

#Anxiety kicking in:

The #web is dead, websites don't exist anymore, all there is are toxic content platforms and unreadable, often harmful malware noise (i.e. lacking information) masked as "websites".

What's worse, a good web browser doesn't exist, plus browsers cannot be installed or compiled on my OS due to #bloat. For the "web" without #javascript there are still usable browsers such as Netsurf or Lynx.

So, I'm thinking a radical step needs to be made:

I need to leave the JavaScript web. Sadly, this is not so easy to do, because:

  • I love the diaspora community, it's my only place to communicate with like-minded individuals, without censorship. But it requires JS. What to do? I'm thinking about moving to #GNUSocial again.
  • As much as I hate to admit it, I kind of need #YouTube, e.g. for learning #spanish from videos and watching genuinely interesting and enriching videos. #Freetube isn't an option, it doesn't work on my OS due to #bloat. I'm thinking about creating a set of scripts that would utilize #RSS, yt-download and maybe even SponsorBlock database and #ffmpeg to download me latest videos from the channels I want to follow.
  • The open console communities which use JS-based "websites". Without JS they become read-only. I could live with that probably.
  • Here and there JS is useful and actually needed, e.g. I want to play online #chess with #lichess. Also I sometimes need to do banking and similar stuff. Here I think I should just address each of these specifically, replace everything I can with offline programs (e.g. play against stockfish offline) and just fall back to a web browser if I really need to (banking etc.).
  • Simple browsers lack support for addons such as ad blockers. But there are way around, e.g. via /etc/hosts.

If I could manage to do these, I would just switch to a nice no-JS browser with #wiby as a search engine while still having a fallback JS browser installed. It seems like a lot of work, but let's see.


"ChessCoach is a neural network-based chess engine capable of natural-language commentary. It plays chess with a rating of approximately 3450 Elo, which means it should usually beat even the strongest human players at 2850 Elo, and many other engines, but will often lose to the strongest, such as Stockfish 14 at 3550 Elo."

"ChessCoach can also feed its chess knowledge into an additional neural network to comment on moves and positions in English. It is not very insightful and often wrong but shows some promise for the limited data it has been able to train on."

"The natural-language commentary piece is most like the work of Learning to Generate Move-by-Move Commentary for Chess Games from Large-Scale Social Forum Data (Jhamtani, Gangal, Hovy, Neubig & Berg-Kirkpatrick, 2018) and Automated Chess Commentator Powered by Neural Chess Engine (Zang, Yu & Wan, 2019), but relies on a more heavily trained chess engine and larger training corpus, albeit with more simplistic architecture."


#solidstatelife #ai #nlp #chess


Would Anyone Care for a Game of Chess?

In a famous illustration of the power of exponential growth, the inventor of chess is said to have been asked by the King how he would like to be rewarded. His response sounded modest and straightforward: just pay me one grain of wheat on the first square of the chess board, and double that for each additional square. The King found this to be an absurdly humble respect, laughed, and ordered it so.

During fulfillment operations his treasury staff came to realize that the request would clear not only the granaries of the palace, nor of the entire kingdom, but of the entire world, many times over. If a single grain of wheat were 1/4 gram, the entire chessboard would have held over 4,611 billion tonnes. Worldwide total wheat production in 2007 was only 2.3 billion tons. It would take over 2,000 years to fulfill the inventor's request even now, from every wheat field on the planet.

Legend has it the King was not amused and the game's inventor left this world somewhat shortened.

But let's change a few elements...

Continued at the dreddit

#chess #exponentialgrowth #ebola
