

Ich habe ein neues (altes) #Spieleprojekt gefunden. Deponia, ein #Point-and-Click-Adventure von 2012. Ich mag diese Art von Spielen sehr, da meistens sehr liebevoll kreiert. Alle vier #Spiele gab es für die #Nintendo-Switch für 3,99 €. Ein Schnäppchen. ;-) Ich freue mich darauf. 🎮 <3



Soweit das Auge reicht – nur Müll. Deponia ist kein traumhaftes Urlaubsparadies, die Bewohner aber haben Träume. Allen voran Rufus. Er hat die Nase voll und wünscht sich nichts sehnlicher, als sein Heimatdorf Kuvaq eines Tages zu verlassen. Immer wieder versucht er auf haarsträubende Art und Weise, diesen trostlosen Ort zu verlassen.
Eines Tages fällt ihm unverhofft das geheimnisvolle Mädchen Goal sprichwörtlich in die Arme. Goal kommt aus der fliegenden Stadt Elysium - einer besseren Welt, in der man sorglos im Luxus lebt. Rufus verliebt sich sofort unsterblich in Goal und wittert die Chance auf ein schönes Leben, wie er es sich immer gewünscht hat.
Mehr Infos: Deponia/Wikipedia

#Deponia #Game #Gaming #Abenteuer #Plattform #iOS #Linux #OS-X #Microsoft-Windows #NintendoSwitch #PlayStation-4 #Xbox-One #Wikipedia ☮️


Microsoft lays off nearly 2,000 employees, cancels upcoming Blizzard game | GBAtemp.net - The Independent Video Game Community

"[T]he employees who were let go from the company were not well informed as to who lost their job and who got to stay, as notable journalist Jason Schreier commented that those within Xbox were not directly told, and had to wait to be notified as to whether or not they were still employed by Microsoft."


Tags: #microsoft #firing #oligarchy #gaming


7 Tips and Tools to Improve Your Gaming Experience on Linux

Cartoon depiction of a Linux penguin wearing headphones and holding a gaming controller
Thousands of games now work on Linux, thanks to all the new tools available and user experience improvements by the distributions. However, there are certain tools, tips, and techniques that you should follow to get a seamless gaming experience.

These are pretty practical tips. It’s true you don’t want bleeding edge brand new hardware as driver compatibility on Linux often takes 6 to 12 months to catch up. I’ve always found that narrowing my selection of new hardware to devices that are open standards compliant, or already well supported, goes a long way to a trouble free experience.

On the software side, Steam Games have worked well for me as you can buy once and play the game across different platforms. But the higher end games I’ve enjoyed such as Snowrunner and Red Dead Redemption 2 have worked quite well (despite neither being produced for the Linux platform).

Tip 7 is quite interesting for those who have Razer, Logitech, etc devices and would like GUI support for button and light mapping. One thing where Linux beats Windows though is its built-in support for button and key remapping. It works right out of the box without having to figure out Windows PowerToys.

See https://itsfoss.com/linux-gaming-tips/
#Blog, #gaming, #linux, #opensource, #technology


Tetris Has Finally Been Beaten After 34 Years

1980's style block grahics showing an old Tetris game
Blue Scuti has cleared that fabled ‘final’ level and crashed Tetris, beating it after over three decades. Because the game has no story, levels, or any form of progress beyond high scores and increasing speed, you ‘beat’ the game by crashing it, AKA reaching the “True Killscreen”.

Bizarre things started to happen at the highest levels, showing this game was probably never intended to go so high. It’s incredible though to see such a classic and simple game having such a cult following, and level of competitiveness for so many years.

The video in the linked article gives a good overview of the history of Tetris high scoring and why it broke through new levels (the speed-up caps at level 29). It shows, too, that you need to shift your paradigm a bit to get different results.

It does seem though that it’s not a hard crash and that some variables contribute to when it happens, so it may be possible to push things even a bit further.

See https://www.thegamer.com/tetris-beaten-34-years/
#Blog, #gaming, #technology, #Tetris