

Albert Anker - Lesender Mann

Reading Man
Gemälde, Aquarell auf Papier, 35 × 25 cm, 1909

Emily Dickinson - He ate and drank the precious Words

He ate and drank the precious Words —
His Spirit grew robust —
He knew no more that he was poor,
Nor that his frame was Dust —

He danced along the dingy Days
And this Bequest of Wings
Was but a Book — What Liberty
A loosened spirit brings —

Poems by Emily Dickinson
Poems published 1890 by Mabel Loomis Todd, T.W. Higginson (eds.)

#books #Bücher #lesen #reading
#AlbertAnker #genremalerei #malerei #Kunst #art #paintings #gemälde #peinture
#EmilyDickinson #Gedichte #Poems #Poesie


Pieter Bruegel de Oude - Wie een varken is, moet in het kot

The drunk cast into the pigstay / Wer ein Schwein ist, gehört in den Schweinestall

Gemälde (Holzteller), Ø 20 cm, 1557, Privatsammlung, New York

#PieterBruegeldeOude #Bruegel #Brueghel #genremalerei #malerei #renaissance #Kunst #art #paintings #gemälde #peinture
#Sprichwortfotos #Sprichwortfoto #Sprichwort #proverb
#Diadvent-20-12-21 #Diadvent2021 #Diadvent21 #pigmas21 #pigmas