

Nikki Haley/Date of birth
January 20, 1972


The #astrology of Nikki #Haley
Lynn Hayes

#Saturn rules the #Capricorn Sun, and is trine the Sun; an astrological “double whammy” that shows just how hard a worker she is. Saturn teaches the mastery of the material world, and here we have a chart that is driven towards that mastery. There is insecurity here as well, with Saturn retrograde at the 29th degree. Success is not guaranteed, and people with Saturn retrograde tend to be particularly hard on themselves if they are not producing something worthwhile. And her Mercury is also in Capricorn, the sign of someone who is a practical thinker and she started doing the bookkeeping for her mother’s business when she was 13.
Her Mars is in Aries so she already has that “badass” (her word) quality, and says she doesn’t wear heels for fashion but to “kick with a smile.”
Her Mars is opposed by Uranus, planet of rebellion, suggesting that she resists being controlled by others and will always seek her own way. Mercury forms a square aspect to both Mars and Uranus revealing a combative communication style (Mercury square Mars) and a tendency to think for herself (Mercury square Uranus).
The relationship between Ms. Haley’s chart and the Sibly chart of the U.S. is striking, with her Pluto sitting right on the Midheaven of the U.S. chart and her Capricorn Sun conjunct the U.S. Pluto. This Plutonic connection is incredibly potent and suggests that if she does reach the Presidency that her reign would lead to significant reorganization and change. Her South Node of the past conjoins the U.S. North Node of the future, often considered a karmic link with the suggestion that she, as the South Node link, could favorably impact the future (North Node) of the U.S."...



The Jupiter/Saturn Road Map 2024
#Astrology By Lauren

Know also that change is not always welcome. And know that even after November, when #Pluto is fully seated in the sign of #Aquarius, the old guard from the Pluto in #Capricorn era will still be holding on. But only barely.

Old habits die hard. Old regimes continue to vie for control Vestiges from bygone eras will continue to try to insinuate themselves into our lives, as they long for a past that we have long since outgrown. There can be fear with change: Fear of becoming irrelevant; Fear that all that we had worked so hard to create is subject to destruction; perhaps even fear of destruction of all that we knew. And so we desperately cling to what once was, and what we were familiar with.

And as we stand here at the very last degree of Capricorn, we stand on this threshold between one era and the next. And it can feel a little scary. And it can be hard to let go. Pluto can be a metaphor for death and destruction. But it is also a symbol for birth and renewal.

Over the past 15 years, what valuable lessons have I learned? What achievements have I contributed to? What have I helped to build?

What are we still holding on to that we no longer need, and is only holding us back, and preventing us from growing?

What traditions or outmoded ideas are no longer relevant to us as a whole?

What are those things in society that are no longer sustainable?

What are the traditions and customs that are worth saving, and help to further support and define our values?

How can I best share what I have learned with others? Or make it more meaningful?

On January 20th both the Sun and Pluto will enter Aquarius.



Cat Ivins

..."This is our first #NewMoon in #Capricorn with #Saturn in $Pisces since 1996. This is our last New Moon in Capricorn with #Pluto in Capricorn in our lifetime. Saturn and Pisces are not naturally compatible. Saturn is all about structure and limits and discipline and achievement and remember Saturn has been in the sign of his ancient rulership (Aquarius) and the sign of his rulership (Capricorn) for several years before this. We had gotten accustomed to being STRONG and to HAVING to be strong. Saturn in Pisces answering to #Neptune is not so strong and the good news for us is we don't have to be either! As Saturn in Pisces dissolves limits and rules and structures we have grown used to - this may not be comfortable. Time melts. Reality is an illusion. Reality is malleable. We might be less ambitious. Maybe with Saturn in Pisces we are building things that are not quite so 'real', not quite so lasting, but also maybe not quite so rigid.

2024 will be a year when we start the process of stopping trying to apply old solutions to problems that can't be solved through our ENGAGEMENT with the struggle. Cappy New Moons are not about fast action (although the trine to Uranus will create a smooth portal for fast change if its needed) so much as it is about allowing ourselves to PATIENTLY grow into a new situation. With Pluto changing signs on the 20th, we all need to be prepared for things to move more quickly and in a new direction.

Saturn, the ruler of this lunation, is well-aspected through sextiles with Mars and Jupiter. Although his placement in Pisces and Mercury's square to Neptune in Pisces plus Pluto at the very end of Cappy AGAIN will likely speak of some Capricorn exhaustion here. That's OK. Being tired of the same old thing makes that trine with Uranus - the something new - even more appealing!

Venus and Jupiter are in mutual reception. The benefics having access to their home signs through each other is a good sign at this New Moon. "...


What the New Moon in Capricorn Means for You
It's time to realign with your soul's purpose.
Updated Jan 10, 2024

..."The new #Moon exact is #January 11th, 2024, at 3:57 am PT.
Traditionally, #Capricorn is associated with our career. This energy, though, is so much more than what we do for a paycheck. It’s about finding the great work our souls were put on this earth to find. It’s about our legacies and what we will be known for after our physical bodies are long gone. It’s about finding the work that merges body, heart, mind, and spirit.

This work may take the form of a career, but it may also be a hobby, raising a child, or volunteering for something you believe in. Your life’s work can take many forms, but no matter what shape it takes, it feels good to your soul. It does not feel limiting, confining, or dull. It feels exciting, freeing, and motivating. Yes, at times, your life’s work will need a hit of inspiration. It will always feel like you are exactly where you’re meant to be. It will always feel aligned with your core essence and energy.

Finding our life’s work can take years. Unfortunately, most of us were not taught to pursue it. It requires experimentation on our part and the courage to take some leaps of faith. These leaps are strengthened by our resolve and deep trust in ourselves. This trust is cultivated through hearing our intuition and following our inner compass. Capricorn is the sign of solitude. It encourages us to go inward this season and spend time alone. It’s in this space where we can truly hear our hearts and inner knowing without the influence of others.
Even when we desire big change in our lives, we often play it safe. We limit our dreams and sell ourselves short of our potential. On this new Moon, notice any patterns that keep you small as you write your intentions. Dare yourself to create a vision that may seem almost impossible. Challenge the first draft of your intentions and notice if you default to the same dreams you write repeatedly. Ask yourself why you might be keeping yourself small. Is it out of fear? Do you not think you are worthy of big visions? Or are they just too much work?

This Moon is your chance to create real, long-lasting change in your life. Decide how you want to feel, what will help you feel that way, and what changes you want to see happen. Then don’t hold yourself back.

The new Moon also forms an exact square with the north node in Aries. Squares cause friction and tension until a breakthrough is reached. The north node represents our destiny. It holds the lessons we are collectively learning as a society. We can then integrate these lessons into our life path.
Consider the shifts you want to make in your life this year. What changes do you want to see unfold over 2024? Perhaps you want to live somewhere new, take a different job, or start a family.

You do not need to know the details of how any of these changes will happen. Simply acknowledge what you would like to see evolve this year. Then bring these changes back to yourself. How will these changes make you feel? What are you excited to see happen this year? And what changes make you nervous?

As you write your intentions this new Moon, feel how you can prioritize your life’s work and soul’s path this year. Feel what you need to begin to align with your life’s work. What vibration do you need to embody? How can you prioritize the energy of your soul this year? What affirmations will help you?"...


