

So true about the conflicts of interest harming America, specifically Sen. #MoscowMitch McConnell and his wife's position (despite connections to foreign IT/government interests of our "greatest threat") and equally blatant & disqualifying, the role of Clarence Thomas' wife. What a cesspool of #corruption! Icing on the cake: the #DeathSantis / #ClarenceThomas love fest. 😱



Oh my...
Thin-sliced: Delta (#DeathSantis) Variant, #TrumpVirus on steroids...

(only the drugs that don't work any more, like his 'therapeutics not vaccine' program of profiteering from death)
Article by (real) journalist, Molly Jong-Fast

Even Worse Than Trump? The much scarier scenario is a competent version, outflanking him from the right.

#TrumpVirus #GQP #DeathSantis #MakeAmericaSaneAgain #StaySafe


And now... the 1200th Episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert! Live with audience, Ed Sullivan Theater, Jan 10, 2022.

The Opening Monologue (here cold open was good too). Here's a look at the most glaring of #TrumpVirus variants, #DeathSantis, #CancunCruz, and #GymJordan. The day's headlines/overview as the do-nothing Senate slinks back to town, and seditionists still have not been accountable. Plus things like budgets and right to vote, etc.... 'Murica 2022... #Disinformation, #Corruption, & #GQP

Deltacron Infects 25 In Cyprus | Jim Jordan Refuses To Cooperate With Jan. 6th Committee


Eric Swalwell Posts DMs From Man Radicalized By Tucker Carlson Who Threatened To Shoot Him

Carlson needs to be held accountable - for sedition, conspiracy, inciting hate & violence, and - like #Fox & fiends overall - spewing disinformation which GQP/Bannon-world cultists believe is reality. A very irrational, fact-devoid, conspiracy-based alternative universe.

We must stop the spread of #TrumpVirus and #GQP variants!
Speaking of which, anybody seen the "governor" of the dying fields formerly known as Florida? #DeathSantis Variant? Where is he?


Wow... so the #DeathSantis variant itself has gone MIA in Florida?! 🙈

Omicron’s ride or die Gov. Ron DeSantis appears to be M.I.A. He was last seen nearly two weeks ago

As the state hides its stats & has bragging rights for its super-high number of preventable cases of #TrumpVirus?
So I guess his "plan" (state suicide in the name of freedom, ambition, and profit) is doing just fine, eh?
Wonder where he is? In Cancun with #CovidCruz? Keeping Abbott company in-hospital somewhere? A padded cell?

#StaySafe 💉 😷 🧠


My Sunday Feeling *

Reviewing the week's (US) news summary - following a bad week too for things like global environment - this article hits some key points (with links following the top story leading to the other main events).

Bipartisan Report: Trump Suffers A Sunday Sad Over Steve Bannon Indictment

Of note, it seems more clearly that Texas slime Ted Cruz is not only bizarre (suggested here as verging on insane), but has been flirting with the idea of Texas seceding back to the good old days pre-Civil war. (Hope he'll take Florida with him. Seal off the world from the super-spread of the #DeathSantis & #Abbott #TrumpVirus variants. As Cruz attacks a Sesame Street character (Big Bird) for being "woke" and spreading "propaganda" (encouraging vaccination).

And as 2 Republicans own Cruz for his "alternate reality", Dark Lord StableGenius sobs tears over how badly Seditionist #1 Steve Bannon (still free, too) has been treated, despite Trump having already pardoned him for his fraud in conning MAGA cult believers into sending him & DJT money "for a wall" (i.e., the linings of their pockets). Meanwhile, nobody has been jailed for contempt of Congress, the traitors are still free (some sitting in Congress), and the world of GOP/Q has already seceded - from reality. Other than that, nice calm holiday times...

  * On a nicer note, from Jethro Tull: My Sunday Feeling

#Sunday #news #JethroTull #music #musica #musique


From the Washington Post

Opinion: This is how the anti-democratic right wins

2nd-opinion: "Looney tunes!"

She and her co-seditionists may be the poster children of the moment, but there are more in GOP/Q.


