

WordPress isn't intuitive, either. A damn pain to get started on, actually.

Kat ♾️ - 2024-04-04 23:26:18 GMT

Client asked me last summer to build them 2 websites on Wix so they could more easily manage them without paying me for small changes. Now they want to get off Wix because it’s Israeli owned and they are boycotting. Only problem is Wix is all proprietary. You can’t just take your code and go.Any suggestions? Ideas? I don’t think they want to pay me to entirely rebuild the sites on WordPress.

#webdev #design


This is utterly fascinating. A few of the restaurants (and in this case a brewery) I've visited while in Belgium use a web service to host their menus, and display a QR code with the url to the menu.

This is problematic on it's own, but the really fascinating thing is you can only scroll down. If you want to see the items above on the page again, you have to reload the page.

Now, this means that somebody has spent time (presumably working hours) on fucking up something that the web browser will do perfectly fine on it's own if you don't mess with it.

But why?

I can only encourage whoever develps the sites for smartendr.be to find some other occupation. As developers you are completely incompetent, but I'm sure there are vocations where you can be useful and make a decent living still. But please stop destroying the web!

#web #development #webdev #fail


how to setup basic LAMP stack GNU Linux Debian 11 - (Apache2 php8.1 MariaDB) (how to install xdebug - step debugging php requests in eclipse (LAMP web development stack))

the possibility to step (!) debug requests, as they appear on the server is a neat feature.

  • installed GNU Linux Debian 11 + MATE Desktop
  • installed apache2 + php8.1
  • installed eclipse
  • installed xdebug
    • and as usually, xdebug + eclipse do not like to cooperate out of the box, why?
    • because they can not agree on what port to use
      • latest eclipse wants to connect to xdebug per default on port 9000
      • latest xdebug wants to connect to eclipse per default on por 9003
      • c’mon guys. get in contact with each other and set a standard
      • (this has cost me about 2h of debugging around eclipse preferences and xdebug.ini files)
  • so the below guide is still usable:


    • ``` php -v; # is also a good way to test if xdebug is loaded when php is started vim /etc/php/8.1/apache2/php.ini; # no xdebug related settings are here vim /etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d/20-xdebug.ini; # they are all here and read like:

    xdebug.start_with_request = 1
    xdebug.remote_autostart = on
    xdebug.log_level = 7
    xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger = 1
    xdebug.profiler_enable = 0
    xdebug.remote_enable = 1
    xdebug.profiler_output_dir = "/tmp"

    systemctl restart apache; # changes need to be made active by restarting webserver

    - when everything is installed go to eclipse -> window -> preferences 
    - [![](https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/eclipse-change-default-debugger-to-xdebug-and-xdebug-port-to-9003.png)](https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/eclipse-change-default-debugger-to-xdebug-and-xdebug-port-to-9003.png)
    - and also here: 
      - [![](https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/eclipse-change-default-debugger-to-xdebug-and-xdebug-port-to-9003_2.png)](https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/eclipse-change-default-debugger-to-xdebug-and-xdebug-port-to-9003_2.png)
    - if the developer r-click in the empty white space next to the code -> 
    - [![](https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/eclipse-xdebug-php-debug-as-web-application.png)](https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/eclipse-xdebug-php-debug-as-web-application.png)
    - sees this message… 
    - - [![](https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/2022-03-YES-XDEBUG-IS-TALKING-TO-ECLIPSE-FINALLY-HURRAY.png)](https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/2022-03-YES-XDEBUG-IS-TALKING-TO-ECLIPSE-FINALLY-HURRAY.png)
      - releave… good god thanks they are talking to each other!


what is btw excellent done is this “Open Source project funding and progress status page”:

so every user can see, what is the progress “where is it hanging” of the software project, is it a lack of funding?

suggestion: what still missing a “still todo” todo list, where user’s can post suggestions and vote on features 🙂



#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #php #apache2 #webserver #web #dev #html #javascript #apache #eclipse #xdebug #debugging #devphp #webdev #webdevelopment

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/03/21/how-to-setup-basic-lamp-stack-gnu-linux-debian-11-apache2-php8-1-mariadb-how-to-install-xdebug-step-debugging-php-requests-in-eclipse-lamp-web-development-stack/


Major #website #update!

The whole website has seen a massive update to look and work better, be more #accessible, work across many more types of #devices, be more easily updatable, and has most of everything I do on it! It's simply a wonderful upgrade for the better, way better than previous versions

Please, this has taken a very long time for me to make, because of various situations, got my head straight to fix it, I'd really appreciate if you looked: (clear cache first)


#webdev #web #linux #personal #website