I've been asking who people see as possible #POTUS with such traits as experience, intelligence,
calm, resourceful, compassionate, #charismatic to bring us forward through vastly complex troubled times.

So far there has not been much response, but these people have been seen by some:

Pete Buttigieg
Michele Obama
Katie Porter
Jon Stewart

the first 3, the ones already in public office, are Sun sign #Capricorn:

The Personality of a Capricorn, Explained

what do you say? Who do you see?

#politics #astrology


Queen of Sea and Mountain

Winter born, Saturn ruled, not a saint nor a fool,
persisting over rocky peaks, through stormy seas,
not content to seek what comes easily.
Take a good, hard road and get going.
Mountains beg to be climbed.
Steep stone, this world of woe and
exaltation, daring to swoop, touch depths,
emptiness slick with tears.
Behind, terrors that made us more aware.
Beyond yonder slope, who knows what epics
left to find, to ride in wonder.
Breathing higher air,
the wise goat climbs with care.

Time for calm regard, to ponder,
to welcome adventure or whatever arrives.
Engage with ritual for gleaning
joy enriched deeply layered meaning!
Maybe study chapters from multifaceted lives —
refine as art, mining treasure from memories.
Wise in the ways of demons, oracles, gypsy Queens;
brave, adaptive, resilient, self-possessed;
Buddha-like compassion, learned in cycles
of conscious labor, blessed bliss.
Weathered, withered, listen, be risen.
Resurrected tempered mettle,
engorged with will to rise
ever again.

Slowly turning toward enlightened reason,
pausing at each portal to awe.
Ahead on the climb up this temporal ladder,
what legends of mastery draw us in?

Part of a grander destiny –
abiding through trials, tests, bitter lessons.
Never a finishing point, wisdom’s gifts —
ease of peace in contemplation, transcendent
imagery, welcoming grace — appear bit by bit,
day by day. Solace wildly spins toward
Time for the simple and natural, anointing
the soul in calm reflection,
to make of the whole sad cacophony
discrete instruments of harmony,
of divine symphony,
to act with impeccable integrity.
Rocky hazards face all who walk this ridge.
Take it slow; let time wait.
Immersed, made into a person, a defined moving space,
mesmerized, bound in measures. Outcast
from safe discipline of tribal faith,
to create from beyond common form.
Within this mad parade — the will to cure, kill,
carry on courageous —

The image of a wishful star:
a steady shine — but still so far.
The nights of hope; the days of pain —
on and on, that old refrain.
Counting out the chimes as if time were treasure.
Built on years of sun, storm, forces claimed
and reconfigured to bring us here.
Quiescent summit of hero’s mountain
soothed by view of waves, of distant heights.
Currents lift to flow, fall to rise.
Symbols, releasing over transits of Time
manifest intention, give birth to form and substance,
give meaning to here and now
as it expands into ever after.

#poetry #capricorn #astrology



#Pluto in #Capricorn – Extreme Consolidation Of #Power
January 5, 2024 Elsa

..."Pluto will wrap up in Capricorn, November 2024. ...

Early on, I realized it was about consolidation. Getting your crap (Pluto) together? Compacted? I quickly saw this to be true on every level.
When we hit the pandemic years, mom and pop businesses were made to close, while corporate-owned stores and restaurants made bank. At the same time, independent websites (like this one), were excluded from “search”, to send people to large corporate owned platforms – more consolidation.

AI is another form of this. Information gathered over 25 years of so, from countless individual (like me), who typed their knowledge into the machine, is now consolidated into some soulless answer to a query.

We will now see ten jobs rolled into one and eventually, one hundred jobs rolled into one. I can’t even think beyond that.

We’ve also got the bulk of wealth in the stock market concentrated in seven stocks. Is this not consolidation?
I also think “power” has also been consolidating, surreptitiously, throughout this period. It’s there to see but there are too many distractions and people are also pretty overwhelmed at this point."...


Potent New Moon in #Capricorn: #January 11, 2024 – #Transformative Change

..."The new moon in Capricorn will take place on January 11th. I strongly suggest you take this one seriously as it’s packed with potential. Outer planets are involved.
Specifically, the sun and moon will conjoin Pluto, while trining Uranus in Taurus. Look for deep and long-lasting transformative change.
exalted Mars in Capricorn, supported by Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus. Something is being built here.
Sun, Moon, Mars, Pluto in Capricorn, all tracking to ruler Saturn, which is supported by Mars and Jupiter. Seriously, for Godsakes, at least consider making a fundamental change for the positive. It can happen!

What you can’t do, is control what the PTB do. It will be something, that’s for sure. I doubt it’s nice!"...



#FullMoon in Cancer

"...the Full Moon in Cancer will illuminate the days following the stillness of the #Capricorn Solstice when light begins increasing within the prolonged night of the northern hemisphere, #Jupiter will possess an intensified presence due to stationing direct. Within the flowing cups of holiday cheer, the making of merry may bring fresh remembrance of vital vibrancy, the purpose and passion that nurtures perseverance and rallies resilience.

The Full Moon in Cancer on 26 December 2023 is in the exaltation of Jupiter, with the Moon mutually received by Jupiter in the exaltation of the Moon. Jupiter will station direct on 30 December at 5º34’ Taurus, amplifying the potency of setting intention as calendars flip from 2023 to 2024. With the Moon full of light in her own watery domicile applying to a harmonious sextile with Jupiter in her earthy exaltation of Taurus, the Cancer Full Moon will beam nourishing light into whatever forms of creativity, philosophy, spirituality, and devotional practices you are engaging. Jupiter has numerous significations that enrich life and fertilize growth, including fellowship, justice, prosperity, freedom, fidelity, generosity, charity, reverence, worship, understanding, authority and leadership. The coherence and affirmation brought by Jupiter will amplify the Moon’s capacity for reflecting upon our stories from 2023 and how they can inform the next chapters we wish to author in 2024.
Chiron will station direct at 15º27’ Aries on the same day as the lunation. With Chiron and Jupiter stationing direct within days of one another, the roses of received revelation will also have thorns of protection. Sometimes when Chiron takes on an intensified presence we experience buried wounds of body and psyche arising into sharp awareness. Listen for the messages of soul in the symptoms and how processes of healing may further link to changes in larger life direction that need to be made. Chiron is also the cave dwelling mentor whose wise counsel helps us bridge between our present reality and the vision we hold of a more fulfilling and purposeful life. Chiron is in position to guide the necessary modifications and readjustments that need to be made at the turn of the calendar year, including our daily routines and rituals around caring for the health of our body and mind.
As we are entering an extended period of collective volatility that will sweep across the rest of the decade, we will need to be actively co-creating community that can flexibly mutate in accordance with the changing societal dynamics. We will need to hold ourselves accountable to living in accordance with our ideals and values, as well as help those we are in relationship with be accountable. Yet responsibility starts with ourselves and the daily care and love we bring to our relationships and what we produce from them. May the light of the Cancer Full Moon illuminate those in our relationship field who we can form mutually supportive dynamics with, and may your year ahead be blessed with increased vitality and creativity."...


