

‘It’s called stealing’: new allegations of #plagiarism against #RoyLichtenstein

source: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2023/apr/09/new-allegations-of-plagiarism-against-roy-lichtenstein

Roy Lichtenstein never shied away from the fact that his paintings were based on copies of #comic strips. But some critics of one of the founders of American pop #art have long argued that “copying” was too polite a term. Now, a new film alleges that hundreds of his pieces of work can be traced to other artists.

#copyright #copy #art #artwork #artist #popArt #justice #criticism


Noam #Chomsky: The False Promise of #ChatGPT

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/08/opinion/noam-chomsky-chatgpt-ai.html

"Note, for all the seemingly sophisticated thought and language, the #moral indifference born of unintelligence. Here, #ChatGPT exhibits something like the banality of #evil: #plagiarism and apathy and obviation."

People tend to use everything uncritically that gives them supposed advantages. I see bad luck for the future as far as ethical problems are concerned, especially since most software developers are not philosophers.

#technology #future #news #ethics #humanity #problem #education #philosophy #society


It Looks Like Trump STOLE The Images For His NFT Trading Cards

Reporter Matthew Sheffield noticed something odd about Donald Trump's new NFT trading cards, so he did some digging and found that the cards were likely ripped off from stock images and other product pages on Amazon and elsewhere. This is par for the course with Trump, taking someone else's work and then slapping his own face on it. Farron Cousins explains what happened.


#Law #Crime #Politics #Plagiarism


This "student essay" was written by an AI Transformer program

I gave it a prompt "The construct of learning styles is problematic because " and it generated the rest, including the headings and references. AI Transformer technology will disrupt education. Here's how. The most obvious disruption is students submitting assignments generated by AI. That's already happening. Anyone can sign up for an account with the GPT-3 Transformer then go to its "Playground", type the opening words of an assignment, press Submit and let it do the rest. ...

Essay-writing services have been a pox on university educators for decades. Artificially-generated texts raise that to the next level (though promise to disrupt at least some of the incumbents. Perhaps the oral defence will return to fashion.

This also makes the sponsor spot touting AI to solve previously unsolveable problems at business scale ... somewhat more than vaguely dystopian. And wonder at the integrity of any written communications.

Perhaps even this one.


#Academia #Creativity #Plagiarism #Fraud #GPT3 #AI #IForOneWelcomeOurGPT3Overlords