

Another stable genius manages to grab the attention and lose the baby... while playing in his #media sandbox.

Twitter Users Can't Stop Roasting Elon Musk's 'X' Rebrand

And many "can't" stop staying on the dead bird platform, for many reasons, all understandable:

  • "It's what we know and where we have connections...."
  • "I know how to start anew, make 'friends' &/or build a following or brand.... but I'm over that, done..." ["avoidance"]
  • "Elon is the coolest thing ever, I've paid now and all is well, no problem here. [cognitive dissonance]
  • "#Twitter is still Twitter, better and worse, and I'm in for the #Musk magic. Nothing changed, all is well. ["denial"]
  • It's all Hillary's fault. ["delusion" / #GQP - #TrumpVirus cult membership has been renewed]

On a serious note, as both psychologist, #SocialMedia observer, and #GooglePlusRefugee who saw eight years of engagement, interaction, time investment in communities, collections, etc, only to see it just blown up, with a warning setting off a flourish of activity to save archives, 'signal flares' to let people know where to find you, and looking for a new "homeland" offering the same blend of people plus 'bells & whistles'....

It was traumatic for many, as is the case now on Twitter, more of a Schrodinger's cat just now, as it's not set to completely implode, though some argue it already has. So my strong suggestion is for those 'hanging on', hoping or waiting or just fed up with ch-ch-ch-changes.... is to note where people are heading (if you're a regular/avid Twitter user) and sample some of the options, be it Fediverse ('here', Mastodon, or 'other'), or Post (least active/interactive but with some news/literary org presence), as prime destinations. Post Google+ many returned to FB/IG, reddit, Federated hubs, etc, and many got swept into MeWe (which still falsely speaks of "public" posts but is active, with groups & tons of emojis, and an easy interface for phones. It's pretty.)

So.... ch-ch-ch-changes, and a very serious and confusing time for many who have long considered the (@ real) Twitter to be home, or a home.


The bird is cooked... courtesy of Chef #MuskVirus, mayor of #Muskville, King of his #Media Sandbox...
Lord #MuskVirus sure is doing a great job hastening and announcing the passing of an era, and iconic 'place'. :(

Musk vs. the Bird

Another stable genius manages to grab the attention and lose the baby... while playing in his #media sandbox.

Twitter Users Can't Stop Roasting Elon Musk's 'X' Rebrand

And many "can't" stop staying on the dead bird platform, for many reasons, all understandable:

  • "It's what we know and where we have connections...."
  • "I know how to start anew, make 'friends' &/or build a following or brand.... but I'm over that, done..." ["avoidance"]
  • "Elon is the coolest thing ever, I've paid now and all is well, no problem here. [cognitive dissonance]
  • "#Twitter is still Twitter, better and worse, and I'm in for the #Musk magic. Nothing changed, all is well. ["denial"]
  • It's all Hillary's fault. ["delusion" / #GQP - #TrumpVirus cult membership has been renewed]

On a serious note, as both psychologist, #SocialMedia observer, and #GooglePlusRefugee who saw eight years of engagement, interaction, time investment in communities, collections, etc, only to see it just blown up, with a warning setting off a flourish of activity to save archives, 'signal flares' to let people know where to find you, and looking for a new "homeland" offering the same blend of people plus 'bells & whistles'....

It was traumatic for many, as is the case now on Twitter, more of a Schrodinger's cat just now, as it's not set to completely implode, though some argue it already has. So my strong suggestion is for those 'hanging on', hoping or waiting or just fed up with ch-ch-ch-changes.... is to note where people are heading (if you're a regular/avid Twitter user) and sample some of the options, be it Fediverse ('here', Mastodon, or 'other'), or Post (least active/interactive but with some news/literary org presence), as prime destinations. Post Google+ many returned to FB/IG, reddit, Federated hubs, etc, and many got swept into MeWe (which still falsely speaks of "public" posts but is active, with groups & tons of emojis, and an easy interface for phones. It's pretty.)

So.... ch-ch-ch-changes, and a very serious and confusing time for many who have long considered the (@ real) Twitter to be home, or a home.


Interesting side-note from #GQP / #MTG Crazy-world of hate, ignorance, delusion, and #WordSalad ...

Brutal. Georgie rural conservative commentator rips Marjorie Taylor Greene

“I about had it with your ass. …I don’t know who the hell you think you are, missy. …Grassroots activists in your district …are not happy, Marjorie. …We’re not putting up with your [shit].”


Go George!

Bigly #truth here... "It is what it is!"
As seen by #GQP insider George Conway...

'Sociopathic criminal' Trump committed 'multiple felonies' on tape

"He's saying he doesn't have the cookie jar. You put the cookies there. The jar is mine. The cookies are mine. The story changes from moment to moment to moment.

It's like the narcissist's prayer, which is, if I did it, I didn't do it. if I did it, you made me do it. It was okay anyway. "

#GeorgeConway #TrumpVirus #criminal #sociopathic #psychopathology #felonies #narcissist #lies #truth #justice


I was just reminded of a lovely old song whose title might offer a cure for some of the word salad and 'brain salad' so ever-present in our daily news and especially the utterances of some people in high places.

Step right up, MTG... Step right up #GQP politicians...
(I'll leave it at that; some of our more virulent brain-salad examples in U.S. Congress. I'm sure other countries have their own crazies.)