#astrology #solstice
Sun in #Capricorn I (22-31 December 2023)

..."The Sun enters Capricorn I The Headless Body (as named by Austin Coppock) on 21 December 2023 at 10:28 pm EST. Although ruled by Saturn, it’s administered by Jupiter, whose favorable trine from the safe vantage point of Taurus I promises that things that are seeded and fertilized now shall deliver positive growth in six months or so. Mercury urges us to attend to detail as the Sun prepares for its annual part in the degree of the winter solstice.
The Sun is below the horizon in this Night Chart, stealing dignity from all the other planets except Saturn, who are all in the wrong parts of the sky to benefit from sect placement. Even retrograde Mercury, just a day away from cazimi (exact from 1:47 pm to 1:54 pm EST), is currently serving with the night sect planets, and delivering messages from Moon to Sun by back channels, as she prepares to confront the solar system’s king at the full moon on December 26 at 7:13 pm EST.

This makes the Moon’s trine to Mercury and the Sun especially powerful, as she is separating from the Sun and progressing to Mercury, while also being in Taurus the sign of her exaltation. This Third Mansion of the Moon, The Many Little Ones is indicated by the Moon’s approach to the stars of the Pleiades, the ‘seven sisters’ riding on the back of the constellation of Taurus, and followed by Aldebaran, the bright red horn-star on the bull’s head. Indicating “many good things” and promising wealth and favor, the Third Mansion is one of the Moon’s favorite watering holes. It’s a favorable omen for Christmas and other winter holidays, when the Moon will be full in her own domicile — and dominant over the Sun between the Solstice and New Year’s."...



The Longest Night: The #Astrology Of #Winter #Solstice

..."Since Samhain, we have been seeking out the seeds of the next cycle in the fertile dark. The spark of energy as the sun is reborn at the Solstice is the beginning of the return of outwardly focused activity. As the days begin to lengthen, we take our first tangible steps in manifesting our new vision.

#Saturn is the ruler of #Capricorn so carries special power at this time of year. We know him as Old Father Time, bringer of limits and structures. The goddesses of winter also carry this sometimes stark energy. The Crone goddesses remind us of the wisdom and power of maturity. For me, Saturn is the Old Bone Mother, who strips us back to bare bones. Capricorn energy forces us to examine our inner and outer structures. If they are not strong enough, or if they have become calcified, we tear them down, and break them apart. And so we learn our lesson, and so we build new and more flexible structures.
Capricorn energy builds slowly – taking our time is a powerful magic in itself. Pay attention to the bare bones of nature, noticing the shapes of the trees and the landscape. Seek out signs of the dying year in the seed heads and bare branches. Seek out also signs of the new cycle in the leaf buds on the trees. Allow yourself to sink deeply into the energies and sensations of your own body as well as the rest of nature.",,,



Cat Ivins

..."It is a good idea to check in with other people. See if they need anything we have to give. People are needing more than presents wrapped in big red bows this year.

In #Capricorn, the #Sun gets serious. We are heading into the serious time of year - the time our ancestors could starve if they hadn't stocked up properly or catch a cold that would turn into pneumonia. They would celebrate the #Winter #Solstice and go into hibernation for a few weeks (exhausted from the harvest, escaping the cold and, intuitively, the germs and bacteria, too, I'm sure), venturing back out sometime mid-Aquarius season for some social interaction and hoping to trade whatever they still had plenty of to restock whatever had grown scarce.

This is true for us today, too. Without structure, responsibility and discipline - mandated by Capricorn's ruling planet #Saturn - we'll be in trouble when the cold settles in and the stuff we need to survive is covered with two feet of snow and ice.

So Capricorn is a serious sign because it rules very serious things. Capricorn rules our collective 10th house of career, reputation, ambition, hard work, the pinnacle, fathers, patriarchal story-lines, safety, security, tradition, history, structure.

A chart drawn for the Cappy Ingress (like we do the New Moon and Full Moon charts for the lunar cycles) - Sun into Capricorn - Cappy being a cardinal sign that launches a new season, can tell us quite a bit about what to expect in the weeks ahead.

So, we've got this solar energy of sobriety and responsibility, and what else do we see? The time is 10:27PM EST. The Moon is in Taurus, the sign of her exaltation.

Venus moves into an opposition with Uranus retrograde. Even though this isn't totally unexpected with Uranus retrograde, this can provide a JOLT. Our Scorpio house, or a Scorpio issue - debt, taxes, intimacy, loans, intimacy, reproduction, secrets - can experience a FAST CHANGE. Financial and romantic shocks are possible. And remember, with this happening on the Capricorn Ingress, the energy of FAST CHANGE is pulled into the season ahead. Breakthroughs, breakdowns, breaks for freedom.

Mercury repeats his/her opportunistic sextile with Saturn. Plans, conversations, information are OPPORTUNISTIC. Stabilizing. Mature. This might connect to an idea or conversation or news from around December 2nd. Watch your language. Mean what you say. This is a confident aspect where we better know what we are talking about. Verbal and written commitments are sticky - although subject to changes because, again, Mercury is retrograde. Saturn is awash in Pisces this year and next year, so any chance for him to get back to himself in stable Capricorn is useful. Talk and think about your goals. Make plans.

Mars inconjuncts Uranus - this is Sag/Taurus. Big moves vs security and stability. The greener grasses over there being incompatible to what we want to hold onto over here. There isn't a winner here. The way through would be the Mercury/Saturn we just talked about.

This is alot to be happening at this solstice moment. Our ancestors celebrated the solstice for hundreds/thousands of years and this energy is in us even when we are not conscious of it. "...


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#Shravana #Nakshatra According to #Astrology

This nakshatra is known by many names like Shravana, Shravan, or Thiruvonam. This is gaining the 22nd situation in the absolute rundown of 27 #nakshatras. This nakshatra is showing up in the Makar Rashi or #Capricorn Zodiac sign whose ruling deity Lord #Vishnu runs this nakshatra. There are three stars present in this nakshatra specifically Altair, Alshain, and Tarazed. They together from the head of #Aquila, the bird.

Shravana Nakshatra

The word Shravana characterizes hearing and it represents "the #ear" because of which we can #hear. This nakshatra is known to be the #listening #star or a star for learning and tuning in. Our progenitors have gone on information through oral customs similarly the individuals who are brought into the world under this nakshatra are having an ability to astonish to acquire all the information by hearing. The fundamental concentration here is to advance by tuning in and the media and correspondence fields are known to be a piece of this nakshatra. The natives whose birth was under this nakshatra go to numerous unfamiliar spots for looking for additional insight and complete their advanced education. They are having an extraordinary degree of fixation and concentration in their vocation to accomplish their objectives and complete their objectives.

Shravana Natchathiram

#Moon is known to be the ruler and it is in the most noteworthy place of lunar energy. A falcon-formed star grouping is being cast in the night sky which is compared to this nakshatra of 3 impressions. The specialty of hearing is acquiring information and training is being meant by this nakshatra. Goddess Saraswati was born in this nakshatra, who is the goddess of schooling and information. Here, the natives are honored with information and shrewdness in scholastics to succeed in their profession.

Lord of Shravana Nakshatra

Shravana nakshatra ruler is known to be the moon who controls this nakshatra. The most elevated place of lunar energy is being addressed by this will stop a falcon formed heavenly body is being projected in the night sky that is relating to this nakshatra image of three impressions.

