

Very interesting.... Seen on Russian State TV

Putin World Declares ‘Our Agent Trump’ Is Irreversibly Screwed‘


“I’m very worried for our agent Trump. They found everything at Mar-a-Lago, they got packages of documents. In all seriousness, they say he should be executed as a person that was ready to hand off nuclear secrets to Russia.”

Begging the question of how Russia seems to know more than the American public at this point!

#TrumpVirus #sedition #treason #espionage #fraud #conspiracy #obstruction #Jan6


Can't make this #TrumpVirus stuff up!

Caught with stolen, illegal, top secret docs, that either he's never seen before because they were planted, OR he declassified by waving his magical-thinking wand, and also magically changed security and espionage laws. But now he'd like a favor: return the files, please.

Not a scintilla of awareness they are not HIS. Nor the country...

He says FBI "should not have taken" them.
And him?

Trump 'Respectfully' Requests FBI Returns Seized Documents To Mar-A-Lago

Added to my collection of all-time-greatest delusional word-salad with self-defeating admission of guilt and/or cluelessness. If not deeper dysfunction than we've already seen for years, which is already a very low bar for rationality or mindfulness...

#psychopathology #sedition #espionage #delusional #traitor #MagicalThinking #MakeAmericaSaneAgain


"Taiwan's spy catchers have launched probes into around 100 Chinese companies suspected of illegally poaching semiconductor engineers and other tech talent." "Home to industry giant TSMC and accounting for 92% of the world's most advanced semiconductor manufacturing capacity, Taiwan possesses what China needs -- chip expertise in spades."

"It is not illegal per se for Chinese firms to hire Taiwanese engineers. Taiwanese law, however, prohibits Chinese investment in some parts of the semiconductor supply chain including chip design and requires reviews for other areas such as chip packaging, making it very difficult for Chinese chip firms to operate on the island legally."

'Tip of the iceberg': Taiwan's spy catchers hunt Chinese poachers of chip talent

#solidstatelife #semiconductors #taiwan #espionage