Stop the #TrumpVirus and variants like #DeathSantis, Abbott, and the cultists who believe reality is what they see on FOX/OAN.

#StaySafe 💉 😷 🧠


Truth (as even reported, without objection, by Fox!) First time I've ever shared anything Fox - or seen anything rational from them.

Jen Psaki states truth to the Abbott and #DeathSantis variants as they pull out all stops to massacre their citizens in the name of 'freedom', mandating death in the name of "no mandates"

Stop the #TrumpVirus
#StaySafe 💉 😷 🧠


Report: DOJ Scrambled to Stave off Trump's Push to Use the Dept. to Validate Election Fraud Claims

"New details on what became the missing piece of the puzzle in the disgraced ex-president's campaign to overturn the 2020 election results: Their failure to get the Justice Department to top the scales and declare the election riddled with fraud" -

I've just read about this in "Peril", by two stellar journalists (Woodward/Costa), with detailed fly-on-the-wall reportage woven together into what feels like "being there" in the hot spots with the players. Strong recommend - "gripping" book despite knowing the ending.
Actually, the #TrumpVirus is still spreading, and spawning variants (like #DeathSantis - Delta) while keeping up the alternate-universe information bubble blasting via "AT&T's" OAN, GOP/Q, Fox, etc. Good short/sweet (not) report here by another great journalist.



Marjorie Taylor Greene makes wild attempt to stop daily prayer and Pledge of Allegiance on House floor

"It's very unfortunate," she continued. "We should make a motion to adjourn because Congress should stop! Congress is the one ruining the lives of the American people, not helping them like they claim to do."

And furthermore, as Congress is poised to make historic shifts towards serving the people through infrastructure (subsidized just a bit by the uber-wealthy paying a crumb or two in taxes).... As Congress fights through the MTG/GOP-Q opposition to "We the People", MTG's "thinking" concludes: "And more votes we take this week are going to continue to fail the American people...."

a) Maybe Congress can help rather than hurt if GOP/Q would just stop obstructing every single effort to serve We the (sane) people.
b) Electing creatures like MTG to "represent" actual thinking, breathing people is not helpful to anybody (except themselves)
c) Might the GOP/Q ever say/do/allow anything productive to happen in Congress for the sake of the nation as opposed to them$elves?

Stop the #Trumpvirus variants who disrupt public health and the people's work, while spreading #DeathSantis viruses of death & lies.
#StaySafe 💉 😷 🧠


So how is justice proceeding?

Basically, the case against Lord #Trumpvirus is ramping up again in NY, with CFO Weisselberg apparently still the focus - and then, what ever happened to Matt Gaetz? Being in the land of #DeathSantis and Rubio, is it just "going away" quietly? "We'll see what happens". ™️

#StaySafe 💉 😷 🧠


Hard to get any lower than the #DeathSantis variant sending children, families, and much of the state into harm's way. Lying and hiding facts while clinging to his "plan" for ignoring science and public health reality.

But Abbott is still trying to win the #1 spot for COVID deaths, especially targeting schools, again hiding information and in fact banning schools from notifying parents of classroom cases. Truly demonic. As described by Lincoln Project - and then censored by Abbott. Piece of #$! #evil

Lincoln Project Ad pulled from Texas Airwaves (Surprise?)

#StaySafe Stop the super-spread of #Trumpvirus and its variants, borne of ignorance, hate, and disinformation (via Fox/GOP-Q)

💉 😷 🧠

"Under @GovRonDeSantis Covid Deaths in Florida will surpass American deaths during ENTIRE Vietnam war. " - Don Winslow

Totally agree with JoyAnnReid who tweeted that Biden should really tap into the talents of #DonWInslow
Plain unvarnished truth can have dramatic impact & even make some who don't ordinarily do much, think. Hard.
Check out this video. Frightening, but Florida is at over 1000 deaths per day, hiding the numbers, and surpassing Vietnam!


#Stop the #DeathSantis variant.
#StaySafe 💉😷 🎯