Shravana Nakshatra Famous Personalities

Numerous prestigious characters were brought into the world under this nakshatra and became well known for their works and remarkable gifts. Some Shravana nakshatra famous people are Kareena Kapoor, Manisha Koirala, Henry Ford, Bruce Willis, and Muhammad Ali. Generally, these nakshatra natives experience the ill effects of sound hiccups like stomach-related issues and tuberculous and dermatological issues.

Shravana Nakshatra Pada 1

The natives who were brought into the world in the first pada position of this nakshatra are falling in the Aries Navamsha which is represented by the planet Mars. This position mostly centers around developing a rationale, and drive, and focusing on objectives and aspirations throughout everyday life.

Shravana Nakshatra Pada 2

The second pada position is falling in the Taurus Navamsha which is represented by the planet Venus. This position principally centers around being conciliatory and creative fields like music and media outlet.

Shravana Nakshatra Pada 3

This position is falling in the Gemini Navamsha which is represented by the planet mercury. This position principally focuses on extraordinary parts of this nakshatra that is astounding relational abilities and push for acquiring information.

Shravana Nakshatra Pada 4

This position is in the cancer Navamsha which is represented by the moon. This position primarily focuses on opinions and being thoughtful and responsive. The natives are probably going to become fruitful in serving in positions of authority in the café and lodging industry.

Shravana Nakshatra Zodiac Sign

This is the 22nd situation out of the 27 Nakshatras. This nakshatra is showing up across the Capricorn or Makar Rashi Zodiac sign and its maker Lord Vishnu is the ruler. Three stars comprising this nakshatra are Altair, Alshain, and Tarazed. The head of Aquila, the hawk is being framed by these three stars together.



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#Uttarasadha #Nakshatra According to #Astrology

This is known to be the 21st nakshatra out of the 27 #nakshatras in the familial sky. This nakshatra spans the signs #Sagittarius and #Capricorn in the diagram of crystal gazing. They are known to be the most #splendid #star in the bosom of a bowman.

#UttaraAsadha Nakshatra

The divinities of this nakshatra are #ten #VishwaDevas who are known to be the lords of dharma. The people who are brought into the world under this nakshatra are having respectable goals in their existence with an uplifting perspective. People who were brought into the world under this nakshatra are having astounding administration abilities and accomplish their objectives in existence with their laser-sharp concentration and responsibility toward obligation. They ought to be mindful so as not to worry them or become dependent on specific undesirable excitement.

Uttarasadha Natchathiram

They will accomplish a good and strong situation in their expert field. They can be ordered into three classes beasts, people, and divine beings and this nakshatra is a human nakshatra. Natives who are brought into the world in these nakshatras are extremely diligent and spurred to make materialistic abundance and progress in their life.

Lord of Uttarasadha Nakshatra

Uttarasadha nakshatra master is known to be #sun or #Surya. This Nakshatra is having the image of a tusk of an elephant or a little bed. The people who are having their introduction to the world star as this nakshatra are gorgeous with beguiling and alluring character, polite individuals, and are popular for their completely relaxed nature.

Uttarasadha Nakshatra Famous Personalities

It is said that the natives who are having their introduction to the world star as this Nakshatra are having amazing character. A portion of the well-known Uttarasadha nakshatra superstars is George Washington, Indira Gandhi, Mohammad Ali, Abraham Lincoln, and Brad Pitt. The individuals who are brought into the world under this nakshatra are likewise called by the names that begin with Bhe, Ja, Ji, or Bho.

Uttarasadha Nakshatra Pada 1

The primary place of this Nakshatra is falling in the Sagittarius Navamsha controlled by the planet Jupiter. This position chiefly focuses on virtues and dealing with creating confidence and certainty. The individuals who are brought into the world under this position are profoundly educated individual with a high identity worth and they love to follow their standards and morals and leads a restrained way of life.

Uttarasadha Nakshatra Pada 2

The second place of this Nakshatra is in the Capricorn Navamsha which is represented by the planet Saturn. This position predominantly centers around considerations, wants, and approaches to accomplishing your points and aspiration throughout everyday life. In this position sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Ketu are strong here. The people who are brought into the world in this position will procure an extremely strong and good situation in their existence with their persistent effort and assurance.

Uttarasadha Nakshatra Pada 3

The third pada position is falling in the an Aquarius Navamsha that is represented by the planet Saturn. This position mostly centers around acquiring informat.ion and driving a comforttable and lavish way of life. The natives who are brought into the world in this position are leaned in driving an entirely agreeable way of life with extravagances. The are exceptionally severe personally and they comply with the standards and morals that they set for themselves.

Uttarasadha Nakshatra Pada 4

The fourth place of this nakshatra is falling in the Pisces Navamsha which is represented by the planet Jupiter. Here, it principally focuses on moving from acquiring materialistic joys to Spiritual tendencies. The natives who were brought into the world in this pada are leaned in acquiring otherworldly information and they are very profound in nature. They tell the truth and a legitimate and credible certified as an individual way of advancing in their life. They will make progress with their inspiration and motivation towards it. They are solid-willed individuals being benevolent and circumspect towards the frail and sad.

Uttarasadha Nakshatra Zodiac Sign

This nakshatra is crossing over the indication of Sagittarius and Capricorn in their mysterious outline. This star is noticeable in the night sky as the stars Sigma, Tau, phi, zeta Sagittarii. They are known to be the most splendid star in the bosom of the Archer. The divinities of this nakshatra are the ten Vishwa Devas, who are known to be the Gods of dharma.


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Dhanishta ("The Wealthiest") (293°20′ to 300°00′ Capricorn to 300°00′ to 306°40′ Aquarius)

#Dhanishta #nakshatra is composed of four stars in the #constellation of #Delphini. In the sky, the stars Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta Delphini form the head of a dolphin. In astrology, Dhanishta bridges the signs of #Capricorn and #Aquarius. This nakshatra is associated with a musical #drum and is referred to as the #star of #symphony.
People born under this nakshatra often have natural #music abilities and also experience good rhythm and timing in all aspects of life. There is an adventurous nature and a desire to travel associated with Dhanishta nakshatra. The ruling deities, the
#eight #Vasus, bestow a variety of personality traits that are reflected in the ability to live a good and prosperous life. People born under Dhanishta are insightful, charitable and have the capacity to unite people for a common purpose.

Sacred Energy Vortex
#Korukkai #Sri #Pushpavalli #Samedha Sri #Brahma #Gnanpureeswarar #Temple

The temple with most significance to Dhanishta nakshatra is situated in Korukkai near Kumbakonam in Tamil Nadu, India. Lord Shiva manifested as Sri Brahma Gnanapureeswarar and offered spiritual knowledge to Lord Brahma at this temple. The grace of Sri Brahma Gnanpureeswarar has the ability to assist children with concentration and success in their education. Sri Brahma and his consort, Saraswati, visit this holy temple on a regular basis.

The placement of the Nandhi, the sacred bull, is the most significant aspect of Korukkai. It is adjacent to, rather than facing, Sri Brahma Gnanpureeswarar. People who have made serious mistakes or who lack peace of mind can offer a garland of nuts to the Nandhi. After offering the garland, the person may whisper their problems in the ear of the sacred bull and ask for a remedy. Further more, it is auspicious to offer a garland, betel leaves, nuts, turmeric, or a saree to poor women at the temple. The blessings of Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati and Nandhi bring enormous benefits to those who visit this temple. Lord Shiva can remove financial obstacles and is also helpful for relationship difficulties. It is especially beneficial to visit Korukkai when Pradosham occurs on a Saturday.

