 #C64
#Blog, ##c64, ##commodore64, ##retro, ##technology


Hey everyone, I’m #newhere. I’m interested in #anime, #fantasy, #retro, and #scifi - especially i love old computer music from #Amiga and #C64 or #Atari :)

41 years old and from Austria, not the most active poster anymore as the Internet today is not really a nice place anymore but i still try to be still active a bit on Fediverse sites and on #IRC

If someone wants to follow, feel free to do, new friends are very much welcome :)