[Meme] Asking the Newsman for Information • Techrights ⚓ http://techrights.org/2022/02/14/gulag-noise/ ䷉ #patents #epo #misinformation #googlenews #gulagnoise | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/02/14/gulag-noise/
When It Comes to Patents, Lies Have Become the 'Norm' http://techrights.org/2022/02/14/patent-lies-as-the-norm/ #patents #epo #misinformation #googlenews #gulagnoise
#gulagnoise of #googlenews now adding #blogspot blogs to its "news" sources. #gulag (Google): there are news sites! They are blogs. We control them. Google links to Google...
Still FAAAAAR too many #plagiarism sites indexed in #googlenews :/ #gulagnews #misinformation #neglect
#gulagnoise or #googlenews has been overrun by #spam this past week. #gulag can't hire someone to keep out these mess/spamfarms? Cheapskates. #alphabet #greed
You can really see that #gulag has released some of its Gulag (Google) labour to holiday... as #googlenews is being overrun by spam. They rely on some (minimal) level of human curation. In addition to the #censorship ...
#webspam sites that #gulag is still treating as "news" sites (in #googlenews right now) are spamming the term #linux to promote #windows (yes, WSL as a brand dilution vector and googlebombing tactic). "Central Valley Business Journal" = SPAM. Gulag, wake up.
#googleNews or #GulagNoise as I like to call it is prioritising #microsoft sites which 'cover' (bash) #germany #gnu #linux moves while excluding sites that aren't controlled by Microsoft. Worse: it includes blatant Microsoft propaganda site (named aptly) while EXCLUDING #freesw sites
I get a bit of a laugh when sites openly brag on the side of each article that they're #googlenews 'approved' (even spam and #plagiarism sites do this!). Google News has become a pool of utter garbage; they've just admitted another plagiarism site, #EnterpriseTalk
● NEWS ● #Techdirt #copyright ☞ #GoogleNews Returning To Spain, As Awful 'Inalienable' Snippets Tax Is Replaced With Marginally Less Awful EU Copyright Directive https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20211103/09471247867/google-news-returning-to-spain-as-awful-inalienable-snippets-tax-is-replaced-with-marginally-less-awful-eu-copyright-directive.shtml
Sad to say this (but I'm not overgeneralising), many of the #plagiarism sites that game #googleNews are based in #india
#plagiarism site in #googlenews footer: "[redacted] is a Google News approved technology conglomerate" [sic]. It's actually a spam sie (Amazon affiliate marketing) ripping off other sites' work, then using Google News being shit as a badge of endorsement. #Gulag is propping up scammers.
What good is #googleNews if it can no longer tell the difference bwteen actual news/journalism and spam? My main issue is, #google monopolised this market, killing almost all compeition in this area.
#googleNews rapidly became a bad mix of spam and low-quality 'journalism' in "tech". In #patents it's 90% promotional/self-serving ads of #patent #litigation firms. #www became mostly spamfarm/PR.
#googleNews relies on the quality of reporting; but as #journalism dies so fast Google News becomes more like Google Noise, which is worse than frustrating
...more #monopoly for #googlenews https://www.theregister.com/2021/08/30/yahoo_india_quits_news/ so it can just neglect the thing and have it gamed by spam farms: http://techrights.org/2021/07/28/google-news/
#googleNews has just burmped up https://www.epo.org/news-events/news/2012/20120510.html as if #epo silently changed a page from 9 years ago, but I checked word by word against https://web.archive.org/web/20210226103153/https://www.epo.org/news-events/news/2012/20120510.html and it's the same
#googleNews is going dooooooownhill. Yet another spam or #plagiarism site added to its index, #cvbj ("Central Valley Business Journal" sounds professional, but it's a fake site; does Google even manually check before adding??? Does it HIRE people do curate out the spam? Does it CARE?)
I am almost ready to dump #Google 100%... which would mean just dumping #googlenews (still need a proper alternative to it that's potent and extensive) http://techrights.org/2021/07/28/google-news/
#googlenews totally overrun by #plagiarism and spam sites this week. It's becoming worse than useless at this point. http://techrights.org/2021/07/28/google-news/