This temple is sacred for those born under Dhanistha nakshatra as this star has many spiritual connections to divine knowledge. It is favorable to visit the temple during AavaniAvittam (August 15 -September 14) when it is customary for people to wear sacred threads. Walking around the sacred shrine increases one’s spiritual energy. Those born under different stars will also experience benefits if they perform an abhishekam and archana to Sri Brahma Gnanapureeswarar at Korukkai.

Dhanishta nakshatra natives, your #incense is made with the #herb #Kejari as prescribed by the Vedas.

Burning one of these pillars is like performing a mini fire ritual for that particular star formation. For your specific Birthstar, you will be able to connect inwardly to your planet of energetic origin and gain support with the positive aspects that are you.

Burning the other Nakshatra pillars on that specific Nakshatra day will tune you in with the favorable activities with that star’s energy for the day. It is recommended to at least burn your own personal Nakshatra pillar daily to stay connected to your essence. It is advantageous to burn the days Nakshatra pillar as well.



#Uttarashada (266°40′ to 270°00′ Sagittarius to 270°00′ to 280°00′ Capricorn)
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The #UttaraAshada #nakshatra bridges the signs of #Sagittarius and #Capricorn in the #astrology chart. In the night sky, Uttarashada is visible as the #stars Sigma, Tau, Phi, Zeta Sagittarii. These are the brightest stars in the breast of the archer. Uttarashada is a star of deep integrity and concern for humanity. The deities of this star, the ten #Vishvadevas, are the gods of dharma. Thus, a person born under this star may have noble aspirations and an optimistic outlook on life. Uttarashada nakshatra supports leadership, achievement and a commitment to duty. They must be careful not to overextend themselves or become obsessed with constant stimulation. This #star is associated with great respect for tradition and a practical approach to beginning new ventures.

Sacred Energy Vortex
#Keezhp #poongudi #Sri #Meenakshi #Samedha Sri #Sundareswarar #Temple

This sacred shrine is located in Keezhp poongudi near Madurai in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. Keezh translates as "not hidden" while Poongudi refers to a temple where flowers bloom in the East. Uttarashadha is a propitious star that vibrates with the energy of this temple. It is auspicious to receive the darshan of Jeeva Samaadhi (still meditation) Siddhas on Uttarashada star day. This will bring poise, wealth and strength to one’s spiritual practice.

PanguniUthiram (Uttarashada day between Dec. 16 and Jan 15) is the well-known day of marriage for Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, Lord Mugura and their consorts. Another important marriage occurred on an Uttarashadha day. Sri Meenaskshi Ambhigai was married on Chittirai Uthiram (Jan 16 to Feb 15). Meenaskshi Devi took a human form as Meenakshi when she married Maheswaran. She prayed to Lord Shiva for a name blessed with the energy of Ardhanareeswarar (the unity of Shiva and Parvati). Lord Shiva presented her with the sacred name Sri Meenaskhi Sundareswarar.

At this temple, Lord Shiva and Goddess Meenakshi grant divine grace by manifesting as Sri Meenakshi Samedha Sri Sundareswarar. This sacred shrine of Lord Shiva at Keezhap poongudi provides auspicious energy for marriage. Uttarashada star is the most favorable day for a wedding ceremony at this sacred site. Women visit the temple to tie new marriage badges. This protects their marriage and grants longevity. Couples also visit this temple on their wedding day and wear flower garlands.

Those born in Uttarashada nakshatra should worship frequently at this temple. It is especially beneficial to visit during the month of Chittirai. Those born under a different star should also worship at this temple during the auspicious time of Uttarashada day for divine blessings of a long and happy married life.

Uttarashada nakshatra natives, your #incense is made with the #herb #Bread-Fruit as prescribed by the Vedas.

Burning one of these pillars is like performing a mini fire ritual for that particular star formation. For your specific Birthstar, you will be able to connect inwardly to your planet of energetic origin and gain support with the positive aspects that are you.

Burning the other Nakshatra pillars on that specific Nakshatra day will tune you in with the favorable activities with that star’s energy for the day. It is recommended to at least burn your own personal Nakshatra pillar daily to stay connected to your essence. It is advantageous to burn the days Nakshatra pillar as well.


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#Abhijeet nakshatra

The #Abhijit #Nakshatra Ranges from 6:40 degrees and 10:53 degrees. It overlaps with the Uttaraashada and Shravan Nakshatras as well.
The sun sign associated with the Abhijeet Nakshatra is #Capricorn.
The Ruling #planet of the nakshatra is #Mercury and its meaning is #victorious.
The primary #deity of the Abhijeet Nakshatra is the #Brahma. As for that, this star sign is associated with lucky individuals who are spiritual, honest and are held in a high esteem in the society.
Among the 28 nakshatra’s it is only the Abhijeet nakshatra who is #masculine.
It is the 28nd Lunar mansion and its lucky numbers are J and K.
Those who are born under the Abhijeet nakshatra generally display a medium height and a well-proportioned body. They exude a magnanimous personality and have a radiant facial expression. They are graceful in nature and have sharp, influential and penetrating looks.
Triangle Abhijith Nakshatra

Positive Characteristics

Those who are born under the Abhijeet Nakshatra have a penchant of standing out due to their intelligence because of Brahma’s influence.
Due to the wisdom shown by Abhijit Nakshatra Influenced individuals, they are well respected in a society and therefore, can be at the topmost position of wherever they work.
Because of the Influence of Brahma, those governed by the Abhijit Nakshatra are highly intellectual and curious individuals.
Those Under Abhijeet nakshatra tend to be on the receiving end of immense luck.
As wisdom and morality rules their demeanor, those under Abhijit nakshatra are always honest in their dealings. As a result of it, they are liked by everyone.
Those under the influence of Abhijit Nakshatra are always focused towards achieving the highest positions.
There is no indication of lack in money under any circumstance, for there is a chance that those under the Abhijit Nakshatra to acquire vast amount of wealth as well.
Negative Characteristics

Due to their inherently positive and ambitious demeanor, those with Abhijit Nakshatra may encounter a lot of obstacles in their path towards success.
The individuals born under the nakshatra are rare. As a result, finding an appropriate mate might be an issue. Due to this, there is a chance for more than one marriage.
Due to the Influence of Saturn, there is a chance of losing children after marriage. May be one or two children.
Those who are governed under the Abhijit Nakshatra have to be especially careful during their childhood. The babies tend to have a lot of health issues that makes their parents immensely anxious.
Abhijit Nakshatra has an immense influence of Saturn as those it governs are in their late teens or the inception of twenties. Therefore, there is a risk to life when the child is 19 and 20 years old.
The positive aura that Abhijit Nakshatra bearing individuals exude can attract both positive and negative individuals. The chances of envious individuals to be around too often is high.
The females under the Abhijit Nakshatra can have an apprehensive outlook towards the concept of marriage.
Typical Career Paths

