


Corrupt the youth
How Socrates laid the ground work for a mental health revolution

..."Drawing inspiration from Socrates, a proponent of critical inquiry, we have the opportunity to nurture a generation ready to face and solve the challenges of our era. Here’s a few simple ideas on how.
1. Cultivate a Culture of #Inquiry: Encourage #critical #thinking and #questioning in both #educational settings and at home. It begins by creating space for us to ask questions, leading by example, and offering a safe space for discourse. This creates a much more open #culture where all ideas can be discussed with the end goal of everyone learning more about the issue and other’s opinions.
2. Organize Socratic Seminars: Host Socratic seminars in schools and community settings where young people can engage in discussions on topics around mental health. This approach fosters deep thinking, respectful dialogue, and a collaborative search for understanding on a topic that’s very intimate to many of us. In writing this article I did find a cool organization that’s doing some of this work more with a focus on philosophy.
3. Bridge Youth and Policy Makers: Create platforms for meaningful conversations between young people and policymakers. This ensures that youth perspectives influence the policies shaping their future. It also allows serious and deep questions to be asked in service to collective learning. Why don’t we have more intergenerational roundtables where we can ask each other questions?
Let us be inspired by Socrates and use his method to engage our youth. Let's make questioning a habit – a tool for understanding, empathy, and progress. Whether it's about mental health, societal norms, or everyday decisions, these questions can be powerful catalysts for change. Start tonight at your own dinner table. Who knows where the conversations might go. Perhaps in 2024, it’s time to ask more, assume less, and see where these questions lead us. "...

© 2024 Ben Miller


A quotation from Confucius

Learning without thought ends in a blur. Thought without learning will soon totter.


Confucius (c. 551- c. 479 BC) Chinese philosopher, sage, politician [孔夫子 (Kǒng Fūzǐ, K'ung Fu-tzu, K'ung Fu Tse), 孔子 (Kǒngzǐ, Chungni), 孔丘 (Kǒng Qiū, K'ung Ch'iu)]
The Analects [論語, 论语, Lúnyǔ], Book 2, verse 15 (2.15) (6th C. BC – AD 3rd C.) [tr. Ware (1950)]

#quote #quotes #quotation #contemplation #knowledge #learning #reflection #study #thinking #thought #traditions
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/confucius/64470/


Before you ask whether we live in a #simulation, you should first check whether you can be sure of your own #existence?

"I Think, Therefore I Am" - can it really be that simple?

Why can I think? Because I have been taught a #language and this language determines my #thinking and my #personality. Changing your language can change your personality. According to this, one is programmed by society by learning the language. However, by using language, I use learned thought patterns and am no longer really free in my thinking. But without language I couldn't think these thoughts at all.

So am I just a prisoner within the walls of my own thoughts or are they those of #society? Have I built my prison myself or do I have to break out of society's prison? Can I even break out within the simulation?

I suspect that everyone creates their own simulation that could be called truth. We are conditioned to take over the truth from society in order to become a useful member of it.

We can now try to become the hero or queen of our own story (simulation). I suppose that's all we can achieve in life.

But since I'm not even sure if I'm really real, I'm afraid I have to deny your existence. It is much more likely that you are just part of my simulation.

404 error

#question #life #philosophy #think #problem #education #matrix #mindfuck #story #truth


"Trump was speaking at a prayer summit when he, in his concluding remarks, warned Americans away from following Biden into "World War II."

'Mental decline': Trump mocked by Republicans over 'World War II' slip

The account for Republicans Against Trump, a group for "pro-democracy conservatives Republicans fighting Trump & Trumpism," said, "Donald Trump is warning America that 'Cognitively impaired' Biden will lead us into 'World War Two' if re-elected. You can’t make this sh-t up."

Simply amazing... he is still chuffed/bragging about how 'perfect' he was on an "IQ test", and so he challenges his erstwhile opponent to take the same test.

Spoiler: It's not an "IQ" test he took but a basic screening for basic brain/cognitive functioning, orientation to reality x4 ...
He was "terrific". Perfect really. None of the doctors, all those doctors. "Nobody could believe it!" So smart. A stable genius. 🐴 (neigh!)

#TrumpVirus #psychopathology #IQ #cognition #cognitive #Donny #dementia #thinking #truth


A double-header victory in #Texas for the #Abbott variant of #TrumpVirus....

Katy ISD bans 14 more books, including Dr. Seuss title, after putting $93K in books in storage

First, the overwhelmingly corrupt and vile A.G. #Paxton was 'exonerated' despite his initially being accused by his own #GQP....
And then, back to basics: banning #truth (in #books or #thinking, now called 'being #woke'). Bye bye Seuss. Bye bye dictionaries.

I guess it's back to the races, between Abbott and #DeathSantis, for most inhumane, vindictive, racist, misogynist, authoritarian....


Something "we here" have touched upon, and today we've been joined by the Atlantic.


Is Dark Lord #TrumpVirus "neurologically" messed up? (Is/was the sky blue?) Or is it more psychological, like thinking and behavior?

I'm biased of course. And of course the MD went with neurons in this (basically re-do) of the diagnostic overview, or dance-around.

My response, on Planet X (above)

#TrumpVirus #Psychopathology #neuro #narcissism #psychology #malevolence #cognition #delusional #thinking