

Que cache le #scandale #FTX ? | #IdrissAberkane

C'était un #génie, le #nouveau #JPMorgan, l' #idole de la #presse #américaine et le second plus gros #donateur du #Parti #Démocrate (Bon Sang ne saurait mentir); il pensait même racheter #GoldmanSachs à ses heures perdues... Las, c'était en fait le #Madoff de la #cryptomonnaie, et comme avec Madoff, l' #Autorité des #Marchés #Financiers #US (la #SEC) s'est démontrée sourde et aveugle à tous les #signes #précurseurs #graves d'une #arnaque #imminente. #SamuelBankmanFried, fils de bonne famille ultra-connecté aura participé à un #réseau #opaque de #blanchiment, d' #arnaque et de #corruption dans lequel des millions d' #épargnants auront laissé un bras...

#cryptocrash #sambankmanfried #économie #banque #politique


Remember #NikolaiMushegian?

He was the crypto pioneer who tweeted that the CIA was running a Pedo & Financial crime ring out of the Caribbean and was then found "drowned" the next day.

He was probably trying to warn people about #FTX.



If you think that the #FTX unfolding is Ze Big #News, is the BIG #SCANDAL, is the PEAK of corruptions exposed, THE Superscandal, you are in for a shock.

Just wait for about 30 days. Dec 13 - 15....yet more, different, completely new layers of rich scandal frosting will be applied to this cake that Universe is baking....

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/rjuPN0y9gHE/



An acquaintance of mine was always pushing cryptos... Lost a shitton of money this past week. He was a lefty too. I'm wondering how he feels now (but not enough to call him to ask).

#FTX #crypto #Ukraine #Russia


#FTX #Bankruptcy Will Seem Like NOTHING | This is 10X Bigger!

  1. FTX used clients money to take risky bets. Those bets lost as the market fell further.

  2. Many companies saw their assets grow as clients saw crypto gaining. Once the trend changed companies problems started showing up.

  3. #TETHER is the third largest #coin. It is a stable coin that aims to have parity with the USD. However, it has never been audited. Audit is every 5 years. It’s audit was meant to be carried out last August. This is suspicious having this hesitancy.

Again, if it turns out that its not fully backed then the we have another FTX X ten. This is very #dangerous for the whole #financial #industry.



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The True Believer: how Sam Bankman-Fried's worldview facilitated the creation and destruction of a crypto Ponzi empire

Through effective altruism, the ends justify the means.

Sam Bankman-Fried is a true believer. Bankman-Fried, or SBF, as he’s referred to in the domain he once ruled, has dedicated his life to the philosophy of effective altruism (EA). He has spent his entire adult life surrounding himself with his ideological comrades, and only his ideological comrades. SBF’s friends believe in effective altruism. His lovers believe in effective altruism. His business partners believe in effective altruism.

Before we get into effective altruism, let’s first catch up to speed on how a man who was once worth tens of billions of dollars went bankrupt overnight.

the #FTX CEO was 2nd largest Democrat donor and pledged up to 1Billion for #2024?