

Leak judiciaire: le ministère de la justice dément avoir été piraté

zdnet.fr, 04/07/2023

"Leurs messages sur leur channel #telegram et sur leur compte #twitter sous-entendaient qu’ils avaient piraté le ministère de la #Justice en exploitant une faille dans #Drupal [...] Les mystérieux hackers de #KromSec expliquaient ensuite qu’ils allaient diffuser des contenus volés en fonction de la tournure des “événements” en #France. [...] Finalement, ce lundi 3 juillet, ces derniers ont mis leur menace à exécution en diffusant un fichier de plus de 1120 lignes divulguant des informations personnelles de magistrats (nom, adresse, numéro de téléphone ou mail, par exemple) [...] contactée par ZDNET.fr, la Place Vendôme, déjà visée en fin de semaine par une attaque en déni de service revendiquée par des hacktivistes pro-russes, a aussitôt démenti"


web cms - wordpress still dominating - second comes no cms



What is interesting, that 33% of all website creators, decide to not use any CMS at all (static HTML/manually editing it).

there is even a trend of creating cms inside wordperss, “cms inside the cms” so to speak, with plugins such as Enfold, elementor.com and wpastra.com

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #web #html #php #css #javascript #cms #wordpress #wix #joomla #drupal #typo3

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/07/12/web-cms-wordpress-still-dominating-second-comes-no-cms/


You can quite easily host a Drupal blog on a Raspberry Pi at home

I tested accessing the site as it loads, just as any other normal site is expected to load. It makes one realise again that for many hosting projects, you often don’t need external paid hosting.

You can use a Pi as long as you also have a domain name you can point to your home, and something to handle the incoming web requests securely (see my YouTube video about how I handle hosting from home at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZRG2sezIl4).

Hosting with a cloud provider is pretty cheap if you are just doing something small, but once your storage needs really grow (photo or video site for example), or you need to run a bunch of services, it can get quite costly. One, or more, Pi’s may well do the trick from home!

See https://opensource.com/article/22/3/run-drupal-raspberry-pi

#technology #raspberrypi #selfhosting #blog #drupal
#Blog, ##blog, ##drupal, ##raspberrypi, ##selfhosting, ##technology


CrowdSec - The open-source & collaborative IPS

The quantity of pre-detected IPs which are identified as aggressive & dangerous has increased dramatically as CrowdSec continues to be put into use by more and more individuals and organisations.

CrowdSec is OpenSource, free and also offers professional services for organisations which feel they need to pay in order for OpenSource to be OK to use.

Collaborative Security

"Our strength comes from our cybersecurity community that is burning cybercriminals’ anonymity. By sharing IP addresses that aggressed you, you help us curate and redistribute a qualified IP blocklist to protect everyone."


#security #privacy #WordPress #Drupal #Internet #OpenSource #CrowdSec #server #protection #Fail2Ban


Drupal CMS now has an ActivityPub Protocol module for its websites - It's like a 'Facebook Follow' for the Fediverse

This module Implements the ActivityPub protocol for your site. Readers will be able to follow content on Mastodon and other federated platforms that support ActivityPub. Responses are possible too (Reply, Like, Announce) with more to come.

It is a bit like a Facebook Follow, but for the Fediverse of different social networks.

The module has been tested with the following federated platforms:
* Mastodon
* Pixelfed
* Pleroma
* Write.as

See ActivityPub

#technology #opensource #drupal #fediverse #activitypub


Implements the ActivityPub protocol for your site. Readers will be able to follow content on Mastodon and other federated platforms that support ActivityPub. Responses are possible too (Reply, Like, Announce) with more to come. The module has been tested with the following federated platforms: Mastodon Pixelfed Pleroma Write.as Open an issue if you have successfully interacted with other platforms! Integrates with the Personal reader project. Check the README for all features, installation and configuration. Development of the lite version happens in the 1.0.x branch here on drupal.org.



Which CMS system (or something else entirely) would you recommend for small to medium websites and respective businesses/organizations?

Idea is to host a server and run several sites off it, each one of which designable, editable and maintainable by the respective folks, all without much or any technical knowledge and desire of coding. Nothing too fancy required, mainly text content and pictures/videos, perhaps some mail contact forms and basic stuff like that, but nothing crazy like a huge webshop or the like.
The back-end Linux server itself would be taken care of by competent SysAdmin.

What are the best options here to get people going either from scratch or importing existing sites and take it from there? Which CMS and server setup would you recommend with a good Benefit to PITA ratio? ;-)

Appreciate your replies already...

#question #cms #webhosting #server #website #wordpress #joomla #drupal