Due to the presence of the deity brahma and due to the meaning of victory, those who are born under Abhijit nakshatra tend to gravitate towards powerful professions.
Many among the Abhijit Nakshatra tend to gravitate towards careers that are directly or indirectly related to waterworks like canals, lakes, wells.
Additionally, due to the innate curiosity that they are born with, those under the influence of lunar mansion Abhijeet can choose the career path related to mineral mining. However, even there, they are going to choose leadership positions.
There is an immense possibility of wealth at all times. Therefore, financial careers like CEOs, CFO, CTOs, General managers, Share broker, and bank manager are possible.
Due to their pursuit towards intellect, the individuals are highly like to go into research work and choose professions such as scientists, engineers, historian.
Another aspect of their personality is steeped in spirituality. Therefore, there is a chance that their career path takes them towards occult as well.
They are immensely social in nature, and therefore, they contribute immensely in creation of temples, dharamshalas, orphanages etc.
Personality Characteristics

Some common personality traits of individuals governed under Abhijit Nakshatra is their calm demeanor, sharp looks and an attractive personality.
They are extremely moralistic in nature and therefore try to achieve everything in life in the right way.
Holders of great amount of intelligence, those under Abhijit are ambitious in nature are strive towards reaching the absolute top position.
The female born under the Abhijit Nakshatra are impartial individuals who don’t judge people by their wealth, bodies, and other materialistic articles


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#Shravana #Nakshatra is the 22nd of 27 #nakshatras. If you were born when the #moon was between 10:00-23:20 degrees #Capricorn
Sanskrit Name: श्रावण (Shravana) comes from the #Sanskrit word श्राव (hearing). One meaning of Shravana is “the listener,” indicating perceptivity, intelligence, and an aptitude for learning.

Planetary Ruler: The #Moon. In #Vedic theology the moon is considered a manifestation of the mind of God. It is associated with creativity, the mind, and the emotions. The moon is especially significant in Vedic astrology, where a person’s sign is considered their moon sign.

Nakshatra Group: Godly. Nakshatras are divided into three classes — monsters, humans, and gods. Shravana is a godly nakshatra. People in this group are generally good-natured and fortunate in life. However, they may struggle with pride and a sense of entitlement.

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn. Capricorns are peculiar and powerful. They are intelligent, thoughtful, and careful in making decisions.

Deity: #Vishnu. In Vedic theology, Vishnu is the Supreme Lord, God of gods, creator of the universe and the Supersoul in the heart of every living being. All other gods are expansions of Vishnu.

Symbol: An ear. This represents the learning, wisdom, knowledge, and scholarship.

Power: To #connect and solidify. Persons born under the star of Shravana are able to connect disparate subject matters to formulate a comprehensive understanding of the world around them. This makes them excellent teachers and guides.

Resonant Syllables: In India, the birth nakshatra is traditionally used as one means of choosing the name of a child. The corresponding syllables for the four quarters (padas) of Shravana are Khee (खी), Khu (खू), Khe (खे), and Kho (खो). The syllable of a person’s first name is sometimes used when calculating an astrological chart if the time of birth is unknown.

Persons born under the star of Shravana are thoughtful and pious souls. They have all the qualities of a gentleman — patience, forbearance, tolerance, and wisdom. Their noble nature wins them many friends and admirers.

Shravana-natives are clever and hard-working. They know where to exert their efforts so as to obtain the maximum result. Because they don’t like wasting their time or energy, they thoroughly plan projects in advance. This strength allows them to achieve great things even without putting in as much work as their peers. In Vedic culture, this is known as “lazy intelligence,” or working smartly and efficiently, in a way that gets the job done right the first time.

You are devout, faithful, and a seeker of truth. Your intuition leads you forward in life, even when your path takes you away from the mainstream. You hold yourself to the highest of standards, and you constantly strive for excellence. With the help of a bona fide guru, you can achieve spiritual perfection in this very lifetime.

Shravana Careers
Persons born in Shravana can do well in careers in education, counseling, or non-profit work.

Some ideal professions include:

Scholar, researcher, professor, or teacher
Priest, ascetic, or religious worker
Public speaker, counselor, or life coach
Doctor, healer, or charity worker
Shravana-natives powerful intellect, when not tempered by sufficient humility, can lead them to develop extreme opinions. They can be rigid and narrow-minded in their views, believe that they alone possess the “right” perspective on an issue. This can cause them to make enemies with persons who hold opposing views.

As a consequence of their idealistic nature, those born in Shravana may have unrealistic expectations for their personal career. They may struggle to find work that is both financially sustaining and fulfilling on a moral, intellectual, or spiritual level. As a result, they may not be very well-off in life, and may experience recurring periods of poverty. This can in turn lead to a pessimistic attitude toward society in general, which can further augment their feelings of pride and self-righteousness. It is important to practice gratitude and recognize the many gifts you have received in life. Also, you must learn to see the good in others, in spite of any shortcomings they may have. This will help you remain positive, friendly, and compassionate even when your circumstances become difficult.

You may become jealous of others’ success and you have a tendency to gossip. You are overly sensitive to criticism and rude remarks. However, your good qualities far outweigh your weaknesses, and by cultivating your higher nature you can live a deeply fulfilling life.

Recommended: Learn more about science of the Vedas and how Vedic knowledge can help you elevate your consciousness and enhance your life.

Other Personality Traits
You can easily succeed in any endeavor. You are a “jack of all trades” type and can do well in any endeavor you put your heart and mind into.

You prefer solitude. You enjoy spending time alone, in meditation, reflection, and thoughtful contemplation. You are nourished more by time with yourself than you are by large gatherings.

You can become famous as a wanderer or saint. If you dedicate your life to the spiritual path, especially bhakti, you can advance quickly and gain a large following as a spiritual teacher. However, the purpose of spirituality is not to become famous, but to become a humble and sincere servant of God.

Your extreme sense of morality can get you into trouble. Because you hold your opinions so strongly, you have difficulty appreciating others who hold opposing views. Remember that Truth is never black and white. There are always many shades of gray. A mature person can explore multiple sides of any issue even while they hold fast to their own convictions.

Shravana Compatibility
Shravanas’ sexuality is symbolized by a female monkey. In terms of physical compatibility, this makes them an ideal match for persons born under Purva-ashadha nakshatra.

Based on holistic matching, Shravanas are most likely to find happiness in long-term partnerships with:

Ashwini (for male natives)
Krittika in Taurus (for male natives)
Mrigashira in Taurus
Pushya (for male natives)
Uttara-phalguni in Virgo
Chitra (for female natives)
Vishakha in Libra (for female natives)
Uttara-ashadha in Capricorn
Dhanishta in Capricorn (for male natives)
Purva-bhadrapada in Pisces (for female natives)
Uttara-bhadrapada (for male natives)
Revati (for female natives)
Note: Compatibility in relationships is a complex science that looks at many different factors. You should always consult with an experienced astrologer who can carefully analyze the charts of both you and your partner.

Shravana’s Four Quarters (Padas)
Each nakshatra is divided into four quarters, also known as padas, of 3:20 degrees each. These quarters are based on a 1/9th divisional chart, known in Sanskrit as navamsha.

The moon’s position at your time of birth determines the quarter in which you are born.

First Quarter (10:00-13:20 degrees Capricorn): Aries. You are ambitious and aggressive. You commit to your projects with zeal. You are likely to experience oscillating success and failure on a professional level.