So here's one option. A wonderful song actually, by the great Emerson, Lake, & Palmer:

Brain-salad surgery

#ELP #EmersonLakePalmer #BrainSaladSurgery #WordSalad #BrainSalad #music #musica #musique


Now isn't this precious? #Accountability & #Justice for the obvious #sedition of #MTG on #Jan6 ? #Karma ? #sanity?

BREAKING: The former Sergeant of the Capitol Police drops bombshell

BREAKING: The former Sergeant of the Capitol Police drops bombshell, demands the immediate removal from office of Trumper Congresswomen Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert over their role in the deadly January 6 insurrection.

But the former Sergeant didn’t stop there…

The former Capitol Police Sergeant, Aquilino Gonell, who defended the Capitol on January 6, also demanded that Donald Trump himself be indicted for orchestrating the deadly insurrection that sent 138 of his Capitol officers to the hospital — and even led multiple of his officers to commit suicide after their traumatizing experience.

They left out #GymJordan and a few others we watched with our own eyes - those 'woke' from the #GQP/ #Fox #cult #disinformation


Texas 'Death Star Bill' could leave construction workers 'fatigued, disoriented, dehydrated': report

Hm, a day without nonstop #TrumpVirus coverage.

Good #news, too, like UNION workers now working hard to re-open the I-95 transportation artery within 2 weeks!

Biden visited the I95 road collapse site and roundly praised the hard working union members working around the clock. (with pay)
Meanwhile, some states move to allow children into dangerous and long-illegal work situations, and Abbott....

OMG, whenever one needs proof of how low, how mean, and how fascist a governor &/or cult/'party can get.... just go to the #Abbott / #DeathSantis competition for for most vile and fascism-inclined governor wannabe-me-more...

"Contrast and Compare"

#GQP #TrumpVirus #retrogrades #democracy #unions #labor #Abbott #DeathSantis #I95 #Biden #ContrastAndCompare


Meanwhile... in the world of vile and blatantly defamatory #disinformation gushing from #Fox #Propaganda Net

Fox News shocks with ‘wannabe dictator’ graphic during Biden speech

Wonder if that's not only the "normal" #FakeNews from the #GQP / #Fox net, but pretty straightforward defamation - or at the least "opinion", though not stated as such. "Disgraceful" to see on public sources of "news".

#News??? #Truth???

Fox Replacement of Reality with BS


Oh what fun! (I so believe maybe the pendulum is beginning to swing back from extreme #GQP / #Fox #disinformation

Gavin Newsom Gives Sean Hannity Blunt Fact-Checks In Fiery Fox News Clash

Yahoo News:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) pierced the Fox News bubble on Monday, pushing back on host Sean Hannity’s claims about President Joe Biden, mocking House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and ripping Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) over his treatment of migrants.

Hannity tried to defend DeSantis, who has been shipping migrants around the country in what critics have ripped as a political stunt done to raise his profile as a 2024 presidential candidate.

But Newsom wasn’t having it.

“Why do you use people as pawns?” Newsom asked. “What faith tradition teaches you to treat human beings like this ― to belittle them, to demean them?”

Hannity suggested a TV debate ― moderated by himself, of course ― between Newsom and DeSantis.

“I’m all in, count on it,” Newsom said.

“You would do a two-hour debate with Ron DeSantis?” Hannity said.

“Make it three,” Newsom said. “Do it with one-day notice with no notes, I look forward to that. We could talk about his zest for demonization, we could talk about his assault on free enterprise.”

He also made a 2024 prediction about DeSantis.

“Donald Trump is going to clean his clock,” he warned.

#Fox #Hannity #sedition #propaganda #DeathSantis



Seen on #Twitter, FWIW. As we know, there's no telling how reliable it is, given the unmediated mess in #Muskville, in terms of #truth

HRC on Hunter

So I checked it out andsee this was definitely not HRC on Twitter (look at the handle) and #DJT's verification check. it's on the #TrumpVirus #disinformatiion & alternative fact platform. Fake Hillary account, but pure Trump vitriol.
"Buckle down", said still-free Bannon. "We have a cancer!" Trump said yesterday at a hate & blame rally. He's right again, like a clock.

PS, on Twitter the real Hillary Clinton does have a pinned post - selling hats: "What about her emails?"

Fun day, fun times ahead. But a lot of people smiling and feeling hope for the 1st time, even without late-nite comedy to "normalize" sanity.

#DJT #GQP #Hunter #Hillary #Karma #truth #Context #Perspective #Humor #Reality #MakeAmericaSane ish Again


Gotta hand it to this one…
Although she is in general “a racist ass” and #GQP clown, she’s right here. (Like a clock? Twice a day, maybe) #Coulter

Ann Coulter: ‘Every Republican should commit suicide in solidarity with Trump’

Ann Coulter

These scary/head-in-the-sand #TrumpVirus cultists are saying “we must support him or desist”. Seems more like a case of making a point of supporting “the Devil” incarnate, OR becoming “woke” from the cult indoctrination of “alternative facts” and seeing, eyes-open, just how evil/criminal their false idol is.

#espionage #indictment #Trump #DJT #cult #GOP #Coulter #GoodVersusEvil #integrity #cult


Trump Indicted!

This is the best overview, historically and politically. that I have come across -

MSNBC (actual) News - non-paywalled, the whole segment. his was very good, concise & pithy observation & analysis. Covered with experts in the legal and judicial system, including former prosecutors, an impeachment manager, past NARA chief, etc. Top notch.

Trump indicted: Rachel Maddow joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss charges

#TrumpVirus #indictment #indicted #Espionage #treason #sedition #Jan6 #GQP #truth #accountability