Ukrainsche Fußballikone in Russland
In der Heimat verhasst
Von Juri Konkewitsch
Anatoli Timoschtschuk, einer der größten Fußballstars in der Ukraine, fühlt sich mit Russland verbunden. Ein Absturz bis zum Zenit.
Ukrainsche Fußballikone in Russland
Von Juri Konkewitsch
Anatoli Timoschtschuk, einer der größten Fußballstars in der Ukraine, fühlt sich mit Russland verbunden. Ein Absturz bis zum Zenit.
#roses #St.Elizabeth
June is for Roses
What was the miracle of St. Elizabeth of Hungary?
- She met her husband unexpectedly while she is on a secret errand to deliver bread to the poor. According to legend, he asks her what she is carrying under her cloak, to counter claims that she was stealing from the castle. When she revealed her burden, the loaves of bread miraculously change into roses.
Born: July 7, 1207. Her life story is very interesting and wonderful.
Artist. Élisabeth Sonrel (1874–1953)
Nach Anschlag bei Moskau
Blumenberge und stillgelegte Innenstädte: Russland befindet sich nach dem Terroranschlag in Schockstarre. Szenen der Trauer aus St. Petersburg.
#taz #tageszeitung #Russland #St # #Petersburg #Trauer #Anschlag # #Islamischer #Staat # # #IS #
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#cinéma #arte_TV #vf #vo #st #pollution #téflon #PFOA
L'affaire du téflon (PFOA, C8).
Disponible du 06/12/2023 au 12/12/2023
#fr #vo #st #arte_TV #doc #politique #USA
Disponible du 30/11/2023 au 28/02/2024
Running the mount is a joint venture between the National Trust and the St Aubyn family who live in the castle.
The medieval castle perched on top is now a National Trust attraction along with the amazing coastal gardens on the grounds.
It’s a huge tourist attraction that sees well over 300,000 people visit every year!
As well as a hot spot for visitors, it’s also a living community with a working village and harbour. There are 35 lucky residents who call it home.
#St #Michaels #Mount Causeway & Tide Times: 14 Important Tips for Crossing in #Cornwall!
Ausflug nach Krakau.
Meine lieblings Stadt Kraków in Polen haben wir auch besucht. Der Tico 🐕 hat für das Foto einen Smok Wawelski 🐉(der Drache vom Burg Wawel) Kuscheltier von meiner Tochter bekommen. Paar Erinnerungs Fotos und ein Foto von zwei Ansichtskarten mit Motiven vom Krakau.
meine liebliengs#Stadt #Krakau #Smok Wawelski #Hund #Tico #Basilika Mariacka #Zamek Królewski na Wawelu #Barbakan i #Brama Floriańska #Pomnik Adama Mickiewicza i #Kościół Świętego Wojciecha #Fotos #meineFotos #Ansichtskarten #mywork my favorite #city #Krakow #dog #Tico #Photos #myPhotos #Postcards #mywork #Wawel Dragon #St. Mary's Basilica #Wawel Royal Castle #Barbican and #Florian's Gate #Adam Mickiewicz Monument and #St. Adalbert's Church
#StDeclan, as depicted by stained glass artist Harry Clarke in a window in #Honan #Chapel, #Cork
#St #Declan
St Declan was an early #Irish #saint credited with the conversion of the Déisi people of east #Munster to #Christianity.
It was these #people - the #Déisi - who founded a settlement in #south-west #Wales.
A key aspect of this overseas link - the #import of #slaves, usually #British Christians, by Irish raiders - would have directly exposed Munster to the influence of Christianity.
#StIbar, as pictured in the chancel window of Our Lady’s Island Church of the Assumption, Co #Wexford. Picture by Andreas Franz Borchert
#St #Ibar
It appears that Ibar was a #missionary #before the arrival of St #Patrick but he was also a contemporary of the #saint, thus he is sometimes regarded as a John the Baptist-like figure, the precursor of the national apostle.
In the earlier part of his life, he is said to have been a member of the #druidic order, thus providing an interesting example of the transition from paganism to #Christianity around the time of St Patrick.
Beggerin, of which he is regarded as the patron saint, was formerly an #island in the north of Wexford harbour but it has long since been one of the reclaimed Sloblands.
#StCiarán of #Saighir is depicted in a window in #StBrendan's #Church, Birr, Co #Offaly. Picture by Andreas Franz Borchert
#St #Ciarán of Saighir
Reputed to have been the #first saint #born in #reland, #Ciarán was a native of #CapeClear #Island off the #coast of #Cork.
He became the bishop of Saighir (Seir-Kieran) in the foothills of the #SlieveBloom #mountains in modern-day Co Offaly and remains the patron saint of the Diocese of #Ossory.
Lives of the saint relate #how he #lived in a #forest surrounded by #animals and wearing nothing but skins.
This corresponds to the image of him as a western John the Baptist, and thus like St Ibar, a precursor of the national apostle.
#SnatamKaur #Servant #of #Peace - Prayer of #St. #Francis of #Assisi
20 Sept 2018 ... Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi: #Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace Where there is hatred, let me sow #love Where there is injury, ...
die #Doku Serie #Neonstaub portraitiert in fünf Folgen den Stadtteil #Hamburg #St Pauli - ab 21.11. in der #ARD #Mediathek
Polizeigewalt beim Hamburger Derby
Von Johannes Kopp
Nach dem Polizeieinsatz vor dem Hamburger Zweitligaderby müssen nicht nur die Vorfälle vor Ort aufgeklärt werden. Es geht um Grundsätzlicheres.
#taz #tageszeitung #Fußballfans #Polizeigewalt #FC #St # #Pauli