

Bizarre how throwing the country down the toilet can be re-framed by #TrumpVirus as a move to “defend the country”.

As usual his lies & projection are all about him versus his biggest enemies: #truth, #justice, #democracy, & #accountability

Trump Orders GOP to Ensure Government Shutdown

Trump issues dangerous directive to compliant House Republicans

Given that there is no longer any “party platform” other than sworn allegiance to the whims of the would-be dictator… No values or goals, no pledges for the people of American, nothing except… The Boss of the #GQP cult, and his very own crime family.

"When Trump says overthrow American democracy, House Republicans say, ‘Name the date and time.’"

Moments ago, Donald Trump used his social media account to order House Republicans to shut the government down. Republicans appear to be complying.

#Jan6 #emoluments #sedition #treason



One more "Rated X" (for Xitter) bit of 'breaking news'.... This one a big score for #reality !!
Posted by the opponent of #GymJordan. (disclosure) - and spot-on:

Jim Jordan was just HUMILIATED on the House Floor by Rep. Swalwell after threatening to hold Attorney General Garland in contempt.

Absolute #Truth: "He should be in PRISON."

BREAKING NEWS: My opponent Jim Jordan was just HUMILIATED on the House Floor by Rep. Swalwell after threatening to hold Attorney General Garland in contempt.


This is so good!!!! 🔥

“My colleague just said you should be held in contempt of Congress. And that is quite rich because the guy who is leading the hearing room right now, Mr Jordan, is about 500 days into evading his subpoena…are you serious?”

He’s right!

My opponent Jim Jordan IGNORED a subpoena from the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th attack on the Capitol.

He should be in PRISON.

Jordan's refusal to comply with the subpoena is a serious obstruction of justice. It is also a betrayal of the American people, who deserve to know the truth about what happened on January 6th and who is responsible!

Who agrees with me that Jim Jordan should be BARRED from running again for violating the Fourteenth Amendment! 🖐️


#justice #accountability #Jan6 #sedition #GQP


And now… More #Rudy #Giuliani… Surprising? Nope.

Rudy Giuliani groped Ex-Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson on Jan. 6

What a horror of a day for this courageous woman - along with the country as a whole

#Jan6 #GQP #TrumpVirus #Ghouliani #TrumpVirus #justice #accountability


Sorry, the memories (of songs) is still intact and respected, but... no more anything from #EricClapton thank you...
#TrumpVirus non grata


"Rebels & Skeptics Unite!!!"

Posted on "X" (home of anti-vaccine, pro-crazy and #DeathSantis - brand 'freedom' free of things like #truth / #reality ...
With the comment: "Of course he did. Is Kid Rock next?"

#GQP #scum #EricClapton #cult #conspiracy


A double-header victory in #Texas for the #Abbott variant of #TrumpVirus....

Katy ISD bans 14 more books, including Dr. Seuss title, after putting $93K in books in storage

First, the overwhelmingly corrupt and vile A.G. #Paxton was 'exonerated' despite his initially being accused by his own #GQP....
And then, back to basics: banning #truth (in #books or #thinking, now called 'being #woke'). Bye bye Seuss. Bye bye dictionaries.

I guess it's back to the races, between Abbott and #DeathSantis, for most inhumane, vindictive, racist, misogynist, authoritarian....


Meanwhile, more from GQP's finest...

GQP Crazies MTG & Boebert

Speaking of #Boebert, as "Liberal Redneck" Trey Crowder did just the other day...

Here's an update on her date in Denver, the PG version (MSNBC)

Comments I've seen center on her devoutness to right-to-life (as she billows smoke around a pregnant woman who asks her to stop)...

Not to mention her marital situation, or her date's fine time with their public grope & feel session.

Here's Trey's take on Boebert.

Welcome to #GQP cult's finest.... "Terrific people"


(So you don't have to!) Just saw this (and reacted) on "X". *

House GQP Leader yields to Fellow Seditionists to Begin Impeachment of Nothing ("We'll find something!")

Seems like #Jan6 #sedition participant #Gaetz - the guy who ASKED for a pardon (acknowledging guilt!) - is intent on "total compliance" from fellow #GQP guilty seditionist #McCarthy. ( #MTG gets a pass? )

No matter that there is no "there" there... The only 'there' Gaetz should be seeing, along with his co-conspirators and rabid Q-sters in OUR House, is prison. ASAP.


  * Rachel Maddow, 9/11/2023 - (on #Muskville post #Musk)

"It is important that this one middle-aged, red-pilled, right-wing billionaire has taken one of the world's major social networks and turned it into a firehouse of totally toxic, anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi content; Now blaming the Jews for the financial woes of his company while personally using his power and his public profile to boost and validate literally self-declared anti-Semites and White Nationalists who are the loudest influences on that network.
That's an important thing! "

#justice #democracy #truth
#distraction #projection



I hope this 'has legs' and/or roots, as it seems quite split among the legal experts, if this is slam-dunk de facto an end to #TrumpVirus as a candidate, versus certainty that it will never fly - unless (maybe) if he's convicted. But several (like Tribe) say BS - That's not what the Constitution clearly says. One way or another, it's time for him to disappear like a miracle, be it a cell, silent home confinement, or padded cell (a "terrific" one, really, perfect...)

Trump is Losing His Grip on His Alleged Co-Conspirators

In Fulton County and in Florida, Number 1 is starting to look eminently look-outable.

#Section3 #14thAmendment #InsurrectionClause #Constitution #sedition #treason #GQP #justice #accountability


Meanwhile, in other #GQP sleaze news

Tuberville the Traitor

Scott Dworkin:

"'I’ve never used the word traitor lightly. And I continue to be careful how I use it. In 2016 it was the first time I ever called anyone a traitor. And the traitor I was referring to—was Trump.

So when I call Tuberville a traitor, know that I mean it."

#Tuberville #traitor