

It's a clear #night and #Jupiter and #Venus are bright in the #western #sky and getting closer together in their apparent positions. This is a #photograph of the pair with a 1.6 s exposure. It is also difficult to get a sharp #focus manually as autofocus doesn't really work with objects at infinity and yet effectively points of light. This taken with a 400 mm #telephoto #lens.
Venus and Jupiter in conjunction

Also with long exposures and a heavy lens, even a the tiniest #vibration on the tripod can blur the image, even with the sharpest focus. Here's the same image but cropping around Jupiter. You can see its four biggest satellites, (left to right: #Europa, #Io, #Ganymede and #Callisto, information courtesy of #Stellarium)
Jupiter and its moons

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Winter #BackyardAstronomy #JovianSystem #Moons


Another #night and another #photograph of #Jupiter. This time you can three of its four big #Moons (they are #Ganymede, #Callisto and #Europa).
Photograph of Jupiter and its moons
I've also included the #snapshot from #Stellarium so you can see the names of each.
Stellarium snapshot of Jupiter

If you compare tonight's #image with the #photograph from 11 days ago, you can see how much Jupiter has moved with respect to the background starts of #Capricorn. Planets literally are wanderers.
Former image of Jupiter

Of course, the real question is this: Is Stellarium a good model of reality or is reality a good model of Stellarium...

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #BackyardAstronomy #Planets


I think of myself as a hobbyist #photographer interested in many things, including #astronomy and sometimes I get lucky. Tonight, for example, I noticed #Jupiter was close to the #Moon and so I got my #tripod out and tried to #photograph the pair. Currently, both are in #Capricorn and to get both, one needs a longish exposure. Here I used 2 s. This of course means that the Moon's features can't be seen as the lit surface is #overexposed but you can see its unlit side too.

The very nice thing about this image is that you can actually see Jupiter's four largest satellites too, so you could say that the photograph actually shows five #moons in total. Jupiter is forming a triangle here with #DenebAlgedi (bottom left) and #Nashira (bottom right)
The Moon and Jupiter at its moons

By focusing around Jupiter itself, you can see its moons much better. From left to right, you can see #Europa, #Io, #Ganymede and #Callisto. The three #stars forming a diagonal line are, respectively, 45, 44 and 42 #Capricorni (left to right).
Close up of Jupiter and its moons

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #BackyardAstronomy