

UPDATE on 101 complaints: Austrian DPA rejects “risk based approach” for data transfers to third countries

Some dalmatians with a "101 us transfer complaints - update" banner above them.

The Austrian DSB also rejected Google’s arguments that websites could activate IP anonymization when using tools like Google Analytics to effectively protect the transferred data from surveillance. This was rejected for two reasons: first, Google’ IP anonymisation only affects the IP address as such. Data such as online-identifiers set per cookies or device data are transferred in the clear. Second, the IP anonymization only takes place after the data have been transferred to Google.

(My emphasis)

It's great to see that finally the regulators begin to understand how the web works. I've been arguing this for years towards public institutions thinking it's possible to use GA in a privacy respecting manner. There's a reason Google give you these tools at no monetary cost! It's not because it's free.


#gdpr #privacy #google #google-analytics


ColloCall Free - DSGVO-Konforme Videokonferenzlösung gratis bis 10 Teilnehmer

ColloCall twitterte:

Mit "ColloCall-Free" stellen wir nun eine kostenlose Version unseres Videokonferenzservice (basierend auf #BigBlueButton) zur Verfügung. Wir möchten damit der Gesellschaft eine sichere, zuverlässige und datenschutzkonforme Videokonferenzlösung bieten.

#fyi #bbb #collocall #videokonferenz #videoconferencing #dsgvo #gdpr


My video overview of open source self-hosted Matomo Analytics as a GDPR-compliant alternative to Google Analytics

Using a self-hosted alternative like Matomo Analytics will be of especial interest to sites that require GDPR compliance and who want to ensure that data and metadata about their visitors are not leaked to external 3rd parties, over which they have no control. Matomo can help analyse visitor, behaviour, acquisition, and goal/campaign data, it can segment and anonymise that data, and also send reports by e-mail.

My video gives an overview of what you can expect to see, as well as the various admin settings available.

See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50n7UfYzOds

#technology #opensource #selfhosting #GDPR #matomoanalytics
#Blog, ##analytics, ##gdpr, ##opensource, ##privacy, ##selfhosting, ##technology