Second Quarter (13:20-16:40 degrees Capricorn): Taurus. You are attractive and well-mannered. You are tactful and you respect others’ boundaries. However, you have a penchant for sensual pleasures and can be overcome by lust and anger.

Third Quarter (16:40-20:00 degrees Aquarius): Gemini. You’re a talented writer and communicator. These gifts can win you many friends. You excel in social settings.

Fourth Quarter (20:00-23:20 degrees Aquarius): Cancer. You are artistic and have a strong sense of aesthetics. You are compassionate and you enjoy helping others, but you may become carried away by your emotions.

Shravana in Electional Astrology
In electional astrology, also known as muhurtha, nakshatras are used to determine favorable days and times for important ceremonies and events, such as weddings, buying a new house or vehicle, commencing a project, or conceiving a child.

The electional nature of Shravana is Chara, “mobile.” Shravana is an excellent nakshatra for:

Buying a vehicle
Changing residence, jobs, or other life changes
Beginning a pilgrimage
Planting vegetables or other crops, and general gardening work


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#Uttara-ashadha #Nakshatra is the 21st of 27 #nakshatras. If you were born when the #moon was between 26:40 degrees #Sagittarius-10:00 degrees #Capricorn
#Sanskrit Name: उत्तराषाढ़ा ( #UttaraAshadha) comes from the Sanskrit words उत्तर (latter) and अषाढ (invincible). One meaning of Uttara-ashadha is “the latter #invincible one,” indicating resilience, power, and good fortune.

Planetary Ruler: The #Sun. In astrology the sun is considered the king of the planets. According to the #Vedic understanding, the sun is an expansion of God. This #planet is associated with the #soul or self, leadership, happiness, success, self-realization, and spiritual enlightenment.

Nakshatra Group: #Human. Nakshatras are divided into three classes — monsters, humans, and gods. Uttara-ashadha is a human nakshatra. People in this group are generally hardworking and motivated to achieve material success. Although they are generally kind, they can also be vindictive and self-serving.

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius (first quarter) and Capricorn (second through fourth quarters). Sagittarians are fortunate and righteous. They are wise, warm-hearted, and spiritually-inclined. Capricorns are peculiar and powerful. They are intelligent, thoughtful, and careful in making decisions.

Deity: #Vishvadevas. In Vedic theology, the Vishvadevas are a group of ten gods who represent the entire assembly of celestial beings.

Symbol: The #tusk of an #elephant. This represents awesome power, fearsomeness, and intimidation.

Power: To be #undefeated. Persons born under the star of Uttara-ashadha are formidable foes. They have an indomitable spirit and make excellent leaders, fighters, and visionaries.

Resonant Syllables: In India, the birth nakshatra is traditionally used as one means of choosing the name of a child. The corresponding syllables for the four quarters (padas) of Uttara-ashadha are Bhey (भे), Bho (भो), Jaw (जा), and Jee (जी). The syllable of a person’s first name is sometimes used when calculating an astrological chart if the time of birth is unknown.

Persons born under the star of Uttara-ashadha are devout and moral beings. They have an innate sense of right and wrong, and they strive to uphold the principles of dharma, or righteous conduct. With their sharp intellect and capacity for discrimination, they are able to understand subtle nuances that other people miss. They cannot be found blindly taking one side of any issue. Rather, they carefully consider all available information and weigh the various arguments before coming to any conclusion. In this way, they are quite balanced in their approach to life.

Uttara-ashadha natives are bright, popular, and multi-talented. They generally excel in whatever they put their mind to. They appreciate the good qualities in others, and for this reason they can easily gain the admiration of their peers.

You are a down-to-earth and practical person. You don’t like to dwell in the realm of ideas alone — your plans are always accompanied by quick and impressive action. You are a noble and graceful soul with a natural inclination toward God consciousness.

Uttara-ashadha Careers
Persons born in Uttara-ashadha can do well in careers that involve some kind of leadership role, or in athletic performance.

Some ideal professions include:

Athlete, dancer, or sports coach
Politician, lawyer, or judge
Researcher or scientist
Philosopher, priest, or religious leader
Uttara-ashadha natives can be somewhat dictatorial. They expect others to conform to their vision and follow their lead and commands. Although they are broad-minded, they can also be inflexible and even obstinate once settled on a certain conclusion. Their strong presence can be intimidating for others, and this might make it difficult to form deeply meaningful relationships.

Those born under Uttara-ashada excel in taking action and moving projects forward, but they may overestimate their capacity and lose interest before a project sees completion. This may leave them with many half-finished tasks, and as a result they may become apathetic or mildly depressed.

You have a tendency to take on the problems of those around you. Your desire to help and inspire others can lead you to carry a burden greater than what you can realistically handle in the long-term. This may make you anxious, restless, and dissatisfied. Make sure you carefully consider whatever commitments you make, and follow through on each one before taking on any additional responsibilities. This will help you protect yourself from getting overworked and burned out. Set aside sufficient time for self-care, meditation, introspection, and prayer. In this way you can have a fulfilled and happy existence.

Recommended: Learn more about science of the Vedas and how Vedic knowledge can help you elevate your consciousness and enhance your life.

Other Personality Traits
You can be a powerful leader. You are a charismatic person and can easily attract followers who believe in and support your grand vision. You can easily excel in any leadership role.

You are a peaceful, happy person. Even though you work hard and can be hot-tempered at times, you are generally a calm and cheerful person.

You may have trouble in romantic relationships. Uttara-ashadha natives are unique individuals. Their personalities can be hard to read and hard to adjust to. For this reason, you may have difficulty finding a partner whose goals and lifestyle perfectly complement yours.

You are blessed in your family life. In spite of any marital difficulties that may arise, you are fortunate when it comes to family matters. You come from a good family, and you are able to create a stable, happy home life for your children.

Uttara-ashadha Compatibility
Uttara-ashadhas’ sexuality is symbolized by a male mongoose. In Vedic astrology, Uttara-ashadhas are the only nakshatra that do not have a matching pair when it comes to physical compatibility. This reflects their highly individualism and somewhat enigmatic spirit. However, with the right amount of care and effort, they can still make a happy partnership.

Based on holistic matching, Uttara-ashadhas are most likely to find happiness in long-term partnerships with:

For Uttara-ashadha natives in Sagittarius (1st Quarter):

Magha (for female natives)
Uttara-phalguni in Leo
Mula (for female natives)
Dhanishta in Capricorn
Revati (for male natives)
For Uttara-ashadha natives in Capricorn (2nd-4th Quarters):

Mrigashira in Taurus (for male natives)
Chitra in Virgo (for male natives)
Swati (for female natives)
Dhanishta in Capricorn (for male natives)
Revati (for male natives)
Note: Compatibility in relationships is a complex science that looks at many different factors. You should always consult with an experienced astrologer who can carefully analyze the charts of both you and your partner.

Uttara-ashadha’s Four Quarters (Padas)
Each nakshatra is divided into four quarters, also known as padas, of 3:20 degrees each. These quarters are based on a 1/9th divisional chart, known in Sanskrit as navamsha.

The moon’s position at your time of birth determines the quarter in which you are born.

First Quarter (26:40-30:00 degrees Sagittarius): Sagittarius. You are high-minded and dignified. You respect others and are admired by your peers. You enjoy helping others, and you lead a stable, happy life.

Second Quarter (0:00-3:20 degrees Capricorn): Capricorn. You are strong-willed and can be strict with yourself and others. You’re excellent at planning and executing vast projects. However, you can be something of a workaholic.

Third Quarter (3:20-6:40 degrees Capricorn): Aquarius. You are intelligent and philanthropic. You have a natural flair for directing others.

Fourth Quarter (6:40-10:00 degrees Capricorn): Pisces. You are spiritually-inclined and have a gentle disposition. You are cautious when entering into new relationships or major commitments. This is a good quality. You will accomplish great things in your life.

Uttara-ashadha in Electional Astrology
In electional astrology, also known as muhurtha, nakshatras are used to determine favorable days and times for important ceremonies and events, such as weddings, buying a new house or vehicle, commencing a project, or conceiving a child.

The electional nature of Uttara-ashadha is Sthira, “fixed or steady.” Uttara-ashadha is an excellent nakshatra for:

Marriage ceremonies
Building a home
Buying land
Planting trees
Undergoing a medical treatment
Learning art, music, or dance


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Zodiac Sign or #Sravana #Nakshatra Rashi- #Capricorn
Shravana Nakshatra Ruling Planet- #Moon
Sravana Nakshatra Degree Range- 26°40’ Sagittarius - 10° Capricorn
Chara Rashi/ Navamsa- Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer
Sravana Nakshatra Lord or God- #Vishnu, Preserver of the Universe
Shravana Nakshatra Yoni- Vaanar
Sravana Nakshatra Quality- #Divine
Shravana Nakshatra Dosha- #Kapha
Type of Nakshatra- #Mutable
Sravana Nakshatra Dasha- 10 years
Shravana Nakshatra Numerical Potency- 22
Sravana Nakshatra Gender- #Male
Shravana Nakshatra Nature- Dev (God like)
Sravana Nakshatra Guna- #Rajas
Shravana Nakshatra Mobility- #Movable
Sravana Nakshatra Caste- #Melchhas
Shravana Nakshatra Animal- #Female #monkey
Sravana Nakshatra Names Starting Letter- Ju, Je, Jo, Gha
Shravana Nakshatra #Bird- #Francolin
Sravana Nakshatra #Tree- #White-Calotropis
Shravana Nakshatra Traits- Happy, Knowledgeable, Foreign resident, Wealthy, Famous, Learned, Good, Liberal to partner.
Sravana Nakshatra Lucky Number- 2
Shravana Nakshatra Symbol- #Trident
Sravana Nakshatra Gemstone- #Pearl
About Sravana Nakshatra
Sravana, the 22nd Nakshatra in Astrology is the constellation of learning and listening. The word Sravana means “to listen“. That is why, natives of Sravana Nakshatra are good listeners and learners. This constellation is also known as Ashvattha which was a pipal tree where Buddha received his enlightenment. Goddess Saraswati was born in this constellation which represents this constellation’s connection with knowledge and education.

There are a total three symbols of the Sravana constellation. In the first symbol of Sravana Nakshatra, you can see a Trident which represents its power of communication and connection. In the second symbol of Sravana Nakshatra, you can see a row of three uneven footsteps. Sravana Nakshatra’s third symbol represents an elephant with big ears which represents the connection of this Nakshatra with listening.

The lucky color of this constellation is blue. The body parts associated with Sravana Nakshatra are the ears and lower belly. Element connected with the Sravana constellation is air. Vedic astrologers consider this constellation very important due to its great listening ability.This constellation is associated with “apradhrishya shakti” which is the power of offering permanent victory.

Shravana Nakshatra - Physical Characteristics
Shravana Nakshatra male and females are very good listeners and learners, they are soft spoken. They are of balanced nature and they hold fair complexion. Their height is medium and they have slender body composure. They suffer from anxiety as well as little joy due to their few children. Sravana Nakshatra male natives could suffer from ear problems or skin infections. They are vulnerable to digestive system troubles as well as respiratory system issues.

Sravana Nakshatra Characteristics- Behavioral Characteristics
Sravana Nakshatra natives are known for their listening and learning skills. Their learning is not limited to just wordly education, they expand their horizon to gain scriptural wisdom. They are also great helpmates who do not hesitate to offer their help to anyone who needs it.

The natives of Sravana Nakshatra are successful individuals as they are proficient in education. They have a responsible nature as they sincerely discharge their duties. They have great communication skills.

Natives of Sravana Nakshatra are known for their reliability and dependability. They easily gain trust of others due to this trait. They are compassionate and helpful towards others and do not expect others to reciprocate. But, due to their helping nature, people take advantage of them and deceive them. On the bright side, natives can identify their enemies and they do not shy away to confront them.

One aspect of Sravana Nakshatra natives is their love for cleanliness. They like their surroundings to be neat and clean and like to organize things in order. They like neatness even in their work. They are also mindful of the food they intake, but they are fond of delicious meals. They mature early in terms of mental growth as they are curious to learn new things and experiences. The road of life is not easy for Sravana Nakshatra natives, they face many challenges and generally settle on middle ground.

Sravana Nakshatra natives are very kind hearted and generous. They believe in practicing benevolence and charity. They are considered as Philanthropists of astrology. Natives are fond of travelling and exploring new places. They respect their culture and traditions and engage in religious activities as much as they can.
Favorable Activities For Shravana Nakshatra
The Sravana Nakshatra is extremely auspicious for religious activities and rituals. You can buy property, clothes, equipment and accessories for your home as well as the office and can also do the inauguration of your house in this period. It is also good for all healing activities including medical actions and remedial measures. In the period of Shravana Nakshatra , you should listen to other’s advice and suggestions, you can deal with the public and also do social interactions. This period is most favourable for studying languages, music as well as classical traditions.You can learn, read and write anything. You can engage in meditation and philosophical activities, make peace with anyone, make or take herbs and medicines, organize anything or initiate spiritual learning. In this period, you can make important phone calls, offer or receive counselling and travel to new places.

This period is favorable for all humanitarian activities and beginning of anything new. You should also worship Vishnu or Saraswati in Sravana Nakshatra.

Unfavorable Activities For Sravana Nakshatra
In the period of Sravana Nakshatra, you should not engage in any aggressive, risky and uncertain activity like war, lawsuits and demolishing old things. It is inauspicious for creative projects and manual work as well as for lending money or things. Avoid making any promises or taking any oaths. It is not favourable for putting an end to things. You should not engage in marriage functions and should not adopt children. You must avoid worshipping fierce Gods like Lord Rudra.
Career Options for Shravana Nakshatra Natives
The professions that are favorable for people born in Sravana Nakshatra are:-

Teaching and Education industry like Teachers, Preachers, Educators, Scholars, Students, classical teachers and students and all jobs in Universities.
Language related jobs like Linguists, Language translation and interpretation jobs, Storytelling and narration jobs.
Music and recording industry like Producers, Sound technicians.
Telephone industry like Telephone operators and any phone involved job.
All jobs which need organizing.
Medical industry likes jobs in hospitals, allopathy doctors, healers and practitioners of holistic medicine.
Jobs in Charitable organizations, NGO clubs and societies.
Hotel and Restaurant industry.
Tourism and Transportation industry like Travel agents.
Radio and Television industry like News broadcasters, Talk show anchors, Radio operators, Satellite communication handlers.
Gossip columnists and Ancient traditions preservers.
